Business Environment University of Mumbai BMS 2nd Sem Notes

Unit 1 Introduction to Business Environment {Book}
Business Meaning Definition, Nature & Scope VIEW VIEW
Types of Business organizations VIEW
Business environment Meaning, Characteristics, Scope & Significance VIEW
Components of Business environment VIEW
Micro and Macro environment Definition, Differentiation VIEW
Analysis of business environment VIEW
SWOT Analysis VIEW
Introduction to Micro-Environment:
Internal environment: Value System, Mission, Objectives, Organizational Structure, Organizational Resources, Company Image, Brand equity VIEW
External environment: Firms, Customers, Suppliers, Distributors, Competitors, Society VIEW
Introduction to Macro-Environment: Demographic, Natural, Political, Social, Cultural, Economic, Technological, International and Legal VIEW


Unit 2 Political and Legal Environment {Book}
Political Institutions: Legislature, Executive, Judiciary VIEW
Role of Government in Business VIEW
Legal framework in India VIEW
Economic environment: Economic System and economic policies VIEW
Concept of capitalism, Socialism and Mixed economy VIEW
Impact of business on Public Sector, Private Sector and Joint Sector VIEW
Sunrise sector of Indian economy VIEW
Challenges of Indian economy VIEW


Unit 3 Social, Cultural, Technological, Competitive Environment {Book}
Social and Cultural environment Nature VIEW
Impact of foreign culture on Business VIEW
Traditional Values and its impact VIEW
Social Audit Meaning VIEW
Importance of co-operative Government VIEW
Social Responsibility of Business VIEW VIEW
Technological environment Features VIEW
Impact of Technology on Business VIEW
Competitive environment: Meaning VIEW
Michael Porter’s Five forces Analysis VIEW
Competitive Analysis VIEW


Unit 4 International Environment {Book}
GSTT/WTO: Objective and Evolution of GATT VIEW VIEW
Uruguay round VIEW
WTO function, Pros and Cons VIEW VIEW
Globalization Meaning, Features of Globalization VIEW
Nature and Stages of Globalization VIEW
Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization VIEW
Foreign Market entry strategies VIEW
MNCs Definition, Meaning, Merits, Demerits VIEW
MNC in India VIEW
FDI Meaning, Concept and functions VIEW VIEW
Need for FDI in developing countries VIEW
Factor influencing FDI VIEW
FDI operations in India VIEW
Challenges faced by International Business and investment opportunities for Indian Industry VIEW


Principles of Management University of Mumbai BMS 2nd Sem Notes

Unit 1 Nature of Management {Book}
Management Concept, Significance, Roles & Skills VIEW
Levels of Management VIEW
Managerial Grid VIEW
Evolution of Management Thoughts VIEW
Contribution of F.W Taylor VIEW
Henri Fayol VIEW
Contingency Approach VIEW


Unit 2 Planning and Decision Making {Book}
Planning Meaning, Importance, Limitations VIEW VIEW
Elements VIEW
Process VIEW
Management by objective (MBO) VIEW
Decision Making Meaning, Importance+, Process VIEW
Techniques of Decision Making VIEW


Unit 3 Organizing {Book}
Organizing Concepts VIEW
Organizing Principles VIEW
Organization Structure Formal & Informal VIEW
Line and Staff organization VIEW VIEW
Organization Matrix Structure VIEW
Organizing Advantages and Limitations VIEW
Departmentation Meaning, Basis and Significance VIEW
Span of Control Meaning VIEW
Graicunas Theory of Span of Control VIEW
Factors affecting span of Control VIEW
Centralization VIEW
Decentralization VIEW


Unit 4 Directing, Leadership, Co-ordination and Controlling {Book}
Directing Meaning and Process VIEW
Leadership Meaning, Styles VIEW VIEW
Qualities of Good Leader VIEW
Co-ordination as an essence of Management VIEW VIEW
Controlling Meaning, Process and Techniques VIEW VIEW VIEW
Recent Trends:
Green Management VIEW

Corporate Restructuring University of Mumbai BMS 4th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Corporate Restructuring: Introduction and Concepts {Book}

