Innovative Financial Services University of Mumbai BMS 6th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Introduction to Traditional Financial Services {Book}
a) Financial Services: Concept, Objectives/Functions, Characteristics, VIEW
Financial Service Market VIEW
Financial Service Market Constituents VIEW VIEW
Growth of Financial Services in India VIEW
Problems in Financial Services Sector VIEW
Banking VIEW
Non-Banking Companies VIEW
Regulatory Framework VIEW VIEW VIEW
b) Factoring: Introduction, Types of Factoring, Advantages and Disadvantages of Factoring VIEW
Factoring Theoretical Framework, Factoring Cost VIEW
Factoring in India VIEW
Factoring v/s Forfaiting VIEW
Working of Forfaiting, Benefits and Drawbacks of Forfaiting, Practical Problems VIEW VIEW
c) Bill Discounting Introduction, Bill Discounting Framework VIEW VIEW
Bill Market Schemes VIEW
Factoring V/s Bill Discounting in Receivable Management VIEW


Unit 2 Issue Management and Securitization {Book}
a) Issue Management Introduction VIEW
Intermediaries Introduction VIEW VIEW
Merchant Bankers/ Lead Managers VIEW VIEW
Underwriters VIEW VIEW VIEW
Bankers to an Issue, Brokers to an Issue VIEW
b) Stock Broking: Introduction, Stock Brokers, SubBrokers, Foreign Brokers VIEW
Trading and Clearing/Self Clearing Members VIEW
Stock Trading (Cash and Normal) VIEW
Derivative Trading VIEW
c) Securitization: Definition, Securitization v/s Factoring, Features of Securitization, Pass Through Certificates VIEW
Securitization Mechanism VIEW
Special Purpose Vehicle, Securitisable Assets, Benefits of Securitization, New Guidelines on Securitization VIEW


Unit 3 Financial Services and its Mechanism {Book}
a) Lease and Hire-Purchase:
Leases Meaning, Types of Leases: Finance Lease, Operating Lease VIEW
Advantages and Disadvantages of Leasing VIEW
Leasing in India, Legal Aspects of Leasing VIEW
Definition of Hire Purchase VIEW VIEW
Hire Purchase and Installment Sale Characteristics, Advantages of Hire Purchase, Problems of Hire Purchase VIEW
Hire Purchase and Leasing VIEW
b) Housing Finance: Introduction, Housing Finance Industry, Housing Finance Policy Aspect, Sources of Funds VIEW
Market of Housing Finance, Housing Finance in India; Major Issues VIEW
Housing Finance in India; Growth Factors, Housing Finance Institutions in India VIEW
National Housing Bank (NHB) VIEW
Guidelines for Asset Liability Management System in HFC, Fair Trade Practice Code for HFC’s, Housing Finance Agencies VIEW
Venture Capital: Introduction, Features of Venture Capital, Types of Venture Capital Financing Stages VIEW
Disinvestment mechanisms, Venture Capital Investment process, Indian Scenario VIEW


Unit 4 Consumer Finance and Credit Rating {Book}
a) Consumer Finance: Introduction, Sources, Types of Products, Case for and against Consumer Finance VIEW
Consumer Finance Practice in India, Mechanics of Consumer Finance, Terms, Pricing VIEW
Marketing and Insurance of Consumer Finance VIEW
Consumer Credit Scoring VIEW
b) Plastic Money: Growth of Plastic Money Services in India VIEW
Types of Plastic Cards:
Credit card, Debit Card VIEW VIEW
Smart card VIEW
Add-on Cards VIEW
Performance of Credit Cards and Debit Cards VIEW
Benefits of Credit Cards, Dangers of Debit Cards VIEW
Prevention of Frauds and Misuse, Consumer Protection. Indian Scenario VIEW
Smart Cards: Features, Types, Security Features and Financial Applications VIEW
c) Credit Rating Meaning, Origin, Features, Advantages of Rating, Regulatory Framework, VIEW
Credit Rating Agencies, Credit Rating Process, Credit Rating Symbols VIEW
Credit Rating Agencies in India, Limitations of Rating VIEW


