Conflict & Negotiation University of Mumbai BMS 4th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Overview of Conflict {Book}
Meaning of Conflict, Nature VIEW
Transitions in Conflict thought: Traditional, Human Relations, Interactionist VIEW
Functional and Dysfunctional Conflict VIEW
Levels of conflicts VIEW
Process of conflicts VIEW
Organizational conflicts, Causes, Benefits and Limitations VIEW VIEW
Conflict outcomes: Win-lose, Lose-Lose, Compromise, win-win VIEW
Domains of conflicts: Superiority, Injustice, Vulnerability, Distrust, Helplessness VIEW


Unit 2 Conflict Management {Book}
Meaning of Conflict Management, Need & Conflict VIEW
Conflict Resolution Strategies: Competing, Accommodating, Intra-group and Inter-group Levels VIEW
Prevention of Industrial conflicts:
Labour welfare officer VIEW VIEW
Tripartite and Bipartite Bodies, Standing orders VIEW
Grievance procedure VIEW VIEW
Collective Bargaining VIEW VIEW
Settlements of conflicts: Investigation, Mediator, Conciliation, Voluntary arbitration, Compulsory arbitration VIEW
Labour courts, Industrial Tribunals, National Tribunals VIEW


Unit 3 Overview of Negotiation {Book}
Negotiation Meaning Process, Factors VIEW
Negotiation Importance, Elements affecting Negotiation VIEW
Challenges for an effective negotiation VIEW
Role of Communication, Personality and emotions in Negotiation VIEW
Distributive and Integrative Negotiation VIEW
Cross-cultural Negotiation: Meaning, Factors influencing Cross-cultural Negotiation VIEW
Ways to resolve Cross cultural Negotiation VIEW
Types of Negotiations: Day to Day, Employer-Employee, Negotiation between Colleagues VIEW
Commercial negotiation VIEW
Legal Negotiation VIEW


Unit 4 Meaning Negotiations, Ethics of Negotiation and 3D Negotiation {Book}
Third Party Negotiation: Mediation, Arbitration, Conciliation, Consultation VIEW
Skills for effective Negotiation VIEW
Negotiation as an Approach to Manage conflicts VIEW
Ethics in Negotiation: Meaning, Need, Ethically Ambiguous Negotiation Tactics VIEW
Culture and Negotiation: Meaning, Influence of culture on negotiations VIEW
3D Negotiation: Meaning, The 3 dimensions for successful negotiations VIEW


Information Technology in Business Management II University of Mumbai BMS 4th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Management Information System {Book}
Overview of MIS, Definition and Characteristics VIEW VIEW VIEW
Subsystems of MIS (Activity and Functional Subsystems) VIEW
Structure of MIS VIEW
Reason for failure of MIS VIEW
Understanding Major Functional Systems:
Marketing and Sales Systems VIEW
Finance and Accounting Systems VIEW
Manufacturing & Production Systems VIEW
Human Resource Systems VIEW
Inventory Systems: Sub Systems, Description and Organizational Levels VIEW
Decision Support System: Definition, Characteristics, Components, Classification VIEW
Decision Support System Relationship with MIS VIEW
Decision Support System Evolution, Objectives VIEW
Applications of Decision Support System VIEW


Unit 2 ERP/E-SCM/E-CRM {Book}
ERP Components VIEW
Architecture of ERP: Generic Models VIEW
Applications of ERP VIEW
ERP implications Concept VIEW
ERP Lifecycle VIEW
Concept of XRP (extended ERP) VIEW
Study of SAP, Oracle Apps, MS Dynamics NAV, Peoplesoft VIEW
Concept of e-CRM VIEW
E-CRM Solutions and its Advantages VIEW
CRM Capabilities VIEW
Customer Life Cycle VIEW
Privacy issues and CRM VIEW
CRM and Work flow Automation VIEW
Concept of e-SCM, Strategic Advantages and Benefits VIEW
E-SCM Components and Chain Architecture VIEW
Major trends in e-SCM VIEW