Corporate Restructuring, Historical Background, Meaning of Corporate Restructuring, Corporate Restructuring as a Business Strategy VIEW
Need and Scope of Corporate Restructuring VIEW
Planning, Formulation and Execution of Various Restructuring Strategies VIEW
Important Aspects to be considered while Planning or Implementing Corporate Restructuring Strategies VIEW
Forms of Restructuring:
Demerger, Reverse merger VIEW
Disinvestment VIEW
Merger Takeover/acquisition VIEW VIEW
Joint Venture (JV) VIEW VIEW
Strategic Alliance VIEW
Franchising and Slump sale VIEW
Unit 2 Accounting of Internal Reconstruction (Practical and theory) {Book}
Accounting of Internal Reconstruction VIEW VIEW
Need for Reconstruction and Company Law provisions VIEW
Distinction between Internal and External Reconstructions VIEW
Methods including alteration of Share capital, Variation of share-holder rights, Sub division, Consolidation, Surrender and reissue/Cancellation, Reduction of Share Capital, with relevant Legal provisions and Accounting treatments for same VIEW
Unit 3 Accounting of External Reconstruction (Amalgamation/ Mergers/ Takeovers and Absorption) (Practical and theory) {Book}
Accounting of External Reconstruction (Amalgamation/ Mergers/ Takeovers and Absorption) VIEW
In the nature of merger and purchase with corresponding accounting treatments of pooling of interests and purchase methods respectively VIEW
Computation and meaning of Purchase consideration and Problems based on Purchase method VIEW VIEW
Unit 4 Impact of Reorganization on the Company: An Introduction (Only Theory) {Book}
Change in the Internal Aspects on Reorganization: Change of Name and Logo, Revised Organization Chart, Communication, Employee Compensation, Benefits and Welfare Activities, Aligning Company Policies, Aligning Accounting and Internal Database Management Systems, Re-Visiting Internal Processes and Re-Allocation of People VIEW
Change in External Aspects on Reorganization: Engagement with Statutory Authorities, Revised ISO Certification and Similar Other Certifications, Revisiting past Government approvals, decisions and other contracts VIEW
Impact of Reorganization: Gain or Loss to Stakeholders, Implementation of Objectives, Integration of Businesses and Operations, Post Merger Success and Valuation and Impact on Human and Cultural Aspects VIEW

Integrated Marketing Communication University of Mumbai BMS 4th Sem Notes

Unit 1 {Book}
Meaning, Features of IMC, Evolution of IMC, Reasons for growth of IMC VIEW
Promotional Tools for IMC, IMC Planning Process VIEW
Role of IMC in Marketing VIEW
IMC Communication Process, Traditional VIEW
Alternative Response Hierarchy Models VIEW
Hierarchy-of-Effects Model VIEW
Establishing objectives and Budgeting VIEW
Determining Promotional objectives VIEW
Sales vs Communication objectives VIEW
DAGMAR, Problems in Setting objectives VIEW
Setting objectives for the IMC Program VIEW


Unit 2 Elements of IMS-1 {Book}
Advertising: Features VIEW
Role of Advertising in IMC VIEW
Advantages and Disadvantages of Advertising VIEW
Types of Advertising VIEW VIEW
Types of Media used for Advertising VIEW
Sales Promotion Scope VIEW
Role of Sales Promotion as IMC Tool VIEW
Reasons for the growth of Sales Promotion VIEW
Advantages and Disadvantages of Sales Promotion VIEW
Types of Sales Promotion VIEW
Objectives of consumer and Trade Promotion VIEW
Strategies for Consumer Promotion and Trade Promotion VIEW
Sales promotion campaign VIEW
Evolution of Sales Promotion campaign VIEW


Unit 3 Elements of IMC-II {Book}
Direct Marketing VIEW
Role of Direct Marketing in IMC VIEW
Objectives of Direct Marketing VIEW
Components of Direct Marketing VIEW
Tools of Direct Marketing: Direct mail, Catalogues, Direct response Media, Internet, Telemarketing VIEW
Alternative media evaluation of effectiveness of Direct Marketing VIEW
Publicity Relations and Publicity introduction VIEW
Role of PR in IMC VIEW
Advantages and Disadvantages of PR VIEW
Types of PR VIEW
Managing PR: Planning, Implementation, evaluation and Research, Publicity VIEW
Sponsorship: Definition, Essentials of good Sponsorship VIEW
Event Sponsorship, Cause Sponsorship VIEW
Personal Selling, features VIEW
Role of Personal Selling in IMC VIEW
Advantages and Disadvantages of Personal Selling VIEW
Personal Selling process VIEW
Importance of Personal Selling VIEW