Project Management University of Mumbai BMS 6th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Introduction to Project Management & Project Initiation {Book}
a) Introduction to Project Management:
Meaning/Definition of Project & Project Management, Classification of Projects VIEW
Why Project Management VIEW
Characteristics/Importance of Project Management VIEW
Need for Project Management (Objectives), History of Project Management VIEW
b) Organizational Structure (Project Organization):
Meaning/Definition of Project Organizational Structure, Types of Organizational Structure VIEW
Organizational Work Flow, Developing Work Integration Positions VIEW
Forms of Organization VIEW
Strategic Business Units (SBU) in Project Management VIEW
c) Project Initiation: VIEW
Project Selection, Meaning of Project Selection, Importance VIEW
Criteria for Project Selection (Models), Types of Project Selection VIEW
Understanding Risk & Uncertainty in Project Selection VIEW
Project Manager: Meaning of Project Manager, Role of Project Manager, Importance of Project Manager VIEW
Role of Consultants in Project Management, Selecting Criteria for Project Manager VIEW
Project Planning, Importance of Project Planning, Functions of Project Planning, System Integration VIEW
Project Management Life Cycle VIEW
Conflicts & Negotiation Handling in Project Management VIEW
Planning Cycle & Master Production Scheduling VIEW


Unit 2 Analyzing Project Feasibility {Book}
a) Project Feasibility Analysis: Meaning/Definition of Project Feasibility, Importance of Project Feasibility, Scope of Project Feasibility VIEW
Types of Project Feasibility: Market Feasibility, Technical Feasibility, Financial Feasibility, Economic Viability, Operational Feasibility VIEW
SWOT Analysis (Environment Impact Assessment, Social Cost Benefit Analysis) VIEW
b) Market Analysis: Meaning of Market Analysis VIEW
Demand Forecasting VIEW
Product Mix Analysis, Customer Requirement Analysis VIEW
c) Technical Analysis: Meaning of Technical Analysis, Use of Various Informational Tools for Analyzing, Advancement in the Era of e-Commerce in Project Management VIEW
d) Operational Analysis: Meaning of Operation Management, Importance of Operation Management VIEW
Operation Strategy; Levels of Decisions VIEW
Production Planning VIEW VIEW
Production Control VIEW
Material Management VIEW
Work Study & Method Study VIEW
Lean Operations VIEW


Unit 3 Budgeting, Cost & Risk Estimation in Project Management {Book}
a) Funds Estimation in Project: Means of Financing, Types of Financing, Sources of Finance VIEW
Government Assistance towards Project Management for Startups VIEW
Cost Control (Operating Cycle, Budgets & Allocations) VIEW
Determining Financial Needs for Projects, Impact of Leveraging on Cost of Finance VIEW
b) Risk Management in Projects: What is Risk, Types of Risk in Projects, Risk Management Process, Risk Analysis & Identification VIEW
Impact of Risk Handling Measures, Work break Down Structure VIEW
New Venture Valuation (Asset Based, Earnings Based, Discounted Cash flow Models) VIEW
c) Cost Benefit Analysis in Projects:
Introduction to Cost Benefit Analysis in Projects, Efficient Investment Analysis VIEW
Cash-Flow Projections VIEW
Financial Criteria for Capital Allocation, Strategic Investment Decisions VIEW


Unit 4 New Dimensions in Project Management {Book}
a) Modern Development in Project Management: Introduction to Modern Development in Project Management, VIEW
Project Management Maturity Model (PMMM) VIEW
Continuous Improvement VIEW
Developing Effective Procedural Documentation VIEW
Capacity Planning VIEW
b) Project Monitoring & Controlling:
Introduction to Project Monitoring & Controlling, The Planning, Monitoring, Controlling Cycle VIEW
Computerized Project Management Information System (PMIS) VIEW
Balance in Control System in Project Management VIEW
Project Auditing; Life Cycle VIEW
c) Project Termination & Solving Project Management Problems:
Meaning of Project Termination, Reasons for Termination of Projects, Process for Terminating Projects VIEW
Strategy/ Ways to Solve Project Management Problems VIEW
Project Review & Administrative Aspects VIEW
Execution Tools for Closing of Projects VIEW


Strategic Financial Management University of Mumbai BMS 6th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Dividend Decision and XBRL {Book}
Dividend Decision VIEW
Meaning and Forms of Dividend VIEW
Dividend-Modigliani and Miller’s Approach, Walter Model, Gordon Model VIEW
Factors determining Dividend Policy VIEW
Types of Dividend Policy VIEW
XBRL Introduction, Advantages and Disadvantages, Features and Users VIEW