Unit 3 Introduction to Data Base and Data warehouse {Book}
Meaning of DBMS, Need VIEW
Concepts of DBMS VIEW
Records, Attributes, Keys, Integrity constraints, Schema Architecture, Data independence VIEW
Concept of Data Warehousing, Functions, Characteristics, Importance VIEW
Data Warehousing Architecture VIEW
Business use of Data Warehousing VIEW
Standard Reports and Queries VIEW
Data Mining VIEW
Data Mining Scope and Technique VIEW
Business Applications of Data warehouse and Data Mining VIEW


Unit 4 Outsourcing {Book}
Meaning of outsourcing, Need, Scope of Outsourcing VIEW
IT and Business Process of Outsourcing VIEW
BPO Vendors VIEW
BPO Service Scope VIEW
Benefits of BPO VIEW
BPO and IT Services VIEW
Project Management approach in BPO VIEW
BPO and IT enabled Services VIEW
BPO Business Model VIEW
Strategy for Business Process Outsourcing VIEW
Process of BPO VIEW
Meaning of KPO VIEW
KPO Opportunity and Scope VIEW
KPO Challenges and India Scenario VIEW
Outsourcing in Cloud environment: Cloud computing offerings VIEW
Traditional Outsourcing vs Cloud computing VIEW

Business Economics II University of Mumbai BMS 4th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Introduction to Macroeconomics Data and Theory {Book}
Macroeconomics Meaning, Scope and Importance VIEW
Circular flow of aggregate income and expenditure VIEW
Closed and open economy Models VIEW
The Measurement of National product: Meaning and Importance VIEW
Conventional and Green GNP VIEW
NNP Concept VIEW
Relationship between National income and Economic Welfare VIEW
Short run economic fluctuations VIEW
Features and Phases of Trade cycle VIEW VIEW
The Keynesian principal of Effective Demand: VIEW
Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply VIEW
Consumption function, Investment function VIEW
Effects of investment Multiplier on change in income and output VIEW


Unit 2 Money, Inflation and Monetary Policy {Book}
Money Supply: Determinants of Money Supply VIEW
Factors influencing Velocity of Circulation of Money VIEW
Demand for Money VIEW
Classical and Keynesian approaches of Demand for Money VIEW
Keynesian liquidity preference theory of interest VIEW
Money and Prices VIEW
Quantity Theory of Money VIEW
Fisher equation of exchange VIEW
Cambridge cash balance approach VIEW
Inflation VIEW
Demand Pull inflation VIEW
Cost push inflation VIEW
Effects of inflation, Nature of inflation in Developing countries VIEW
Monetary Policy: Meaning, Objectives and instruments VIEW
Inflation Targeting VIEW


Unit 3 Constitutes of Business Policy {Book}
Role of a Government to provide Public goods VIEW
Principles of Sound and Functional finance VIEW
Fiscal policy: Meaning, objectives VIEW
Contra cyclical Fiscal policy VIEW
Discretionary Fiscal Policy VIEW
Instruments of Fiscal Policy: VIEW
Canons of Taxation VIEW
Factors influencing incidence of Taxation VIEW
Effects of taxation Significance of Public expenditure VIEW
Social security contributions- Low-income Support and Social Income Policy VIEW
Public Debt: Types VIEW
Fiscal Solvency VIEW
Burden of Debt finance VIEW
Union Budget: Structure, Deficit VIEW
Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act VIEW


Unit 4 Open economy: Theory and Issues of International Trade {Book}
The Basis of International Trade VIEW
Ricardo’s Theory of Comparative cost advantage, Gains from Trade VIEW
The Heckshers-ohlin theory of factor endowments VIEW
Terms of Trade, Meaning and Types VIEW
Factors determine terms of trade VIEW
Free Trade vs Protected Trade VIEW VIEW
Foreign Investment VIEW
Foreign portfolio investment, Benefits VIEW
Foreign Direct Investment, Merits VIEW
Role of Multinational corporations VIEW
Balance of Payments: Structure VIEW
Types of Disequilibrium VIEW
Measures to correct disequilibrium in BPO VIEW
Foreign Exchange and foreign exchange Market VIEW
Spot and Forward rate of exchange VIEW
Hedging VIEW
Speculation and Arbitrage VIEW VIEW
Fixed and Flexible exchange rate VIEW
Managed flexibility VIEW

