Human Resource Planning & Information System University of Mumbai BMS 4th Sem Notes

09/04/2020 1 By indiafreenotes
Unit 1 Overview of Human Resource Planning {Book}
Human Resource Planning: Meaning, Features VIEW
Human Resource Planning Scope, Approaches VIEW
Levels of Human Resource Planning VIEW
Types, Tools, Activities for Human Resource Planning VIEW
Requirement of effective HR Planning VIEW
Process of HRP VIEW
Steps in HRP VIEW
HR Demand forecasting- Factors VIEW
HR Demand forecasting Techniques: Managerial Judgement, Ratio Trend Analysis, Regression Analysis, Work Study Techniques, Delphi Technique VIEW
HR Supply Forecasting factors Techniques: Skills Inventories, Succession Plans, Replacement charts, Staffing Tables VIEW
Barriers in effective implementation of HRP and Ways of overcome them VIEW
Strategic Human Resource Planning Meaning and objectives VIEW
Link between Strategic Planning and HRP through Technology VIEW
HP Policy Meaning and Importance VIEW
HR Programme Meaning and Contents VIEW VIEW


Unit 2 Job Analysis, Recruitment and Selection {Book}
Job Analysis Meaning, Features and Advantages VIEW VIEW
Job Design Concept and issues VIEW VIEW
Job Design issues VIEW VIEW
Job Redesign Meaning, Process, Benefits VIEW
Matching Human Resource Recruitment and Availability through:
Retention: Meaning, Strategies, VIEW
Resourcing: Meaning, Types VIEW
Flexibility: flexibility work practices VIEW
Downsizing: Meaning, Reasons VIEW
Layoff: Meaning, Reasons VIEW
Recruitment: Meaning VIEW VIEW
Factor affecting Recruitment VIEW
Ethical issues in Recruitment and Selection VIEW
Employee Selection Tests: Meaning, Advantages and Limitations VIEW
Human Resource Audit: Meaning, Need, Objectives, Process and Areas VIEW


Unit 3 HRP Practitioner, Aspects of HRP and Evaluation {Book}
HRP Practitioner Meaning and Role VIEW
HRP Management Process VIEW
HRP Department Goals and objectives VIEW
HRP Department Structure VIEW
Staffing in HRP Department, issuing orders, resolving conflicts, Communicating VIEW
Planning for Needed Resources VIEW
Power and Politics Meaning and Types of Power VIEW
HRP as Tool to enhance Organizational Productivity VIEW
Impact of Globalization on HRP VIEW
Aspects of HRP:
Performance Management VIEW
Career Management VIEW
Management Training and Development, Multi Skill Development VIEW
Return of investment in HRP Meaning and importance VIEW
HRP Evaluation: Meaning, Need, Process VIEW
Issues to be processed during HRP evaluation VIEW
Selected strategic Options and HRP implications VIEW
Restructuring and its impact on HRP VIEW
Mergers and Acquisitions and its impact on HRP VIEW
Outsourcing and its impact on HRP VIEW


Unit 4 Human Resource information Systems {Book}
Data information needs for HR Manager: Contents and Usage of Data VIEW
HRIS: Meaning, Features, Evolution, Objectives, Essentials, Components, Functions VIEW
Steps in Designing of HRIS, HRIS Subsystems, Mechanisms of HRIS VIEW
Benefits, Limitations, Barriers in effective implementations of HRIS VIEW
Security issues in HRIS VIEW
Trends in HRIS VIEW