Unit 2 Capital Budgeting and Capital Rationing {Book}
Capital Budgeting VIEW
Risk and Uncertainty in Capital Budgeting VIEW
Risk Adjusted Cut off Rate VIEW
Certainty Equivalent Method VIEW
Sensitivity Technique VIEW
Probability Technique VIEW
Standard Deviation Method VIEW
Co-efficient of Variation Method VIEW
Decision Tree Analysis, Construction of Decision Tree VIEW
Capital Rationing: Meaning, Advantages, Disadvantages, Practical Problems VIEW


Unit 3 Shareholder Value and Corporate Governance/Corporate Restructuring {Book}
a) Shareholder Value and Corporate Governance: VIEW
Financial Goals and Strategy VIEW
Shareholder Value Creation: EVA and MVA Approach VIEW
Corporate Governance VIEW VIEW VIEW
Theories of Corporate Governance VIEW
Practices of Corporate Governance in India VIEW
b) Corporate Restructuring VIEW
Meaning, Types, Limitations of Merger VIEW
Meaning, Types, Limitations of Amalgamation VIEW
Merger & Acquisition VIEW
Meaning, Types, Limitations of Takeover VIEW
Determination of Firm’s Value VIEW
Effect of Merger on EPS and MPS
Pre-Merger and Post Merger Impact


Unit 4 Financial Management in Banking Sector and Working Capital Financing {Book}
a) Financial Management in Banking Sector: An Introduction VIEW
**Financial Management VIEW
Classification of Investments VIEW
NPA & their Provisioning VIEW
Classes of Advances VIEW
Capital Adequacy Norms VIEW
Rebate on Bill Discounting VIEW
Treatment of Interest on Advances
b) Working Capital Financing: VIEW VIEW VIEW
Maximum Permissible Bank Finance (Tandon Committee) VIEW
Cost of issuing Commercial Paper and Trade Credit VIEW
Matching Approach, Aggressive Approach, Conservative Approach VIEW


Indirect Taxes University of Mumbai BMS 6th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Introduction to Indirect Taxation and GST {Book}
A. Basic of Taxation  
Direct taxes and Indirect Taxes: Differences, Advantages and Disadvantages VIEW
Sources and Authority of Taxes in India VIEW VIEW
B. Introduction to GST
Genesis/Origin of GST in India VIEW
Power to tax GST (Constitutional Provisions) VIEW
Extent and Commencement, Meaning and Definition, Benefits of GST VIEW
Conceptual framework: CGST, IGST, SGST, UTGST VIEW
Imports of goods or Services or Both VIEW
Export of Goods or Services or Both VIEW
Taxes subsumed and not subsumed under GST VIEW
C. Definitions  
Goods 2(52) of CGST act VIEW
Services 2(102) of CGST act
Money 2(75) of CGST act
Securities 2(101) of SCRA act 1956
India 2(56) of CGST act
Persons 2(84) of CGST act
Taxable Persons 2(107) of CGST act
Business 2(17) of CGST act
Considerations 2(31) of CGST act
E-commerce operator 2(45) of CGST act
Supplier 2(105) of CGST act
Recipient 2(93) of CGST act


Unit 2 Concept of Supply {Book}
Taxable event Supply:  
Meaning and Scope of supply (Section 7 Subsection 1,2 and 3) VIEW
Schedule I, II, III of Section 7 of GST Act VIEW
Composite and Mixed Supplies (Sec 8 of CGST act) VIEW
Place of Supply:  
Location of Supplier of Goods and Services VIEW
Place of supply of goods (Sec 10, 11, 12 and 13 of IGST act) VIEW
Special provision for Payment of Tax by a supplier of Online Information Database Access Retrieval VIEW
Time of Supply:  
Time of Supply (Sec 31 of CGST act) VIEW
Issue of Invoice by the Supplier (Sec 31(1) and (2) of CGST act) VIEW
Continuous of Supply of goods and Services VIEW
Goods sent on Approval (Sec 31(7) of CGST act) VIEW
Value of Supply:  
Determination of Value of Supply (Section 15 of CGST act and CGST Rules 2017) VIEW
Input tax credit (Sec 2(62) of CGST act) VIEW
Capital goods (Sec 2(19) of CGST act) VIEW
Input (Sec 2(59) of CGST act), Input Service (Sec 2(60) of CGST act) VIEW
Eligibility and conditions for taking Input Tax Credit (Sec 16 of CGST act) VIEW