Business Research Methods University of Mumbai BMS 4th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Introduction to Business Research Methods {Book}
Meaning and objectives of Research VIEW
Types of Research:
A) Pure, Basic and Fundamental Research VIEW
B) Applied Research VIEW
C) Empirical Research VIEW
D) Scientific and Social Research VIEW
E) Historical, Exploratory, Descriptive, Casual Research VIEW
Variables Research VIEW
Qualitative Research VIEW
Quantitative Research VIEW
Stages in Research Process VIEW
Characteristics of Good Research VIEW
Hypothesis Meaning, Nature, Significance VIEW
Types of Hypothesis, Sources VIEW
Research Design: Meaning, Definition, Need and Importance VIEW
Essentials of a good Research Design VIEW
Areas/Scope of research Design VIEW
Sampling and Sample, Methods of Sampling VIEW VIEW
Non-Probability Sampling: Convenient, Judgement, Quota, Snow Ball VIEW
Probability Sampling: Simple, Random, Stratified, Cluster, Multi Stage VIEW


Unit 2 Data Collection and Processing {Book}
Types of Data and Sources: Primary and Secondary Data Sources VIEW
Methods of Primary Data Collection:
a) Observation: Structured and Unstructured VIEW
Disguised and Undisguised VIEW
Mechanical observations VIEW
b) Experimental: Field, Laboratory VIEW
c) Interview: Personal interview, Focused group, In-depth Interview VIEW
d) Survey: Telephonic Survey, Mail, E-mail, Internet Survey, Social Media and Media Listening VIEW
e) Survey interview: Questionnaire Designing VIEW
f) Types of question: Structured/Close-end, Unstructured/open-end VIEW
Dichotomous, Multiple type Questions VIEW
g) Scaling Techniques: Likert Scale, Semantic Differential Scale VIEW


Unit 3 Data Analysis and Interpretation {Book}
Processing of Data: Editing field and office editing VIEW
Coding: Meaning and essentials VIEW
Tabulation VIEW
Analysis of Data: Meaning, Purpose and Types VIEW
Interpretation of Data: Essentials, Importance VIEW
Significance of Processing of Data VIEW
Multivariate analysis concept VIEW
Testing of Hypothesis Concept and Problems VIEW
Chi Square test, Z and T test VIEW


Unit 4 Advanced techniques in Report Writing {Book}
Report writing Meaning, Importance, Functions VIEW
Essential of good Report VIEW
Content of Report VIEW
Steps in writing a Report VIEW
Types of reports, Footnotes and Bibliography VIEW
Ethics and Research VIEW
Objectivity, Confidentiality and Anonymity in Research VIEW
Plagiarism in Report VIEW


Wealth Management University of Mumbai BMS 5th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Introduction {Book}
a) Introduction to Wealth Management:  
Meaning, Scope of Wealth management VIEW
Components of Wealth management VIEW
Process of Wealth management VIEW
Wealth management Needs & Expectation of Client’s VIEW
Code of Ethics for Wealth Manager VIEW
b) Personal Financial Statement Analysis:  
Financial Literacy VIEW VIEW
Financial Goals and Planning VIEW
Cash Flow Analysis VIEW
Building Financial Plans VIEW
Life Cycle Management VIEW
c) Economic Environment Analysis:  
Interest Rate, Yield Curves, Real Return VIEW
Key economic Indicators: Leading, Lagging, Concurrent VIEW


