Method of conducting HR Audit: Interview, Workshop, Observation, Questionnaire

The purpose of the audit is to reveal the strengths and weaknesses in the organization’s human resources system, and any issues needing resolution. The audit works best when the focus is on analyzing and improving the HR function in the organization. The HR audit itself is a diagnostic tool, not a prescriptive instrument.

It is most useful when an organization is ready to act on the findings, and to evolve its HR function to a level where it’s full potential to support the organization’s mission and objectives can be realized.

An organisation has tended to grow bigger, so have the staff departments along with line functions. A time comes when each of them becomes so big that one does not get a fair idea of how they are doing unless special effort is made and studies are undertaken. For the line functions, some indices are available.

In production, for instance, performance can be judged by how much was produced, to what extent schedules were adhered to, at what cost manufacturing was done, what was the unit cost, etc. These figures in themselves are important and they take added meaning when they are compared with, say previous year or years or with the planned and budgeted figures.

Similarly, marketing departments efficiency can be judged by the quantum of sales, sales vis-a-vis competitor’s sales, cost of sales, territories covered, new customers explored, old customers retained, etc.

In case of departments like HR such yardsticks are not readily available. Essentially they have to be evolved according to an organisation’s requirements. Today personnel departments have become big and employ sizable staff and specialists. As such, some kind of audit needs to be undertaken to secret in the functioning of the department. Hence, HR audit comes in the picture.


HR audit is a tool to measure the level of human resources development system.

  1. Interview Method:

Top management and senior management (Line managers and employees) are interviewed by the HRD auditor. It is a structured interview designed to solicit information on the perspectives of respondents on the future growth plans and goals of the organization, organization culture, working style, career development, work flow system, leadership style, morale, motivation, vision, mission etc. In view of the time and resources constraints, HRD auditor uses sampling techniques to interview the employees.

  1. Questionnaire Method:

HRD auditor designs and administers structured questionnaire to assess the various dimensions of HR development. It is usual practice to test the reliability and validity of the instrument using appropriate statistical technique by conducting a pilot study. Then he has to choose the proper sample size. The questionnaire should accommodate questions reflecting the objectives of HRD audit. It is given to the sample respondents who have to record appropriate response.

  1. Observation Method:

HRD manager observes the employees in their natural environment i.e., workplace, canteen, training camps, residential colony to assess the suitability and conduciveness of environment for human resource development.

  1. Desk Research Method:

HRD manager collects and uses details relating to performance appraisal report, ethical practices, achievement records, welfare measures, suggestion scheme, career development, frequency of training programmes, feedback of participant trainees, methods used to ascertain training needs, safety practices, accident prevention, incentive and compensation system, etc. He analyses the facts and figures relating to aforesaid areas and arrives at appropriate findings.

This method does not involve interviewing the respondents through a questionnaire or an interview schedule. The entire information is gleaned from the relevant records of the organization.

  1. Workshop Method:

Employees are selected either through a sampling technique or through some other norms, for participation in a workshop conducted exclusively for HRD audit purpose. All the participants selected are divided into groups. Different dimensions of HRD are assigned to different groups for SWOT analysis. Then each group is required to prepare a report and make presentation on the themes assigned. The outcomes of the report of each group are deliberated deeply and suggestions are made to the organization. The whole exercise is moderated by the HRD auditor.

  1. Task Force Method:

A task force comprising different experts from various domains in the organization is constituted to identify, evaluate and recommend an appropriate solution to the HRD problems identified. HRD manager can work on the accepted recommendations for further development.

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