Unit 4 Evaluation & Ethics in Marketing Communication {Book}
Evaluating an Integrated Marketing program: VIEW
Evolution process of IMC, Messages evaluation VIEW
Advertising tracking research VIEW
Copy testing, emotional reaction Test VIEW
Cognitive Neuro Science – Online evaluation VIEW VIEW
Behavioral evaluation – Sales and Response Rate VIEW
POPAI, Toll free numbers, QR codes and Facebook likes VIEW
Response cards, Internet responses, Redemption rate VIEW
Test Markets: Competitive responses, Scanner Data, Purchase Simulation Test VIEW
Ethics and Marketing Communication: Stereotyping, Targeting Vulnerable customer VIEW
Offensive brand Messages, Legal issues, Commercial free Speech VIEW
Misleading claims, Puffery, fraud, Questionable B2B practices VIEW
Current Trends in IMC:
Internet & IMC VIEW
Advertising on Internet VIEW
PR through Internet Banner, Sales Promotion on Internet, Direct Marketing on Internet VIEW

Rural Marketing University of Mumbai BMS 4th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Introduction {Book}
Introduction to Rural Marketing, Definition, Scope VIEW
Rural Market in India: Size, Scope VIEW
Rural development as a Core Area VIEW
Efforts put for rural Development by Government VIEW
Emerging Profile of Rural Markets in India VIEW
Problems of Rural Market VIEW
Constraints in Rural Marketing and Strategies to overcome VIEW


Unit 2 Rural Market {Book}
Rural consumer vs Urban consumer VIEW
Characteristics of Rural consumers VIEW
Rural Market Environment:
a) Demographics: Population VIEW
Occupation pattern VIEW
Literacy level VIEW
b) Economic factors: Income generation VIEW
Expenditure pattern VIEW
Rural Demand VIEW
Consumption Pattern VIEW
Rural Market index VIEW
Land use Pattern VIEW
c) Rural infrastructure: Rural housing, Electrification, Roads VIEW
Rural consumer behaviour: Meaning VIEW
Factors affecting Rural consumer behaviour: Social factor, Cultural factors, Technological factors, Lifestyle, Personality VIEW


Unit 3 Rural Marketing Mix. {Book}
Marketing Mix for Rural Market/Consumers VIEW
Product Strategies, Rural product categories: FMCG, Consumer Durables, Agriculture goods and Services VIEW
Importance of branding, Packaging VIEW VIEW
Importance of Packaging VIEW
Importance of Labelling VIEW
Nature of competition in Rural Markets VIEW
Problems of fake brands in Rural Markets VIEW
Pricing Strategies and objectives VIEW
Promotional strategies for Rural Market VIEW
Targeting for Rural Market VIEW
Rural Market Positioning VIEW
Rural Marketing Segmentation VIEW


Unit 4 Rural Marketing Strategies {Book}
Rural Marketing Strategies VIEW
Distribution strategies for Rural Consumers:
Channels of Distribution: HAATS, Mandis, Public distribution System, Co-operative Society VIEW
Distribution Models of FMCG like HUL & ITC VIEW
Distribution networks, ideal Distribution model for Rural market VIEW
Communication Strategy:
Channels in Rural communication, Developing effective communication VIEW
Determining communication objectives, Designing the message VIEW
Selecting the communication channels VIEW
Creating Advertisements for Rural Audiences VIEW
Rural Media: Mass media, Non-conventional Media, Personalized Media VIEW

Human Resource Planning & Information System University of Mumbai BMS 4th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Overview of Human Resource Planning {Book}
Human Resource Planning: Meaning, Features VIEW
Human Resource Planning Scope, Approaches VIEW
Levels of Human Resource Planning VIEW
Types, Tools, Activities for Human Resource Planning VIEW
Requirement of effective HR Planning VIEW
Process of HRP VIEW
Steps in HRP VIEW
HR Demand forecasting- Factors VIEW
HR Demand forecasting Techniques: Managerial Judgement, Ratio Trend Analysis, Regression Analysis, Work Study Techniques, Delphi Technique VIEW
HR Supply Forecasting factors Techniques: Skills Inventories, Succession Plans, Replacement charts, Staffing Tables VIEW
Barriers in effective implementation of HRP and Ways of overcome them VIEW
Strategic Human Resource Planning Meaning and objectives VIEW
Link between Strategic Planning and HRP through Technology VIEW
HP Policy Meaning and Importance VIEW
HR Programme Meaning and Contents VIEW VIEW