Unit 2 Insurance Planning and Investment Planning {Book}
a) Insurance Planning:
Meaning of Insurance VIEW
Basic Principles of Insurance VIEW VIEW
Rights and Responsibilities of Insurer and Insured VIEW
Types of life Insurance Policies VIEW
Types of General Insurance Policies VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW
Health Insurance VIEW VIEW
Mediclaim VIEW
Calculation of Human Life Value – Belth Method/CPT VIEW
b) Investment Planning: VIEW
Types of Investment Risk VIEW
Risk Profiling of Investors & Asset Allocation (Life Cycle Model) VIEW
Asset Allocation Strategies (Strategic, Tactical, Life-Cycle based) VIEW
Goal-based Financial Planning VIEW
Active & Passive Investment Strategies VIEW


Unit 3 Financial Mathematics/ Tax and Estate Planning {Book}
a) Financial Mathematics:           
Calculation of Returns (CAGR, Post-tax Returns etc.) VIEW
Total Assets VIEW
Net Worth Calculations VIEW
Financial Ratios VIEW VIEW
b) Tax and Estate Planning:
Tax Planning Concepts VIEW
Assessment Year, Financial Year VIEW
Income Tax Slabs VIEW
Advance Tax VIEW
Carry Forward & Set-off VIEW VIEW
Estate Planning Concepts, Types of Will, Requirements of a Valid Will, Trust VIEW
Exemptions VIEW VIEW


Unit 4 Retirement Planning/ Income Streams & Tax Savings Schemes {Book}
a) Retirement Planning:
Understanding of different Salary Components VIEW
Introduction to Retirement Planning, Purpose & Need, Life Cycle Planning VIEW
Financial Objectives in Retirement Planning VIEW
Wealth Creation: Factors and Principles VIEW
Retirement: Evaluation & Planning VIEW
Pre & Post-Retirement Strategies VIEW
Tax Treatment VIEW
b) Income Streams & Tax Savings Schemes:
Pension Schemes VIEW
Annuities, Types of Annuities VIEW
Various Income Tax Savings Schemes VIEW


Financial Accounting University of Mumbai BMS 5th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Preparation of Final Accounts of Companies {Book}

Relevant provision of Companies Act related to preparation of Final Accounts VIEW
Preparation of Financial statements as per Companies Act VIEW VIEW
AS1 in relation to final accounts of companies VIEW VIEW
Unit 2 Underwriting of Shares and Debentures{Book}
Underwriting VIEW VIEW
Underwriting of Shares, Debentures VIEW
Underwriting Commission, Provision of companies Act. with respect to Payment of underwriting commission VIEW
Underwriters, Sub-underwrites, Brokers and Managers to issues VIEW
Types of Underwriting, Abatement Clause VIEW
Market, Unmarked and Firm-underwriting applications VIEW
Liability of the underwriters in respect of underwriting contract VIEW
Unit 3 Accounting of Transactions of Foreign Currency {Book}
In Relation to purchase and Sale of goods, Services, assets loan and Credit transactions VIEW
Computation and Treatment of exchange rate Differences VIEW
Unit 4 Investment Accounting (w.r.t Accounting Standard-13) {Book}
Investment Accounting for Shares (Variable income bearing securities) VIEW
Investment Accounting for Debentures/Preference Shares (fixed income bearing securities) VIEW
Accounting for transactions of purchase and Sale of investments with ex and cum interest prices VIEW
Finding cost of investment sold and carrying cost as per weighted average method VIEW
Columnar format for investment Account VIEW
Unit 5 Ethical Behaviour and Implications for Accounts {Book}
Introduction, Meaning of Ethical Behaviour in Accounts VIEW
Financial Reports: Link between law, corporate governance, CSR and ethics VIEW
Need of ethical behavior in accounting profession VIEW
Implication of ethical values for the principles versus rule-based approaches to accounting Standards VIEW
The principle-based approach and ethics VIEW
The accounting standard setting process and ethics VIEW VIEW VIEW
The IFAC code of ethics for Professional Accountants VIEW
Contents of Research report in Ethical Practices VIEW
Implications of unethical behavior for financial reports VIEW
Company code of ethics VIEW VIEW VIEW
The increasing role of Whistle-Blowing VIEW


