Letters of enquiry, Letters of Complaints, Letter of claims

03/01/2021 0 By indiafreenotes

It is a letter written to enquiry the information related to something. It can be written if a person wants to buy an item or wants to go on a trip, etc. The objective of the Enquiry Letter is to make a request to the recipient. In other words, it is written to get the response from the recipient with the action that satisfies the enquiry. The action benefits either the sender or the recipient and sometimes both the parties.

The scope of the letter must include enough information to help the recipient to decide the best response. The sender must mention what is inquiring and which type of favor he/she wants from the recipient in response to the request.

Enquiry Letter Writing Tips

  • It should be written like a formal letter. It must include the sender’s contact details, address or email address at the beginning of the letter.
  • It must contain all the aspects of the enquiring item.
  • It should contain the date and address of the receiver.
  • Add the subject of the letter precisely to give some idea of what will be discussed in the letter.
  • Make sure to add a salutation at the start and your signature, name, and designation at the end of the letter.
  • It should be written concisely and clearly.
  • Mention the reason and enquiry details.


Street address

City, State ZIP code

Phone number


Individual’s name

Job title

Name of organization

Street address

City, State ZIP code

Dear Mr./Ms. ________________________________:

I am writing to ask you to consider an addition to your marketing team. Your organization has been in the news as a leader in the industry. I am an innovator of new ideas, an excellent communicator with buyers, and have a demonstrated history of marketing success. I believe I would be a good fit in your organization.

Currently, I market computer products for a major supplier using television, radio and news advertising. I have a reputation for seeing every project through to success.

Enclosed is my resume for your review and consideration. EFTG Industries has a reputation for excellence. I would like to use my talents to market your quality line of technical products. I will call you to further discuss your needs and how I could benefit your company. If you prefer, you may reach me in the evenings at (555) 555-5555.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to meeting you.


(Your Signature in blue or black ink)

Your typed name


Letters of Complaints

A complaint letter is a letter written to concerned authorities if we are not satisfied with the service provided by them. These letters are usually formal in nature. Sometimes when we order a product and it is received defective then we write the letter to the related person or company, complaining about the product. Hence, appropriate action will be taken by the concerned department for the complaint raised.

There could be many reasons for writing complaint letters such as for wrongdoing, grievance, offence, resentment arising out of product or service, etc. It is the right of every citizen of the country to raise the complaint for unfair things happening to them and get a productive result.

The tips to write the format of complaint letter are:

  • Write the letter in a polite manner. Though you have a complaint regarding something and you are frustrated, but if you write the letter politely then it gives a good impression to the concerned person and chances of getting a resolution are also good.
  • Always introduce yourself first at the left of the letter
  • Never forget to mention the date of writing the letter
  • The letter of receiver or recipient should be properly mentioned along with Pincode.
  • Mention the purpose of writing a letter in subject line
  • Start the letter with a salutation or proper greeting.
  • Write the first paragraph by introducing yourself, and then writing the purpose of writing the letter. It should be very loud and clear.
  • In the second paragraph give a brief description of the complaint and what problems it is causing to you. Do not deviate from the main topic.
  • The third paragraph should include the conclusion part, where you state the resolution for your problem.
  • Close your letter by thanking the person for giving time to the letter.
  • Check the grammar and spelling mistakes if any.
  • You can highlight the important points in the letter, to grab the quick attention of the reader.
  • Present the letter in a proper format.

Format of Complaint Letter

The complaint letter is a formal letter written to the concerned authority if you have any problems/ dispute/mistakes/misbehavior or any kind of complaint. The format to write the letter is given below:

Sender’s Address


Receiver’s Address

Subject: (Mention the reason for complaint)

Salutations (Dear/Mr./Ms.)

Body of the letter:

  • Introduction
  • Main reason to write the letter
  • Conclusion

Closing of letter (Yours sincerely/faithfully)


Letter of claims

Claim means asking for compensation; a letter of claim is used to ask for compensation due to unsatisfactory work or products delivered by the company.  A claim could be made on getting inappropriate stuff that you contracted, in all these situations or any other situation which falls under this scenario can be a reason of a letter of claim. An organization or a company can claim for the required work that was done properly. A letter of claim is a formal letter with a serious tone; it also could be a persuasive letter as it makes the reader believe that the performance or work done by you were not up to the mark.

Commonly a letter of claim is used as a first step that further leads to a legal process of a claim or a personal injury. Such a letter is also used to inform someone for a breach of a contract, for a wrong work of partially unsatisfactory work or assignment, asking the other person for a letter of adjustment to justify the situation. A letter of claim can also be written in case of copyright infringement. This letter should be true in its nature and its facts. Letter should be specifically to the point about the subject and should avoid all the unnecessary details.

Claimant (a person who asks for a reimbursement) can attach a copy of original agreement with the letter as a proof that what he is claim was mentioned at the time of agreement, as merely mentioning a problem will never be effective and will not pay you back. The reference against which you are claiming should be strong enough, mention your point in a firm way. You should address the recipient by his full name and mention the address properly. Here is a sample of letter of claim is attached with this template for your help and convenience.


M/s. Nana cloth store

House no. 07, Road no. 14 North 302, FUCSON AZ 85705, Brazil

Ref. ……………………………                                           November 27, 2019


Michel enterprise

(Wholesaler of quality fabrics)

20, Kualampur, India

Dear Manager,

On November 07, 2019 we purchased 2000 meters suit cloths. The quality of your shipment does not match with our order specification. Since the use of low quality cloth will damage our business goodwill, we have returned your shipment along with a request for cash refund of 12000$.

We believe that your company has deep concern for its customers. We are also convinced with the earlier dealing of your company.

Refunding the money within the next 10 days will be highly appreciated. We are looking for future business.


(Mr. Jonson)

Purchase Manager