Unit 3 Registration and Computation of GST {Book}
Registration: Persons liable for GST (Sec 22), Person liable VIEW
Procedure of GST (Sec 25) VIEW
Deemed Registration (Sec 26), Special Provision (Sec 27) VIEW
Amendment, Cancellation and Revocation of Registration (Sec 28,29,31) VIEW
Computation of GST: Computation of GST under Inter State and Intra State Supplies VIEW
Payment of Tax: Payment of Tax, Interest and other Amounts (Sec 49) VIEW
Interest on Delayed Payment (Sec 50) VIEW
TDS (Sec 51) VIEW
TCS (Sec 52) VIEW


Unit 4 Filling of Returns {Book}
Documentation: Tax invoices (Sec 31 and 32) VIEW
Credit and Debit notes (Sec 34) VIEW
Electronic Way bill VIEW
Returns: Types of Returns and provisions relating to filling of Returns (Sec 37 to Sec 48) VIEW


Brand Management University of Mumbai BMS 6th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Introduction to Brand Management {Book}
Meaning of Brand VIEW
Brand Management VIEW
Branding, Importance of Branding to Consumers, Firms VIEW VIEW
Brands v/s Product VIEW
Scope of Branding VIEW
Branding Challenges and Opportunities VIEW
Strategic Brand Management Process VIEW
Customer Based Brand Equity model (CBBE) VIEW
Sources of Brand Equity VIEW
Steps of Brand Building including Brand Building Blocks VIEW
Brand Positioning: Meaning, Importance, Basis VIEW VIEW


Unit 2 Planning and Implementing Brand Marketing Programs {Book}
Brand Element: Meaning, Criteria for choosing Brand Elements, Types of Brand Elements VIEW
Integrating Marketing Programs and Activities VIEW
Personalizing Marketing: Experiential Marketing, One to One Marketing VIEW
Permission Marketing VIEW
Product Strategy VIEW
Perceived Quality VIEW
Relationship Marketing VIEW VIEW
Pricing Strategy: VIEW VIEW
Setting Prices to Build Brand Equity VIEW
Channel Strategy: VIEW VIEW
Direct, Indirect Channel VIEW
Promotion Strategy VIEW VIEW
Developing Integrated Marketing Communication Programs VIEW VIEW
Leveraging Secondary Brand Associations to Build Brand Equity: Companies, Countries VIEW
Channel of Distribution VIEW VIEW
Co-branding, Characters VIEW
Events VIEW


Unit 3 Measuring and Interpreting Brand Performance {Book}
a) The Brand Value Chain VIEW
b) Measuring Sources of Brand Equity:
Qualitative Research Techniques: Projective Techniques: Completion, Comparison VIEW
Brand Personality VIEW VIEW
Values: The Big Five VIEW
Free Association VIEW
Quantitative Research Techniques:
Brand Awareness VIEW
Brand Recognition VIEW
Brand Recall VIEW
Brand Image VIEW VIEW
Brand Responses VIEW
c) Young and Rubicam’s Brand Asset Valuator VIEW
d) Measuring Outcomes of Brand Equity VIEW
Comparative Methods: Brand based Comparative Approaches, Marketing Based Comparative Approaches, Conjoint Analysis VIEW
Holistic Methods: Residual Approaches, Valuation Approaches VIEW
Historical Perspectives and Interbrand’s Brand Valuation Methodology VIEW


Unit 4 Growing and Sustaining Brand Equity {Book}
Designing and Implementing Branding Strategies VIEW
Brand Architecture: Meaning of Brand Architecture, The Brand-Product Matrix VIEW
Breadth of a Branding Strategy, Depth of a Branding Strategy VIEW
Brand Hierarchy: Meaning of Brand Hierarchy, Building equity at Different Hierarchy Levels VIEW
Cause Marketing to Build Brand Equity: Meaning of Cause Marketing, Advantages VIEW
Green Marketing VIEW
Brand extensions: Meaning, Advantages, Disadvantages VIEW
Brand extension and Brand equity VIEW
Managing Brands over Time: VIEW
Reinforcing Brand VIEW
Revitalizing Brand VIEW
Building global customer-based Brand equity VIEW