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Strategic Marketing Management University of Mumbai BMS 5th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Introduction to Strategic Marketing Management {Book}
Marketing: Nature of Marketing, marketing as an art, Science and Business discipline VIEW
Marketing as a Value Creation process VIEW
Strategic Decisions: Nature of Strategy, The Marketing Strategy interface VIEW
Difference between Marketing planning and Strategic planning VIEW
Identifying the market: The five C Framework: Customer, Company, Collaborator, Competitor, Context VIEW
The 7 tactics of Marketing mix: Product, Service, Brand, Price, Incentives, Communication and Distribution VIEW
Business Model and Strategic Marketing Planning VIEW
Role of Business models in marketing management VIEW
Strategies for Developing a Business Model: Top-down Business Model generation, Bottom-up Business Model Generation VIEW
The G-STIC frame work for marketing planning: Goal-Strategy-Tactics-Implementation-control VIEW


Unit 2 Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning and Creation of Value in the context of Strategic Marketing: {Book}
Segmentation: Essence of segmentation VIEW
Factors to be considered while Segmenting VIEW VIEW
Key Segmenting Principles: Relevance, Similarity, Exclusivity VIEW
Identifying Target Customers VIEW VIEW
Factors to be Considered while Targeting VIEW
Targeting Strategies: One for all strategy, one for each strategy VIEW
Strategic Targeting Criteria: Target Attractiveness, Target Compatibility VIEW
Essential Strategic assets for Target compatibility: Business infrastructure, Collaborator networks, Human capital, intellectual property, Strong brands, established customer base, synergistic offerings, access to scarce resources and capital VIEW
Creating Customer Value through Positioning VIEW
Role of Strategic positioning VIEW
Strategic Positioning options: The Quality option, Value option, The Pioneer, A Narrow Product focus, Target Segment Focus VIEW
Strategies for Creating Superior customer value VIEW
Creating Company Value: Understanding Company Value: Monetary, functional and psychological value VIEW
Strategically managing profits: Increasing sales revenue-through volume, optimizing price, Lowering costs VIEW
Creating Collaboration Value: Meaning of Collaborators, Collaboration as Business process, Advantages and Drawbacks of Collaboration VIEW
Levels of Strategic Collaboration: Explicit, Implicit VIEW
Alternatives to Collaboration: Horizontal and Vertical integration, Managing collaborator relations VIEW
Gaining Collaborator power: Offering Differentiation; Collaborator size, Strategic importance, Switching costs VIEW

Performance Management & Career Planning University of Mumbai BMS 5th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Performance Management: An Overview {Book}
Performance Management: Meaning, Features, Evolution, Objectives VIEW VIEW
Components of Performance Management VIEW
Need and Importance, Scope of Performance Management VIEW
Performance Management Process VIEW
Pre-Requisites of Performance Management VIEW
Linkage of Performance Management with other HR functions VIEW
Performance Management and Performance Appraisal VIEW
Performance Management Cycle VIEW
Best Practices in Performance Management VIEW
Future of Performance Management VIEW
Role of Technology in Performance Management VIEW


Unit 2 Performance Management Process {Book}
Performance Planning Meaning, Objectives VIEW
Steps for Setting Performance Criteria VIEW
Performance Benchmarking VIEW
Performance Managing Meaning, Objectives VIEW
Performance Managing Process VIEW
Performance Appraisal Meaning VIEW VIEW
Approaches of Performance Appraisal: Trait Approach, Behaviour Approach, Result Approach VIEW
Performance Monitoring Meaning, Objectives and Process VIEW
Performance Management Implementation & Strategies VIEW
Linking Performance Management to Compensation VIEW
Concept of High-Performance Teams VIEW


Unit 3 Ethics, Under Performance and Key Issues in Performance Management {Book}
Ethical Performance Management Meaning, Principles VIEW
Significance of Ethics in Performance Management VIEW
Ethical Issues in Performance Management VIEW
Code of Ethics in Performance Management VIEW
Building Ethical Performance Culture VIEW
Future Implications of Ethics in Performance Management VIEW
Under Performers and Approaches to Manage Under Performers, Retraining VIEW
Key Issues and Challenges in Performance Management VIEW
Potential Appraisal: Steps, Advantages and Limitations VIEW
Pay Criteria: Performance related pay, Competence related pay, Team based pay, Contribution related pay VIEW


