HRP Department Structure

23/02/2021 0 By indiafreenotes

Management Styles

An organization experiences different management styles that may change or remain steady with time.

There are different management styles that we come across while observing the management patterns of different private and public sector companies.

Collegial Style

In the collegial style, resources and rewards are uniformly distributed. The management control over the employees is restricted, resulting into employee empowerment. Individual duty is the basis of organizational performance.

Organizational success depends on the commitment that an employee has towards the work and the business. This key element and distributed values help create a unity of direction and focus on the part of the employees.

Meritocratic Style

In the meritocratic style, employees are bothered about productivity and cohesion. The management puts stress on performance. In short, this management style believes in the fact that power should be distributed on the merit basis.

Appointments are made and duties are assigned to individuals on the basis of their “merits”, namely intelligence, credentials, and education, which are determined through evaluations or examinations, for example, Civil Service Exams.

Elite Style

In the elite management style, the organizational hierarchy is highly improvised. Power, resources, and rewards are focused at the top levels of the hierarchy. Employees have no say in the decisions made by the senior management.

Leadership Style

The leadership style of management has a lot in common with the elite style of management, but rather than a faction of leaders at the top level, it has leaders at different levels of the hierarchy.


Every line manager is responsible for planning manpower of the respective department and the top management is responsible for the planning of resources for the entire organisation. The personnel department supplies relevant information and data to all the line managers and helps those regarding interdepartmental transfers, promotions, demotions etc. Personnel department also helps in using the techniques and forecasting the manpower.

Personnel department forecasts internal mobility surplus or deficit of human resources for the entire organisation, prepares action plans regarding redeployment, redundancy, employment, development and internal mobility and submits plans to the management at the top which either by its own or by appointing a committee reviews departmental plans and overall plans, make necessary adjustments and finalises the plans. Personnel department in its turn prepares modified plans for the departments based on finalised overall plan and communicates them to respective heads of department.

Personnel department may co-ordinate the control activity of human resource plan and it has to send coordinated reports to the management at the top for actual review, control and monitor the human resource system. The management at the top may appoint a committee consisting of heads of department and external identification of deviations, reasons thereof and steps to be taken to correct the deviations. The committee further helps the management in executing the programmes of corrections.

Human Resource Plan Factors:

External Factors:

  • Government Policies: Policies of the government like labour policy, industrial relations policy, policy towards reserving certain jobs for different communities and sons-of the soil, etc. affect the HRP.
  • Level of Economic Development: Level of economic development determines the level of HRD in the country and thereby the supply of human resources in the future in the country.
  • Business Environment: External business environmental factors influence the volume and mix of production and thereby the future demand for human resources.
  • Level of Technology: Level of technology determines the kind of human resources required.
  • International Factors: International factors like the demand for resources and supply of human resources in various countries.
  • Outsourcing: Availability of outsourcing facilities with required skills and knowledge of people reduces the dependency on HRP and vice-versa.

Internal Factors:

  • Company policies and strategies: Company policies and strategies relating to expansion, diversification, alliances, etc. determines the human resource demand in terms of quality and quantity.
  • Human resource policies: Human resources policies of the company regarding quality of human resource, compensation level, quality of work-life, etc., influences human resource plan.
  • Job analysis: Fundamentally, human resource plan is based on job analysis. Job description and job specification determines the kind of employees required.
  • Time horizons: Companies with stable competitive environment can plan for the long run whereas the firms with unstable competitive environment can plan for only short- term range.
  • Type and quality of information: Any planning process needs qualitative and accurate information. This is more so with human resource plan; strategic, organisational and specific information.
  • Company’s production operations policy: Company’s policy regarding how much to produce and how much to buy from outside to prepare a final product influence the number and kind of people required.
  • Trade unions: Influence of trade unions regarding number of working hours per week, recruitment sources, etc., affect the HRP.