Retail Management University of Mumbai BMS 6th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Retail Management: An overview {Book}
a) Retail Management: Introduction and Meaning, Significance, Scope of Retail Management VIEW
Factors Influencing Retail Management VIEW
b) Retail Formats VIEW
Concept of Organized Retailing VIEW VIEW
Factors Responsible for the Growth of Organized Retail in India VIEW VIEW
Multichannel Retailing: Meaning and Types VIEW
E-tailing: Meaning, Advantages and Limitations VIEW
c) Emerging Trends in Retailing VIEW
Impact of Globalization on Retailing VIEW
IT in Retail: Importance, Advantages and Limitations VIEW
Applications of IT in Retail:
Bar Coding VIEW
RFID Tags, Electronic Surveillance VIEW
Electronic Shelf Labels VIEW
FDI in Retailing: Meaning, Need for FDI in Indian Retail Scenario VIEW
Franchising: Meaning, Types, Advantages and Limitations, Franchising in India VIEW
Green Retailing VIEW
Airport Retailing VIEW


Unit 2 Retail Consumer and Retail Strategy {Book}
a) Retail Consumer/Shopper: Meaning of Retail Shopper, Factors Influencing Retail Shoppers VIEW
Changing Profile of Retail Shoppers VIEW
Market Research as a Tool for Understanding Retail Markets and Shoppers VIEW
b) CRM in Retail: Meaning, Objectives VIEW
Customer Retention Approaches: Frequent Shopper Programme, Special Customer Services, Personalization, Community VIEW
c) Retail Strategy: Meaning, Steps in Developing Retail Strategy, Retail Value Chain VIEW
d) Store Location Selection: Meaning, Types of Retail Locations, Factors Influencing Store Location VIEW
e) HRM in Retail: Meaning, Significance, Functions VIEW
Organization Structure in Retail: Meaning, Factors Influencing Designing Organization Structure, Organization Structure for Small Stores/Single Stores/Independent Retailers and Retail Store Chain/Department Store VIEW


Unit 3 Merchandise Management and Pricing {Book}
a) Merchandise Management Concept, Types of Merchandise, Principles of Merchandising VIEW
Merchandise Planning Meaning and Process VIEW
Merchandise Category: Meaning, Importance, Components, Role of Category Captain VIEW
Merchandise Procurement/Sourcing: Meaning, Process, Sources for Merchandise VIEW
b) Buying Function Meaning VIEW
Buying Cycle VIEW
Factors Affecting Buying Functions VIEW
Functions of Buying for Different Types of Organizations VIEW
Young and Rubicam’s Brand Asset Valuator VIEW
Independent Store, Retail Chain, Non-store Retailer VIEW VIEW
c) Concept of Lifestyle Merchandising VIEW
d) Private Label: Meaning, Need and Importance, Private Labels in India VIEW
e) Retail Pricing, Meaning, Considerations in Setting Retail Pricing, VIEW
Pricing Strategies:
High/Low Pricing: Meaning, Benefits VIEW
Everyday Low Pricing Meaning, Benefits VIEW
Market Skimming, Market Penetration VIEW
Leader Pricing, Odd Pricing, Single Pricing VIEW
Multiple Pricing, Anchor Pricing VIEW
Variable Pricing and Price Discrimination Meaning VIEW
Individualized Variable Pricing/First Degree Price VIEW
Self-Selected Variable Pricing/ Second Degree Price Discrimination: Clearance and Promotional Markdowns, Coupons, Price Bundling, Multiple, Unit Pricing VIEW
Variable Pricing by Market Segment/ Third Degree Price Discrimination VIEW


Unit 4 Managing and Sustaining Retail {Book}
a) Retail Store Operations Meaning VIEW
Responsibilities of Store Manager VIEW
The 5 S’s of Retail Operations (Systems, Standards, Stock, Space, Staff) VIEW
b) Store Design and Layout:
Store Design: Meaning, Objectives, Principles VIEW
Elements of Exterior and Interior Store Design VIEW
Store Atmospherics and Aesthetics VIEW
Store Layout Meaning, Types; Grid, Racetrack, Free Form VIEW
Signage and Graphics Meaning, Significance, Concept of Digital Signage VIEW
Feature Areas: Meaning, Types; Windows, Entrances, Freestanding Displays, End Caps, Promotional Aisles, Walls, Dressing Rooms, Cash Wraps VIEW
c) Visual Merchandising and Display:
Visual Merchandising Meaning, Significance, Tools Used for Visual Merchandising VIEW
The Concept of Planogram VIEW
Display Meaning, Methods of Display, Errors in Creating Display VIEW