Unit 4 Career Planning and Development {Book}
Career Planning: Meaning, Objectives, Benefits, Limitations & Steps VIEW
Factors affecting Individual Career Planning VIEW
Role of Mentor in Career Planning VIEW
Requisites of Effective Career Planning VIEW
Career Development Meaning VIEW
Role of employer and employee in Career Development VIEW
Career Development Initiatives VIEW
Role of Technology in Career Planning and Development VIEW
Career Models: Pyramidal Model, Obsolescence Model, Japanese Career Model VIEW
New Organizational Structures and Changing Career Patterns VIEW


Industrial Relations University of Mumbai BMS 5th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Industrial Relations An overview {Book}
Meaning, Objectives, Characteristics of a good Industrial Relations VIEW
System/Principles of a good Industrial Relations VIEW
Essentials of good Industrial Relations VIEW
Scope, Significance, Need and Importance of Industrial Relations VIEW
Major Stakeholders of Industrial Relations VIEW
Evolution of Industrial Relations in India VIEW
Factors affecting Industrial Relations VIEW
Role of State, Employers and Unions in Industrial Relations VIEW
Changing Dimensions of Industrial Relations in India VIEW
Impact of Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation on Industrial Relations VIEW
Issues and Challenges of industrial relations in India VIEW


Unit 2 Industrial Disputes {Book}
a) Industrial Disputes:
Meaning of Industrial Dispute, Causes, Types, Consequences/Effects VIEW
Methods of Settling Industrial Disputes (Arbitration, Joint Consultations, Works Committee, Conciliation, Adjudication etc.) VIEW
Concepts Related to Industrial Disputes (Relevant Examples):
Strike, Lockout VIEW
Layoff, Retrenchment VIEW
b) Employee Discipline:
Employee Discipline: Meaning, Determinants, Causes of Indiscipline, Code of Discipline and its Enforcement VIEW
c) Grievance Handling:
Meaning of Grievances, Causes, Guidelines of Grievances VIEW
Grievance Redressal Procedure in India VIEW
d) Workers’ Participation in Management: Meaning VIEW
Types with Respect to India VIEW


Unit 3 Trade Unions and Collective Bargaining {Book}
a) Trade Unions:
Trade Unions Meaning, Features, Objectives, Role, Functions/Activities, Types VIEW
Evolution of Trade Unions across Globe VIEW
Evolution of Trade Unions in India VIEW
Structure of Trade Unions in India VIEW
Recognition of Trade Unions VIEW
Rights and Privileges of Registered Trade Unions VIEW
Impact of Globalisation on Trade Unions in India VIEW
Central Organisations of Indian Trade Unions: INTUC, AITUC, HMS, UTUC VIEW
Problems of Trade Unions in India VIEW
b) Collective Bargaining:
Collective Bargaining Meaning, Features, Scope VIEW
Collective Bargaining Need & Importance VIEW
Collective Bargaining Process VIEW
Prerequisites of Collective Bargaining VIEW
Types of Collective Bargaining Contracts VIEW
Levels of Collective Bargaining VIEW
Growth, Obstacles of Collective Bargaining in India VIEW


Unit 4 Industrial Relations Related Laws in India {Book}
Role of Judiciary in Industrial Relations: Labour Court, Industrial Tribunal, National Tribunal VIEW
The Trade Unions Act, 1926 VIEW
The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 VIEW
The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW
The Factories’ Act, 1948 VIEW
The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 VIEW