Unit 2 Job Analysis, Recruitment and Selection {Book}
Job Analysis Meaning, Features and Advantages VIEW VIEW
Job Design Concept and issues VIEW VIEW
Job Design issues VIEW VIEW
Job Redesign Meaning, Process, Benefits VIEW
Matching Human Resource Recruitment and Availability through:
Retention: Meaning, Strategies, VIEW
Resourcing: Meaning, Types VIEW
Flexibility: flexibility work practices VIEW
Downsizing: Meaning, Reasons VIEW
Layoff: Meaning, Reasons VIEW
Recruitment: Meaning VIEW VIEW
Factor affecting Recruitment VIEW
Ethical issues in Recruitment and Selection VIEW
Employee Selection Tests: Meaning, Advantages and Limitations VIEW
Human Resource Audit: Meaning, Need, Objectives, Process and Areas VIEW


Unit 3 HRP Practitioner, Aspects of HRP and Evaluation {Book}
HRP Practitioner Meaning and Role VIEW
HRP Management Process VIEW
HRP Department Goals and objectives VIEW
HRP Department Structure VIEW
Staffing in HRP Department, issuing orders, resolving conflicts, Communicating VIEW
Planning for Needed Resources VIEW
Power and Politics Meaning and Types of Power VIEW
HRP as Tool to enhance Organizational Productivity VIEW
Impact of Globalization on HRP VIEW
Aspects of HRP:
Performance Management VIEW
Career Management VIEW
Management Training and Development, Multi Skill Development VIEW
Return of investment in HRP Meaning and importance VIEW
HRP Evaluation: Meaning, Need, Process VIEW
Issues to be processed during HRP evaluation VIEW
Selected strategic Options and HRP implications VIEW
Restructuring and its impact on HRP VIEW
Mergers and Acquisitions and its impact on HRP VIEW
Outsourcing and its impact on HRP VIEW


Unit 4 Human Resource information Systems {Book}
Data information needs for HR Manager: Contents and Usage of Data VIEW
HRIS: Meaning, Features, Evolution, Objectives, Essentials, Components, Functions VIEW
Steps in Designing of HRIS, HRIS Subsystems, Mechanisms of HRIS VIEW
Benefits, Limitations, Barriers in effective implementations of HRIS VIEW
Security issues in HRIS VIEW
Trends in HRIS VIEW

Change Management University of Mumbai BMS 4th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Introduction {Book}
Introduction & Level of Change, Importance VIEW VIEW
Imperatives of change VIEW
Forces of change VIEW
Causes of Change: Social, economic, Technological and Organizational VIEW
Organizational Culture and Change VIEW
Types and Models of Change:
Kurt Lewin’s change Model VIEW
Action research change Model VIEW
Expanded process Model VIEW
A.J. Leavitts Model VIEW


Unit 2 Impact of Change {Book}
Organizational Change & its implementations VIEW
Individual change: Concept, Need, Importance VIEW
Risk of not having individual perspective VIEW
Team Change: Concept, Need, Importance & Limitation VIEW
Change and its Impact: Resistance to change & Sources VIEW
Resistance to change VIEW
Sources of individual Resistance VIEW
Sources of organizational Resistance VIEW


Unit 3 Resistance to Change {Book}
Overviewing Resistance to Change: VIEW
Manifestations of resistance VIEW
Six Box Model VIEW
Minimizing Resistance to Change VIEW
OD interventions to overcome change: Meaning and Importance VIEW
Team intervention VIEW
Role analysis technique VIEW
Coaching & Mentoring VIEW
T-group, Job expectation Technique VIEW
Behaviour modification VIEW
Managing role Stress VIEW VIEW VIEW