International Marketing University of Mumbai BMS 6th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Introduction to International Marketing & Trade {Book}
Meaning, Features of International Marketing, Need and Drivers of International Marketing VIEW
Process of International Marketing, Phases of International Marketing VIEW
Benefits of International Marketing VIEW
Challenges of International Marketing VIEW
Difference between Domestic and International Marketing VIEW
Different Orientations of International Marketing: EPRG Framework VIEW
Entering International Markets: VIEW
Exporting VIEW VIEW
Licensing VIEW
Franchising VIEW
Mergers and Acquisition VIEW
Joint Ventures VIEW
Strategic Alliance VIEW
Wholly Owned Subsidiaries VIEW
Contract Manufacturing VIEW
Turnkey Projects VIEW
Concept of Globalization VIEW VIEW
Introduction to International Trade: Concept of International Trade VIEW VIEW
Barriers to Trade: Tariff and Non-Tariff VIEW
European Union VIEW


Unit 2 International Marketing Environment and Marketing Research {Book}
a) International Marketing Environment VIEW
Economic Environment: International Economic Institution:
World Bank VIEW
International Economic Integration:
Free Trade Agreement VIEW
Customs Union VIEW VIEW
Common Market VIEW
Economic Union VIEW
Political Environment: Political System (Democracy, Authoritarianism, Communism), Political Risk, Political Instability, Political Intervention VIEW
Legal Environment: Legal Systems (Common Law, Civil Law, Theocratic Law), Legal Differences, Anti-Dumping Law and Import License VIEW
Cultural Environment: Concept, Elements of Culture (Language, Religion, Values and Attitude, Manners and Customs, Aesthetics and Education), HOFSTEDE’s Six Dimension of Culture, Cultural Values (Individualism v/s Collectivism) VIEW
b) Marketing Research: Introduction, Need for Conducting International Marketing Research, International Marketing Research Process, Scope of International Marketing Research, IT in Marketing Research VIEW


Unit 3 International Marketing Mix {Book}
International Product Decision VIEW
International Product Line Decisions VIEW
Product Standardization v/s Adaptation Argument VIEW
International Product Life Cycle VIEW
Role of Packaging and Labelling in International Markets VIEW
Branding Decisions in International Markets VIEW
International Market Segmentation and Targeting, Positioning VIEW
b) International Pricing Decision VIEW
Concept of International Pricing, Objectives of International Pricing, Factors Affecting International Pricing VIEW
International Pricing Methods: Cost Based, Demand Based, Competition Based, Value Pricing, Target Return Pricing and Going Rate Pricing VIEW
International Pricing Strategies: Skimming Pricing, Penetration Pricing, Predatory Pricing VIEW
International Pricing Issues: Gray Market, Counter Trade, Dumping, Transfer Pricing VIEW
c) International Distribution Decisions
Concept of International Distribution Channels, Types of International Distribution Channels VIEW
Factors Influencing Selection of International Distribution Channel VIEW
d) International Promotion Decisions:
Concept of International Promotion Decision VIEW VIEW
Planning International Promotional Campaigns: Steps: Determine the Target Audience, Determine Specific Campaigns VIEW
Determine Budget VIEW
Determine Message VIEW VIEW
Determine Campaign Approach VIEW VIEW
Determine Campaign Effectiveness VIEW VIEW
Standardization V/S Adaptation of International Promotional Strategies VIEW VIEW
International Promotional Tools/Elements VIEW


Unit 4 Developments in International Marketing {Book}
a) Introduction: Developing International Marketing Plan: VIEW
Preparing International Marketing Plan VIEW
Examining International Organisational Design VIEW
Controlling International Marketing Operations VIEW
Devising International Marketing Plan VIEW
b) International strategies:
Need for International Strategies, Types of International Strategies VIEW
c) International Marketing of Services:
Concept of International Service Marketing, Features of International Service Marketing, Need of International Service Marketing VIEW
Drivers of Global Service Marketing, Advantages and Disadvantages of Global Service Marketing, Service Culture VIEW


Media Planning & Management University of Mumbai BMS 6th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Overview of Media and Media Planning {Book}
Meaning of Media & Features of Media VIEW
Meaning of Media Planning, Scope of Media planning VIEW
Media Planning Elements VIEW
Role of Media in Business VIEW
Media Planning Process VIEW
Impact of Marketing Objectives on Media Planning, Factors Influencing Media Planning Decisions VIEW
Role and Importance of Media in Consumer Buying Decision VIEW
Role of Media Planner, Challenges of Media Planning VIEW
Organization Structure of Media Company VIEW
Regulatory Framework and Legal Aspects in Media Planning VIEW
Media Research Meaning, Role and Importance VIEW
Sources of Media Research: Audit Bureau of Circulation, Press Audits, National Readership Survey/IRS, Businessmen’s Readership Survey, TRP, VIEW
Sources of Media Research: National Television Study, ADMAR Satellite Cable Network Study, Reach and Coverage Study, CIB Listenership Survey VIEW


