MK2 Advertising and Media Management Bangalore University BBA 6th Semester NEP Notes

16/11/2023 1 By indiafreenotes
Unit 1 IMC [Book]
Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communication VIEW
Setting Goals and Objectives in IMC VIEW
Concept of DAGMAR in Setting objectives VIEW
Elements of IMC VIEW
Role of Advertising in India’s Economic Development VIEW
Ethics in Advertising VIEW
Social, Economic aspects of Advertising VIEW
Legal aspects of Advertising VIEW


Unit 2 Consumer and Media [Book]
How Advertising works:
Advertising Perception VIEW
Advertising Cognition VIEW
Advertising Affect VIEW
Advertising Association VIEW
Advertising Persuasion VIEW
Advertising Behaviour VIEW
Associating feeling with Brands VIEW
Use of Research in Advertising planning VIEW
Advertising Media, Industry Structure, Functions VIEW
Advantages, Disadvantages of Advertising Media VIEW
Basic Concept of Media planning VIEW
Media Selection VIEW
Media Scheduling strategy VIEW
Setting Media Budgets VIEW


Unit 3 [Book]
Advertising Program VIEW
Planning and Managing Creative Strategies, Creative approaches VIEW
Building Advertising Program: Message, Theme VIEW
Advertising appeals VIEW
Advertising Layout: How to Design and Produce Advertisements VIEW
Advertising Budget: Nature and Methods of advertising appropriation VIEW
Art of Advertising Copywriting; Guidelines for Copywriting VIEW
Copywriting for Print, Audio, TV and Outdoor Media VIEW


Unit 4 Measuring Advertising Effectiveness [Book]
Measuring Advertising Effectiveness: Stages of Evaluations and various Types of Testing-Pre and Post-Testing VIEW
Advertising Agencies History, Role, Importance, Organizational structure, Functions, Benefits, Challenges VIEW
Selection of Advertising Agency VIEW
Client Agency Relationship VIEW
Advertising agencies Compensation strategies VIEW


Unit 5 Other Elements of IMC [Book]
Sales Promotion VIEW
Events and Experiences and Word of Mouth VIEW
Consumer and Trade Sales Promotion VIEW
Application of Sales Promotion in different domains VIEW
Using Public Relations in Image Building VIEW
Planning and Executing events VIEW
Event Management VIEW
Viral Marketing VIEW
Building organic Word of Mouth Communication VIEW