Unit 4 Effective implementation to Change {Book}
Effective implementation to Change: effective change process VIEW
Change agents VIEW
Systematic approach to change, Client & Consultant relationship VIEW
Classic skills of Leaders VIEW VIEW
Case study on Smart change leaders VIEW
Caselets on Action Research VIEW

Conflict & Negotiation University of Mumbai BMS 4th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Overview of Conflict {Book}
Meaning of Conflict, Nature VIEW
Transitions in Conflict thought: Traditional, Human Relations, Interactionist VIEW
Functional and Dysfunctional Conflict VIEW
Levels of conflicts VIEW
Process of conflicts VIEW
Organizational conflicts, Causes, Benefits and Limitations VIEW VIEW
Conflict outcomes: Win-lose, Lose-Lose, Compromise, win-win VIEW
Domains of conflicts: Superiority, Injustice, Vulnerability, Distrust, Helplessness VIEW


Unit 2 Conflict Management {Book}
Meaning of Conflict Management, Need & Conflict VIEW
Conflict Resolution Strategies: Competing, Accommodating, Intra-group and Inter-group Levels VIEW
Prevention of Industrial conflicts:
Labour welfare officer VIEW VIEW
Tripartite and Bipartite Bodies, Standing orders VIEW
Grievance procedure VIEW VIEW
Collective Bargaining VIEW VIEW
Settlements of conflicts: Investigation, Mediator, Conciliation, Voluntary arbitration, Compulsory arbitration VIEW
Labour courts, Industrial Tribunals, National Tribunals VIEW


Unit 3 Overview of Negotiation {Book}
Negotiation Meaning Process, Factors VIEW
Negotiation Importance, Elements affecting Negotiation VIEW
Challenges for an effective negotiation VIEW
Role of Communication, Personality and emotions in Negotiation VIEW
Distributive and Integrative Negotiation VIEW
Cross-cultural Negotiation: Meaning, Factors influencing Cross-cultural Negotiation VIEW
Ways to resolve Cross cultural Negotiation VIEW
Types of Negotiations: Day to Day, Employer-Employee, Negotiation between Colleagues VIEW
Commercial negotiation VIEW
Legal Negotiation VIEW


Unit 4 Meaning Negotiations, Ethics of Negotiation and 3D Negotiation {Book}
Third Party Negotiation: Mediation, Arbitration, Conciliation, Consultation VIEW
Skills for effective Negotiation VIEW
Negotiation as an Approach to Manage conflicts VIEW
Ethics in Negotiation: Meaning, Need, Ethically Ambiguous Negotiation Tactics VIEW
Culture and Negotiation: Meaning, Influence of culture on negotiations VIEW
3D Negotiation: Meaning, The 3 dimensions for successful negotiations VIEW


Information Technology in Business Management II University of Mumbai BMS 4th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Management Information System {Book}
Overview of MIS, Definition and Characteristics VIEW VIEW VIEW
Subsystems of MIS (Activity and Functional Subsystems) VIEW
Structure of MIS VIEW
Reason for failure of MIS VIEW
Understanding Major Functional Systems:
Marketing and Sales Systems VIEW
Finance and Accounting Systems VIEW
Manufacturing & Production Systems VIEW
Human Resource Systems VIEW
Inventory Systems: Sub Systems, Description and Organizational Levels VIEW
Decision Support System: Definition, Characteristics, Components, Classification VIEW
Decision Support System Relationship with MIS VIEW
Decision Support System Evolution, Objectives VIEW
Applications of Decision Support System VIEW


Unit 2 ERP/E-SCM/E-CRM {Book}
ERP Components VIEW
Architecture of ERP: Generic Models VIEW
Applications of ERP VIEW
ERP implications Concept VIEW
ERP Lifecycle VIEW
Concept of XRP (extended ERP) VIEW
Study of SAP, Oracle Apps, MS Dynamics NAV, Peoplesoft VIEW
Concept of e-CRM VIEW
E-CRM Solutions and its Advantages VIEW
CRM Capabilities VIEW
Customer Life Cycle VIEW
Privacy issues and CRM VIEW
CRM and Work flow Automation VIEW
Concept of e-SCM, Strategic Advantages and Benefits VIEW
E-SCM Components and Chain Architecture VIEW
Major trends in e-SCM VIEW