Unit 2 Media Mix and Media Strategy {Book}
Media Mix Meaning, Need for Media Mix VIEW
Identifying Audience for Mass Media VIEW
Factors Affecting Media Mix Decision VIEW
Types of Media Mix Decisions: Broad Media Classes, Media Vehicles, Media Units VIEW
Deciding Ideal Media Mix VIEW
Media Choices:
Print Meaning Factors Affecting Selection of Print Media Decisions, Types of Print Media, Advantages and Limitations VIEW
Television Media: Meaning, Factors Affecting Selection of Television Media Decisions, Advantages and Limitations VIEW
Radio Media: Meaning, Factors affecting Selection of Radio Media Decision, Advantages and Limitations VIEW
Out of Home (OOH): Meaning, Types of OOH, Factors Affecting OOH Planning Decision, Advantages and Limitations VIEW
Emerging Media:
Online, Mobile, Gaming, In flight, In Store, Interactive Media VIEW
Media Strategy:
Media Strategy: Meaning, Need for Media Strategy, Situation Analysis for Media Strategy and its Components VIEW
Steps in Formulating Media Strategies: Defining the Target Group, Market Prioritization, Media Weights, Media Mix, Media Scheduling VIEW


Unit 3 Media Budgeting, Buying & Scheduling {Book}
Media Budget Meaning VIEW VIEW
Factors to be considered while Framing a Budget: Advertising Task, Competitive Framework, Market Dominance, Market Coverage, Media Cost, Market Task, Pricing, Frequency of Purchase VIEW
Importance of Media Budget VIEW VIEW
Methods of Setting Media Budget: Status Quo, Inflation Adjusted, Advertising Sales, Case Rate & Advertising Margin Method, Share of Market VIEW
Methods of Setting Media Budget: Yardstick Method, Effective Frequency & Reach Method & Margin Analysis ROI Based Approach, Experimental Approach, Break Even Planning VIEW
Media Buying: Meaning, Role of Media Buyer, Objectives of Media Buying VIEW
Media Buying Process: Buying Brief, Environmental Analysis, Science and Art of Buying, Benchmarking Buying Plan Presentation Deal Management and Post Buy VIEW
Buying brief: Concept & Elements of Buying Brief, Art of Media Buying Negotiation in Media Buying, Plan Presentation and Client Feedback VIEW
Criteria in Media Buying VIEW
Media Scheduling Meaning, Importance VIEW
Factors Affecting Scheduling: Sales Pattern, Purchase Cycle, Product Availability, Competitive Activity, Marketing Task, Budget Constraints, Target Group VIEW
Scheduling Patterns; Continuity, Flighting, Pulsing VIEW
Scheduling Strategies for Creating Impact: Road Block, Day or Day part VIEW
Emphasis, Multiple Spotting, Teasers


Unit 4 Developments in International Marketing {Book}
a) Media Measurement: Basic Metrics: Reach, Cumulative/Frequency Reach, Discrete & Cumulative distribution, Average Opportunity to See (AOTS), Effective frequency/Reach VIEW
Television Metrics: Dairy v/s PeopIemeter, TRP/TVR, Program Reach & Time Spent, Stickiness Index, Ad Viewership VIEW
Radio Metrics: Arbitron Radio Rating VIEW
Print Metrics: Circulation, Average Issue Readership (AIR), Total or Claimed Reader, Sole or Solus reader VIEW
OOH Metrics: Traffic Audit Bureau (TAB) VIEW
Benchmarking Metrics: Share, Profile, and Selectivity Index VIEW
Plan Metrics: Gross Rating Points (GRP), Gross Impressions (GI), Share of Voice (SOV) VIEW
Evaluating Media Buys
Evaluating Television Media Buying: Dysfunctional Card Rate, Secondary and Effective Rate, Deal Composition, Cost Per Rating Point (CPRP), Reach Delivered by the Buy, Visibility Spots, Bonus Percentage, Upgrades and Spot Fixing, Sponsorships VIEW
Evaluating Print Media Buying: Discount on Rate Card, Negotiated Rate, Cost Per Thousand (CPT), Market Share Incentives, Readership v/s Circulation Track, Growth Incentives, Combination Rate Incentives, Full Page Discounts and Size Upgrades, Discount for Colour Ads, Date Flexibility Incentives, Positioning, Innovations VIEW
Evaluating Other Media Buys: Radio Buys, Outdoor Buys, Cinema Buys, Internet Buys, and Mobile Buys VIEW


