Business Unit

A Business Unit is most commonly recognized as an independent transaction-processing entity. It is defined as an organization or the subset of an organization which is independent in its accounting and operational functionality. A Business Unit is basically a profit making centre which has a prime focus to segment the market and be able to enhance the product offerings of the company. They usually have a separate clearly defined marketing plan, a well-defined marketing campaign and a detailed analysis of the competition, even when they are essentially a part of a bigger business entity.

In organizations, subsidiaries are often confused with business units. But these two have some significant differences. A company which is at least 50 percent owned by another company, more commonly known as the parent company is referred to as a subsidiary. The subsidiary is a complete corporate body, whereas the business units are sub-components or components of these subsidiaries. Business units are a smaller entity like a department or a functional group within a company which is responsible for handling the issues and affairs of that specific activity. Examples of business units include marketing, finance, operations, accounting, sales, human resources and research and development divisions.

Companies can have multiple independent business units into itself or as a branch, and each one of them is responsible for their own profitability. For example: General Electric is a company having 49 business units.

There are three important parameters that are usually seen as the success determining factors of a business unit:

  • The degree of functionality and facility sharing between multiple SBUs.
  • The autonomy and power delegated to a business unit manager.
  • The way of handling new products in organizations.

Factor affecting Size of Business unit

  1. Entrepreneurial Skill:

The most important factor of comes is the skill, initiative and resourcefulness of the entrepreneur. Everything depends on his judgment and ability. An entrepreneur of outstanding ability will be able to procure as much finance as he may need, hire the requisite labor force and build up a huge business. But an entrepreneur of moderate ability will run business on a moderate scale and a man of limited entrepreneurial skill will be content with a small business

  1. Managerial Ability:

For running the routine part of the business, managers are appointed. If a firm is lucky enough to have a manager of great ability, the size of the firm will grow to considerable dimensions. On the other hand, a mediocre manager will have a small-sized firm to manage.

  1. Availability of Finance:

It is finance which oils the wheels of business machine. If ample funds are available, it will help the entrepreneur to make his business grow to a big size. This requires a proper development, of the banking system so that savings of the community can be effectively mobilized and utilized in the development of trade and industry.

  1. Availability of Labour:

Another factor on which the size of the firm depends is the availability of labour of requisite skill. After all, what can the entrepreneur even with large capital do, if the labour to man the business is not available? What is required is efficient and skilled labour.

  1. Nature of Business:

Much also depends on the nature of business. If the business obeys the law of increasing Returns, it will grow to a big size, otherwise, in the case of diminishing returns it will remain stunted, and in the case of constant returns it will remain stagnant.

  1. Extent of the Market:

The size of the firm also depends on the extent of the market. If the commodity in which the firm deals or which it-manufactures has a wide market, naturally the business will assume a large scale. But if the demand for the commodity is fitful or limited, the size of the firm will continue to be small. These are some of the factors on which the size of an average firm in a country depends.

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