Determining rural communication objectives, Designing the message
27/03/2021An objective is the goal or target or aim set to be achieved before commencing a work. It underlines the purpose behind taking a course of action. The audience analysis report helps to a great extent to determine communication objectives. The determination of objectives can also be guided by the information collected through secondary sources- study of existing documentation and reports and other methods like group discussion, consultation with knowledgeable persons, observation etc. The objectives are mostly concerned with expected changes through a particular activity up to a particular degree of success. Since we are here concerned with communication objectives, let us see how it has been defined and then how it can be analysed.
“Communication objective is a target which spec~fies the intended audiences, the type of change that is expected, when and where the communication activity is to take place and finally, what criteria will be- used to measure its degree of succes.k.”
Steps have involved in preparing an objective.
- Identifying the problem
- Knowing the audience
- Specifying the intervention
- Preparing an objective
The objectives should state’ specifically the improvements/changes that are expected to occur through a particular communication intervention.
- Relevant: To the “audience” (trainees’ job)
- Logical: In accordance with the need
- Unequivocal: Should be beyond controversy or argument
- Feasible: Within limits or means
- Observable: The net result can be seen or observed
- Measurable: The changes expected to occur should be measurable (the rise in performance should be measurable)
Communication strategy is a combination of approaches, messages, methods and channels, and directed towards the achievement of a particular communication goal or objective. Let us now take an example of a selected area where a pest disease has spread and is expected to destroy the crops, unless some immediate measures are taken. How to develop a communication strategy? We have the problem before us. Our audience is farmers from the target area. The audience analysis should be able to provide us an insight into the level of knowledge, attitude of the audience as well as audience access to communication media. This should help us to set a communication objective through which we may expect farmers to identify the diseases and select and use appropriate pesticides. Simultaneously, we may have to decide approach, message, method and channel.
Once you have identified the problem, known the audience, and developed a communication strategy, you should be able to draw up a detailed management plan which will also specify activities, responsibilities and time frame. This management plan should be used as tool for effective implementation of communication package.