Social etiquettes

17/05/2021 1 By indiafreenotes

Etiquette is the set of conventional rules of personal behaviour in polite society, usually in the form of an ethical code that delineates the expected and accepted social behaviours that accord with the conventions and norms observed by a society, a social class, or a social group.

Social etiquette is exactly how it sounds, it refers to the behavior you resort to in social situations interactions with your family, friends, coworkers or strangers. We’re expected to follow social norms in order to coexist and live in harmony.

Social etiquette influences how others perceive and treat you. It can help you create lasting impressions that establish trust and reliance. Practicing good social manners not only help you build lifelong relationships; it also helps you create fruitful opportunities.

Social manners are in three categories:

(i) Manners of hygiene

(ii) Manners of courtesy

(iii) Manners of cultural norm

Each category accounts for an aspect of the functional role that manners play in a society. The categories of manners are based upon the social outcome of behaviour, rather than upon the personal motivation of the behaviour. As a means of social management, the rules of etiquette encompass most aspects of human social interaction; thus, a rule of etiquette reflects an underlying ethical code, and can reflect a person’s fashion and social status.

(i) Hygiene Manners: The manners that concern avoiding the transmission of disease, and usually are taught by the parent to the child by way of parental discipline, positive behavioural enforcement of body-fluid continence (toilet training), and the avoidance of and removal of disease vectors that risk the health of children. To that effect, society expects that, by adulthood, the manners for personal hygiene have become a second-nature behaviour, the violations of which shall provoke physical and moral disgust.

(ii) Courtesy Manners: The manners of self-control and good-faith behaviour, by which a person gives priority to the interests of another person, and priority to the interests of a socio-cultural group, in order to be a trusted member of that group. Courtesy manners maximize the benefits of group-living, by regulating the nature of social interactions; however, the performance of courtesy manners occasionally interferes with the avoidance of communicable disease. Generally, parents teach courtesy manners in the same way they teach hygiene manners, but the child also learns manners directly (by observing the behaviour of other people in their social interactions) and by imagined social interactions (through the executive functions of the brain). A child usually learns courtesy manners at an older age than when he or she was toilet trained (taught hygiene manners), because learning the manners of courtesy requires that the child be self-aware and conscious of social position, which then facilitate understanding that violations (accidental or deliberate) of social courtesy will provoke peer disapproval within the social group.

(iii) Cultural Norm Manners: The manners of culture and society by which a person establishes his and her identity and membership in a given socio-cultural group. In observing and abiding the manners of cultural norm, a person demarcates socio-cultural identity and establishes social boundaries, which then identify whom to trust and whom to distrust as “the other”, who is not the self. Cultural norm manners are learnt through the enculturation with and the routinisation of “the familiar”, and through social exposure to the “cultural otherness” of people identified as foreign to the group. Transgressions and flouting of the manners of cultural norm usually result in the social alienation of the transgressor. The nature of culture-norm manners allows a high level of between-group variability, but the manners usually are common to the people who identify with the given socio-cultural group.


Virtual Meeting Etiquette

Work from home has become the new normal for most businesses today and virtual meetings have become a part of daily work routine. Here are a few tips to help you maintain proper social etiquette during online meetings:

  • Dress for success! Wearing appropriate attire can help you feel confident. It also shows that you pay attention to details and it’ll impress your audience.
  • Mute your microphone when you’re not speaking. It ensures that there’s no echo and you don’t disrupt the flow of meetings.
  • It may be tempting to check your phone but try to stay present and active. Participate in discussions and show anyone who’s speaking that you’re respectfully listening to them.

Social Media Etiquette

Social etiquette also extends to social media and online communication. Here are some ways to ensure proper conduct on social media platforms:

  • If someone doesn’t accept your friendship or follow requests, leave them be. If it’s important to connect with someone, message them and state your purpose.
  • Avoid posting insensitive content on your social media handles. If you make a mistake, own up and apologize.
  • Always get consent if you want to share someone else’s information, photos or content. Before tagging someone in a post or photograph, check if they’re comfortable with it.

Face-To-Face Etiquette

Face-to-face interactions aren’t always easy. Here are a few etiquette practices to follow when you meet someone:

  • Use your full name to introduce yourself and greet the other person. You can simply use ‘hello, nice to meet you’ to break the ice. A smile and a firm handshake make it easier to build rapport.
  • Pay attention to your body language so that you don’t come off as rude or unprofessional. Good posture, eye contact and a confident attitude can make a huge difference.
  • One of the most important aspects of social etiquette is paying attention to people. Never interrupt anyone mid-sentence and always listen respectfully.