HRP Department Goals and objectives

23/02/2021 1 By indiafreenotes


The main object of human resource planning is to match the jobs and individuals in an organization. The process of matching jobs with individuals is undertaken in short and long runs in different ways. Therefore, there are two main forms of manpower planning on the basis of time-span, i.e., short- term manpower planning and long-term manpower planning.

Short-term manpower planning, as the name suggests, is made for a short time, i.e., for a period of not more than two years. It involves the matching of present employees with-their present jobs so that they must perform their functions efficiently. Short-term plans are more concerned with specific projects and programmes and the existing workforce must be adjusted to match the requirements of the specific projects and programmes. It is naive to expect a perfect match between jobs and individuals.

An appraisal of the existing stock of employees may reveal that either they have less abilities and skills than the requirement or some of them are more qualified or have unused talents. In the short-run, it is not possible either to change the personnel to suit the jobs or to create or eliminate jobs to suit the personnel. It is necessary to match the individuals with jobs as best as possible.

  1. Work can be Carried Out Smoothly:

To carry on its work, each organisation needs personnel with the necessary qualifications, skills, knowledge, work experience and aptitude for work. These are provided through effective manpower planning.

  1. Internal Supply Position could be Assessed at the Right Time:

Since a large number of persons have to be replaced who have grown old, or who retire, die or become incapacitated because of physical or mental ailments, there is a constant need for replacing such personnel. Otherwise, the work would suffer.

  1. Demand-Supply Imbalances could be Arrested:

Human resource planning is essential because of frequent labour turnover which is unavoidable and even beneficial because it arises from factors which are socially and economically sound such as voluntary quits, discharges, marriage, promotions; or factors such as seasonal and cyclical fluctuations in business which cause a constant ebb and flow in the workforce in many organisations.

  1. Possible to Cope with Sudden Changes such as Expansion, Diversification, etc.:

In order to meet the needs of expansion programmes human resource planning is unavoidable. It becomes necessary due to increase in the demand for goods and services with growing population, a rising standard of living larger quantities of the same goods and services are required.

  1. Easy to Cope with Changes in Technology:

The nature of the present workforce in relation to its changing needs also necessitates the recruitment of new labour. To meet the challenge of a new and changing technology and new techniques of production, existing employees need to be trained or new blood injected in an organisation.

  1. Avoid Ups and Downs in Availability of People with Relevant Skills and Qualifications:


Manpower planning is also needed in order to identify areas of surplus personnel or areas in which there is a shortage of personnel. If there is a surplus, it can be redeployed; and if there is shortage, it may be made good.

The term HR planning has gained popularity and is also used by academicians and people from orga­nizations all over the world. Let us discuss the term human resource, its rate of growth, quantitative and qualitative dimensions, and other facets.

Resource refers to the productive power of natural goods. Human resource means human beings with productive power. Human beings are both participants and beneficiaries of economic development of a country. The demographic profile, migration, mobility, and participation patterns in economic activity determine the quantitative aspects of actual and potential human resources.

Provide Information:

The information obtained through HRP is highly important for identifying surplus and unutilised human resources. It also renders a comprehensive skill inventory, which facilitates decision making, like, in promotions. In this way HRP provides information which can be used for other management functions.

Effective Utilisation of Human Resource:

Planning for human resources is the main responsibility of management to ensure effective utilisation of present and future manpower. Manpower planning is complementary to organisation planning.

Economic Development:

At the national level, manpower planning is required for economic development. It is particularly helpful in the creating employment in educational reforms and in geographical mobility of talent.

Determine Manpower Gap:

Manpower planning examine the gaps in existing manpower so that suitable training programmes may be developed for building specific skills, required in future.

To Forecast Human Resource Requirements:

HRP to determine the future human resource needed in an organisation. In the absence of such a plan, it would be difficult to have the services of the right kind of people at the right time.

Analyse Current Workforce:

HRP volunteers to assist in analysing the competency of present workforce. It determines the current workforce strengths and abilities.

Effective Management of Change:

Proper HR planning aims at coping with severed changes in market conditions, technology products and government regulations in an effective way. These changes call for continuous allocation or reallocation of skills evidently in the absence of planning there might be underutilisation of human resource.

Realising Organisational Goals:

HRP helps the organisation in its effectively meeting the needs of expansion, diversification and other growth strategies.