Unit 3 Introduction to Data Base and Data warehouse {Book}
Meaning of DBMS, Need VIEW
Concepts of DBMS VIEW
Records, Attributes, Keys, Integrity constraints, Schema Architecture, Data independence VIEW
Concept of Data Warehousing, Functions, Characteristics, Importance VIEW
Data Warehousing Architecture VIEW
Business use of Data Warehousing VIEW
Standard Reports and Queries VIEW
Data Mining VIEW
Data Mining Scope and Technique VIEW
Business Applications of Data warehouse and Data Mining VIEW


Unit 4 Outsourcing {Book}
Meaning of outsourcing, Need, Scope of Outsourcing VIEW
IT and Business Process of Outsourcing VIEW
BPO Vendors VIEW
BPO Service Scope VIEW
Benefits of BPO VIEW
BPO and IT Services VIEW
Project Management approach in BPO VIEW
BPO and IT enabled Services VIEW
BPO Business Model VIEW
Strategy for Business Process Outsourcing VIEW
Process of BPO VIEW
Meaning of KPO VIEW
KPO Opportunity and Scope VIEW
KPO Challenges and India Scenario VIEW
Outsourcing in Cloud environment: Cloud computing offerings VIEW
Traditional Outsourcing vs Cloud computing VIEW

Business Economics II University of Mumbai BMS 4th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Introduction to Macroeconomics Data and Theory {Book}
Macroeconomics Meaning, Scope and Importance VIEW
Circular flow of aggregate income and expenditure VIEW
Closed and open economy Models VIEW
The Measurement of National product: Meaning and Importance VIEW
Conventional and Green GNP VIEW
NNP Concept VIEW
Relationship between National income and Economic Welfare VIEW
Short run economic fluctuations VIEW
Features and Phases of Trade cycle VIEW VIEW
The Keynesian principal of Effective Demand: VIEW
Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply VIEW
Consumption function, Investment function VIEW
Effects of investment Multiplier on change in income and output VIEW


Unit 2 Money, Inflation and Monetary Policy {Book}
Money Supply: Determinants of Money Supply VIEW
Factors influencing Velocity of Circulation of Money VIEW
Demand for Money VIEW
Classical and Keynesian approaches of Demand for Money VIEW
Keynesian liquidity preference theory of interest VIEW
Money and Prices VIEW
Quantity Theory of Money VIEW
Fisher equation of exchange VIEW
Cambridge cash balance approach VIEW
Inflation VIEW
Demand Pull inflation VIEW
Cost push inflation VIEW
Effects of inflation, Nature of inflation in Developing countries VIEW
Monetary Policy: Meaning, Objectives and instruments VIEW
Inflation Targeting VIEW


Unit 3 Constitutes of Business Policy {Book}
Role of a Government to provide Public goods VIEW
Principles of Sound and Functional finance VIEW
Fiscal policy: Meaning, objectives VIEW
Contra cyclical Fiscal policy VIEW
Discretionary Fiscal Policy VIEW
Instruments of Fiscal Policy: VIEW
Canons of Taxation VIEW
Factors influencing incidence of Taxation VIEW
Effects of taxation Significance of Public expenditure VIEW
Social security contributions- Low-income Support and Social Income Policy VIEW
Public Debt: Types VIEW
Fiscal Solvency VIEW
Burden of Debt finance VIEW
Union Budget: Structure, Deficit VIEW
Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act VIEW


Unit 4 Open economy: Theory and Issues of International Trade {Book}
The Basis of International Trade VIEW
Ricardo’s Theory of Comparative cost advantage, Gains from Trade VIEW
The Heckshers-ohlin theory of factor endowments VIEW
Terms of Trade, Meaning and Types VIEW
Factors determine terms of trade VIEW
Free Trade vs Protected Trade VIEW VIEW
Foreign Investment VIEW
Foreign portfolio investment, Benefits VIEW
Foreign Direct Investment, Merits VIEW
Role of Multinational corporations VIEW
Balance of Payments: Structure VIEW
Types of Disequilibrium VIEW
Measures to correct disequilibrium in BPO VIEW
Foreign Exchange and foreign exchange Market VIEW
Spot and Forward rate of exchange VIEW
Hedging VIEW
Speculation and Arbitrage VIEW VIEW
Fixed and Flexible exchange rate VIEW
Managed flexibility VIEW
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