Factors affecting Recruitment
27/02/2020There are a number of factors that affect recruitment.
These are broadly classified into two categories:
- Internal Factors
- External Factors
These are discussed one by one.
1. Internal Factors:
The internal factors also called endogenous factors are the factors within the organisation that affect recruiting personnel in the organisation. Some of these are mentioned here.
- Size of the Organisation:
The size of an organisation affects the recruitment process. Experience suggests that larger organisations find recruitment less problematic than organisations with smaller in size.
- Recruiting Policy:
The recruiting policy of the organisation i.e., recruiting from internal sources (from own employees) and from external sources (from outside the organisation) also affects recruitment process. Generally, recruiting through internal sourcing is preferred, because own employees know the organisation and they can well fit into the organisation’s culture.
- Image of Organisation:
Image of organisation is another internal factor having its influence on the recruitment process of the organisation. Good image of the organisation earned by a number of overt and covert actions by management helps attract potential and competent candidates. Managerial actions like good public relations, rendering public services like building roads, public parks, hospitals and schools help earn image or goodwill for the organisation. That is why blue chip companies attract large number of applications.
- Image of Job:
Just as image of organisation affects recruitment so does the image of a job also. Better remuneration and working conditions are considered the characteristics of good image of a job. Besides, promotion and career development policies of organisation also attract potential candidates.
2. External Factors:
Like internal factors, there are some factors external to organisation which has their influence on recruitment process.
- Demographic Factors:
As demographic factors are intimately related to human beings, i.e., employees, these have profound influence on recruitment process. Demographic factors include sex, age, literacy, economic status etc.
- Labour Market:
Labour market conditions i.e., supply and demand of labour is of particular importance in affecting recruitment process. For example, if the demand for a specific skill is high relative to its supply, recruiting employees will involve more efforts. On the contrary, if supply is more than demand for a particular skill, recruitment will be relatively easier.
In this context, the observation made by 11PM in regard to labour market in India is worth citing: “The most striking feature in the Indian Labour market is the apparent abundance of labour – yet the ‘right type’ of labour is not too easy to find”.
- Unemployment Situation:
The rate unemployment is yet another external factor having its influence on the recruitment process. When the unemployment rate in a given area is high, the recruitment process tends to be simpler. The reason is not difficult to seek. The number of applicants is expectedly very high which makes easier to attract the best qualified applicants. The reverse is also true. With a low rate of unemployment, recruiting process tends to become difficult.
- Labour Laws:
There are several labour laws and regulations passed by the Central and State Governments that govern different types of employment. These cover working conditions, compensation, retirement benefits, and safety and health of employees in industrial undertakings.
Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986, for example, prohibits employment of children in certain employments. Similarly, several other acts such as Employment Exchange (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Act, 1959, the Apprentices Act, 1961; die Factory Act, 1948 and the Mines Act, 1952 deal with recruitment.
- Legal Considerations:
Another external factor is legal considerations with regard to employment. Reservation of jobs for the scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, and other backward classes (OBCs) is the popular example of such legal consideration. The Supreme Court of India has given its verdict in favour of 50 per cent of jobs and seats. This is so in case of admissions in the educational institutions also.