Unit 1 Introduction to Marketing and Services {Book} | |
Meaning and Definition Market | VIEW |
Marketing: Nature and Scope of Marketing | VIEW |
Goals of Marketing | VIEW |
Concepts of Marketing | VIEW |
Functions of Marketing | VIEW |
Importance of Marketing | VIEW |
Services: Meaning and Definition, Characteristics | VIEW |
Classification of services | VIEW |
Distinction between Goods marketing and Service marketing | VIEW |
Marketing mix. in service industry: | |
Product | VIEW |
Price | VIEW |
Promotion & Communication | VIEW |
Place | VIEW |
People or Physical evidence | VIEW |
Growth of service sector in India | VIEW |
Service processes | VIEW |
Designing the Service process | VIEW |
Services blueprint | VIEW |
Unit 2 Marketing Environment (Marco and Micro) {Book} | ||
Marco: Demographic, Economic, Natural, Technological, Political, Legal and Socio-Cultural | VIEW | |
Micro Customer: Supplier, Manufacturer Employees, Public and Community Competitors | VIEW | VIEW |
Unit 3 Marketing Mix {Book} | ||
Marketing Mix Meaning, Elements | VIEW | |
Product | VIEW | |
Product Mix | VIEW | |
Product Lifecycle | VIEW | |
Product Planning | VIEW | |
New Product Development, Stages | VIEW | |
Failure of New Product | VIEW | |
Branding | VIEW | VIEW |
Packing and Packaging | VIEW | |
Pricing, Objectives | VIEW | VIEW |
Factors influencing Pricing | VIEW | |
Methods of Pricing | VIEW | |
Physical Distribution: Meaning | VIEW | |
Factors affecting Channel Selection | VIEW | |
Types of Marketing Channels | VIEW | |
Promotion: Meaning and Significance of Promotion | VIEW | |
Personnel Selling and Advertising | VIEW |
Unit 4 Marketing Segmentation and Behaviour {Book} | ||
Marketing Segmentation: Meaning and Definition | VIEW | |
Bases for Market Segmentation | VIEW | |
Requisites for sound Market Segmentation | VIEW | |
Consumer Behaviour | VIEW | VIEW |
Factors influencing Consumer Behaviour | VIEW | |
Buying Decision Process | VIEW | |
Unit 5 Recent Trends in Marketing {Book} | ||
Introduction to e-business | VIEW | |
Tele-marketing | VIEW | |
M-Business | VIEW | |
Green and Grey Marketing | VIEW | |
Brown marketing | VIEW | |
Digital Marketing: Advantages and Disadvantages | VIEW | |
Relationship Marketing | VIEW | VIEW |
Retailing | VIEW | |
Virtual Marketing | VIEW | |
Event Management | VIEW | |
Viral Marketing | VIEW | |
Reverse Marketing | VIEW | |
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