Concept of XRP

Last updated on 11/01/2021 1 By indiafreenotes

ERP systems can be extended with third–party software, often via vendor-supplied interfaces.

Companies use enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems to assist management with decision making as well as to automate common business processes to save the company time and money. While core ERP focuses on internal business operations like finance and human resources, extended ERP focuses on external operations to make it easier to manage relationships with customers, suppliers, transporters and other parties.

Common extended ERP modules your business might use include those for supply chain management, business intelligence, e-commerce and customer relationship management.

Extensions offer features such as:

  • Customer Relations Management

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) includes software related to business processes for sales teams and call centres to function more autonomously. ERP and CRM require minimal integration and can come packaged as part and parcel of an extended ERP.

Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management (SCM) may include software for planning and controlling any step in the manufacturing and distribution process, including tracking external companies’ handling of products. Many different processes are involved in this progression, which essentially deals with the co-ordination of supply chains within and among various businesses.

Many supply networks and channels are involved in the production and delivery of products and services. Before goods reach the customer, they go through a chain of processes that could include anything from operations management to logistics, procurement, IT and warehousing. SCM can be defined as the integrated and efficient management of supply chain activities.


More and more businesses require an online presence to leverage new markets. The seamless integration of ERP systems to e-commerce websites via an API (Application Programming Interface) is becoming an essential requirement.

Product Lifecycle Management

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) software may include design, regulation, manufacturing, distribution and field service activities having to do with how a product changes over its life span. Depending on the industry, PLM software may cover more business processes or be restricted to design and engineering.

Data Mining

Data mining is a term from computer science. Sometimes it is also called Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD). Data mining is about finding new information in a lot of data. In many cases, data is stored so it can be used later.

For example, a store wants to save what has been bought. They want to do this to know how much they should buy themselves, to have enough to sell later. Saving this information makes a lot of data. The data is usually saved in a database. The reason why data is saved is called the first use.

Product Data Management

Product Data Management (PDM) systems capture and manage product information, ensuring that information is delivered to users throughout the product lifecycle. File ownership, version control (check-in and check-out of files), revision management, and information status (ie In Progress/Generated/Pending Approval/Released) are all managed by the PDM system. Security and administrative functionality protect intellectual property rights through role management, project-based security as well as the relevant access rights.