Bangalore University BBA Notes

Latest 2024-25 SEP Notes

1st Semester  
Fundamentals of Accounting (Updated) VIEW
Management Dynamics (Updated) VIEW
Business Environment (Updated) VIEW
Quantitative Analysis for Business (Updated) VIEW
Environmental Studies (Updated) VIEW
2nd Semester  
Financial Accounting (Updated) VIEW
Marketing Dynamics (Updated) VIEW
Organization Behaviors (Updated) VIEW
Data Analysis for Business Decisions (Updated) VIEW
Computer Accounting Tally Prime (CATP) VIEW

3rd Semester

Corporate Accounting VIEW
Financial Management VIEW
Banking Operations and Innovations VIEW
Financial Institutions and Regulatory Bodies VIEW
Constitution of India VIEW

4th Semester

Cost Accounting VIEW
Production and Operation Management VIEW
Business Research Methodology VIEW
Human Resource Management VIEW
Corporate Communication VIEW

NEP Notes

1st Semester

Management Innovation (Updated) VIEW
Fundamentals of Accountancy (Updated) VIEW
Marketing Management (Updated) VIEW
Digital Fluency (Updated) VIEW
Spreadsheet for Business (Updated) VIEW
Business Organization (Updated) VIEW
Office Organization and Management VIEW
Tourism and Travel Management VIEW
Event Management VIEW

2nd Semester

Financial Accounting and Reporting (Updated) VIEW
Human Resource Management (Updated) VIEW
Business Environment (Updated) VIEW
Retail Management (Updated) VIEW
Management of Non Government Organizations (Updated) VIEW
Digital Fluency (Updated) VIEW

3rd Semester

Elements of Cost Accounting (Updated) VIEW
Organisational Behaviour (Updated) VIEW
Business Statistics (Updated) VIEW
Artificial Intelligence (No Update) VIEW
Rural Marketing (Updated) VIEW
Social Media Marketing (Updated) VIEW

4th Semester

Management Accounting (Updated) VIEW
Business Analytics (Updated) VIEW
Indian Financial System (Updated) VIEW
Financial Management (Updated) VIEW
Constitution of India (Updated) VIEW
Business Leadership Skills (Updated) VIEW
Personal Wealth Management (Updated) VIEW

5th Semester

Production and Operations Management (Updated) VIEW
Income TaxI (Updated) VIEW
Banking Law and Practice (Updated) VIEW
FN1 Advanced Corporate Financial Management (Updated) VIEW
MK1 Consumer Behavior (Updated) VIEW
HRM1 Compensation and Performance Management (Updated) VIEW
DA1 Financial Analytics VIEW
RM1 Fundamentals of Retail Management (Updated) VIEW
LSCM1 Freight Transport Management (Updated) VIEW
Information Technology for Business(Excel & DBMS) (Updated) VIEW
Digital Marketing (Updated) VIEW
Cyber Security (Updated) VIEW
Employability Skills VIEW

6th Semester

Business Law (Updated) VIEW
Income Tax-II (Updated) VIEW
International Business (Updated) VIEW
FN2 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management (Updated) VIEW
MK2 Advertising and Media Management (Updated) VIEW
HRM2 Cultural Diversity at Workplace (Updated) VIEW
DA2 Marketing Analytics VIEW
RM2 Retail Operations Management (Updated) VIEW
LSCM2 Sourcing for Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Updated) VIEW
Goods and Services Tax (Updated) VIEW
ERP Application (Updated) VIEW

CBCS 2020-21 Notes

1st Semester

Accounting for Business (Updated)
Enterprises Management (Updated)
Corporate Regulations (Updated)
Business Mathematics and Logical Reasoning (No Update)

2nd Semester

Financial Accounting (Updated)
Human Resource Practices (Updated) VIEW
Statistical applications in Business (Updated)
Production and Inventory Management (Updated)

3rd Semester

Corporate Skills (Updated) VIEW
Corporate Accounting (Updated) VIEW
Modern Marketing (Updated) VIEW
Financial Institutions and Regulatory Bodies (Updated) VIEW
Business Finance (Updated) VIEW

4th Semester

Cost Accounting (Updated) VIEW
Banking Operations and Innovations (Updated) VIEW
Business Research Methodology (Updated) VIEW
Behviourial Science (Updated) VIEW
Advanced Corporate Accounting (Updated) VIEW

5th Semester

Income Tax – 1 (Updated) VIEW
Entrepreneurship Development and Star-ups (Updated) VIEW
Management information and Technology VIEW
Financial Analysis and Reporting (Updated) VIEW
Accounting And Finance  
A&FN1 Advanced Accounting (Updated) VIEW
A&FN2 Derivatives and Risk management (Updated) VIEW
Marketing And Human Resource  
MK&HR1 Consumer Behavior and Marketing Research (Updated) VIEW
MK&HR2 Performance Management (Updated) VIEW
IT And Data Analytics  
IT&DA1 Entrepreneurship Resource planning (ERP) VIEW
IT&DA2 E-Governance VIEW

6th Semester

Income Tax – 2 (Updated) VIEW
Auditing and Attestation VIEW
Goods and Services Tax VIEW
Business Regulations (Updated) VIEW
Accounting And Finance
A&FN3 Costing Methods and Techniques (Updated) VIEW
A&FN4 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management VIEW
Marketing And Human Resource
MK&HR3 Logistics and Supply Chain Management VIEW
MK&HR4 Emotional Intelligence VIEW
IT And Data Analytics
IT&DA3 Data analysis for Social Sciences VIEW
IT&DA4 Business Analytics VIEW


>>>Old Syllabus<<<

1st Semester

Fundamentals of Accounting VIEW
Business Organization and Environment VIEW
Quantitative Methods for Business – 1 (Updated)
Management Process VIEW

2nd Semester

Financial Accounting (Updated)
Quantitative Methods for Business-2 (Updated) VIEW
Organizational Behaviour (Updated)
Production and Operations Management (Updated)

3rd Semester

Soft Skills for Business VIEW
Corporate Accounting VIEW
Human Resource Management VIEW
Business Regulations VIEW
Corporate Environment VIEW
Business ethics (Updated)

4th Semester

Business Research Methods (Updated)
Marketing Management (Updated)
Financial Management (Updated)
Services Management VIEW
Banking Regulations & Operations (Updated)
Cost Accounting (Updated)

5th Semester

Entrepreneurial Management VIEW
Computer Applications in Business VIEW
Investment Management VIEW
Management Accounting (Updated) VIEW
Finance Group:  
FN5.5 Advanced Financial Management VIEW
FN5.6 Financial Markets & Services VIEW
Marketing Group:
MK5.5 Consumer Behavior VIEW
MK5.6 Advertising & Media Management VIEW
Human Resource Group:
HR5.5 Employee Welfare & Social Security VIEW
HR5.6 Strategic HRM VIEW

6th Semester

International Business (Updated)
E-Business (Updated) VIEW
Income Tax (Updated) VIEW
Strategic Management (Updated) VIEW
Finance Group:  
FN6.5 International Finance (Updated)
FN6.6 Stock and Commodity Markets (Updated) VIEW
Marketing Group:
MK6.5 Brand Management (Updated) VIEW
MK6.6 Retail Management (Updated)
Human Resource Group:
HR6.5 Organizational Change & Development (Updated) VIEW
HR6.6 Compensation Management (Updated) VIEW

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