International Finance University of Mumbai BMS 6th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Fundamentals of International Finance {Book}
a) Introduction to International Finance:
Meaning/ Importance of International Finance, Scope of International Finance VIEW
Globalization of the World Economy, Goals of International Finance, The Emerging Challenges in International Finance VIEW
b) Balance of Payment:
Introduction to Balance of Payment, Accounting Principles in Balance of Payment VIEW
Components of Balance of Payments, Balance of Payment Identity VIEW
Indian Heritage in Business, Management, Production and Consumption VIEW
c) International Monetary Systems:
Evolution of International Monetary System, Gold Standard System, Bretton Woods System VIEW
Flexible Exchange Rate Regimes; 1973 to Present VIEW VIEW
Current Exchange Rate Arrangements VIEW
European Monetary System VIEW
Fixed & Flexible Exchange Rate System VIEW
d) An introduction to Exchange Rates: Foreign Bank Note Market VIEW
Spot Foreign Exchange Market VIEW
Exchange Rate Quotations, Direct & Indirect Rates, Spread & Spread VIEW
Cross Currency Rates VIEW
Factors Affecting Exchange Rates VIEW


Unit 2 Foreign Exchange Markets, Exchange Rate Determination & Currency Derivatives {Book}
a) Foreign Exchange Markets:
Introduction to Foreign Exchange Markets VIEW
Structure of Foreign Exchange Markets, Types of Transactions & Settlement Date VIEW
Exchange Rate Quotations & VIEW
Exchange Rate Arbitrage VIEW VIEW
Forward Quotations (Annualized Forward Margin) VIEW
b) International Parity Relationships & Foreign Exchange Rate:
Interest Rate Parity VIEW
Purchasing Power Parity VIEW
Fishers Parity VIEW VIEW
Forecasting Exchange Rates (Efficient Market Approach, Fundamental Approach, Technical Approach, Performance of the Forecasters) VIEW
Global Financial Markets & Interest Rates VIEW
Domestic & Offshore Markets VIEW
Money Market Instruments VIEW VIEW
c) Currency & Interest Rate Futures:
Introduction to Currency Options (Option on Spot, Futures & Futures Style Options) VIEW
Futures Contracts, Markets & the Trading Process VIEW VIEW
Hedging & Speculation with Interest Rate Futures VIEW VIEW
Currency Options in India VIEW


Unit 3 World Financial Markets & Institutions & Risks {Book}
a) Euro Currency Bond Markets:
Introduction to Euro Currency Market, Origin of Euro Currency Market, VIEW
Euro Bond Market (Deposit, Loan, Notes Market), Types of Euro Bonds VIEW
Innovation in the Euro Bond Markets, Competitive Advantages of Euro Banks VIEW
Control & Regulation of Euro Bond Market VIEW
b) International Equity Markets & Investments:
Introduction to International Equity Market, International Equity Market Benchmarks VIEW
Risk & Return from Foreign Equity Investments VIEW
Equity Financing in the International Markets, Depository Receipts; ADR, GDR, IDR VIEW
c) International Foreign Exchange Markets:
Meaning of International Foreign Exchange Market VIEW
Scope & Significance of Foreign Exchange Markets VIEW
Role of Forex Manager, FDI v/s FPI, Role of FEDAI in Foreign Exchange Market VIEW
d) International Capital Budgeting:
Meaning of International Capital Budgeting, Capital Budgeting Decisions, VIEW
Incremental Cash Flows VIEW
Cash Flows at Subsidiary and Parent Company VIEW VIEW
Repatriation of Profits VIEW
Capital Budgeting Techniques:
Payback Period VIEW
Accounting Rate of Return VIEW
Internal Rate of Return VIEW


Unit 4 Foreign Exchange Risk, Appraisal & Tax Management {Book}
a) Foreign Exchange Risk Management:
Introduction to Foreign Exchange Risk Management, Types of Risk, Trade & Exchange Risk VIEW
Portfolio Management in Foreign Assets VIEW
Speculation VIEW VIEW VIEW
b) International Tax Environment:
Meaning of International Tax Environment, Objectives of Taxation, Types of Taxation VIEW
Benefits towards Parties doing Business Internationally VIEW
Tax Havens, Tax Liabilities VIEW
c) International Project Appraisal:
Meaning of International Project Appraisal VIEW
Review of Net Present Value Approach (NPV) VIEW
Option Approach to Project Appraisal VIEW
Project Appraisal in the International Context VIEW
Practice of Investment Appraisal VIEW


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