HRM in Global Perspective University of Mumbai BMS 6th Sem Notes

Unit 1 International HRM: An Overview: {Book}
International HRM Meaning and Features VIEW
Objectives, Evolution of IHRM VIEW
Reasons for Emergency of IHRM VIEW
Significance of IHRM in International Business VIEW
International HRM Scope/Functions VIEW
Difference between International HRM and Domestic HRM VIEW VIEW
Approaches to IHRM: Ethnocentric, Polycentric, Geocentric and Regiocentric VIEW
Limitations to IHRM VIEW
Qualities of Global Managers VIEW
Organizational Dynamics and IHRM VIEW
Components of IHRM: Cross Cultural Management, Comparative HRM
Cross Cultural Management: Meaning, Features, Convergence of Cultures VIEW
Role of IHRM in Cross Culture Management VIEW
Problems of Cross-Cultural Issues in Organizations VIEW
Importance of Cultural Sensitivity to International Managers VIEW
Comparative HRM: Meaning, Importance, Difference between IHRM and Comparative HRM VIEW
Managing Diversity in Workforce VIEW VIEW
Dealing with Cultural Shock VIEW


Unit 2 Global HRM Functions {Book}
International Recruitment and Selection Meaning VIEW VIEW
Sources of International Labour Market, Global Staffing, Selection Criteria VIEW
Managing Global Diverse Workforce VIEW VIEW
International Compensation Meaning, Objectives, Components of International Compensation Program VIEW
Approaches to International Compensation VIEW
HRM Perspectives in Training and Development Meaning, Advantages VIEW
Cross Cultural Training, Issues in Cross Cultural Training VIEW
International Performance Management Meaning, Factors VIEW
Criterion used for Performance Appraisal of International Employees VIEW
Problems Faced in International Performance Management VIEW
Motivation System Meaning VIEW VIEW
Reward System Meaning VIEW VIEW
Benchmarking Global Practices VIEW
International Industrial Relations Meaning VIEW
Trade Union and International IR VIEW
Trade Union VIEW VIEW


Unit 3 Managing Expatriation and Repatriation {Book}
Concepts of PCNs (Parent-Country Nationals), TCNs (Third-Country Nationals) and HCNs (Host-Country Nationals) VIEW
Expatriation Meaning, Reasons for Expatriation, Factors in Selection of Expatriates VIEW
Advantages of Using Expatriates VIEW
Limitations of using Expatriates, Role of Family, Reasons for Expatriate Failure VIEW
The Role of Non-expatriates VIEW
Women and Expatriation VIEW
Requirements/Characteristics of Effective Expatriate Managers VIEW
Repatriation Meaning, Repatriation Process VIEW
Factors affecting Repatriation Process VIEW
Role of Repatriate, Challenges faced by Repatriates VIEW


Unit 4 International HRM Trends and Challenges {Book}
Emerging Trends in IHRM VIEW
Off Shoring Meaning, Importance, Off Shoring and HRM in India VIEW
International Business Ethics and IHRM:
Business Ethics VIEW VIEW
Global Values VIEW
International Corporate Code of Conduct VIEW VIEW
Criminalization of Bribery VIEW
Operationalizing Corporate Ethics of HR in Overall Corporate Ethics Programme VIEW
Managing International Projects and Teams Meaning VIEW
How Projects are Managed across the World VIEW
Challenges in Managing International Projects across the World VIEW
HR in MNCs; Industrial Relations in MNCs VIEW
Role of Technology on IHRM VIEW
IHRM and Virtual Organization Meaning and Features of Virtual Organization VIEW
Difference between Virtual Organization and Traditional Organization VIEW
Managing HR in Virtual Organization VIEW
Growth in Strategic Alliances; Impact on IHRM VIEW VIEW
Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions VIEW
Knowledge Management and IHRM VIEW


Organisational Development University of Mumbai BMS 6th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Organisational Development: An Overview {Book}
Organisational Development Meaning, Features, Evolution, Components, Objectives VIEW
Organisational Development Principles, Process, Importance VIEW
Relevance of Organisational Development for Managers, OD-HRD Interface VIEW
Participation of Top Management in OD VIEW
OD Practitioner Meaning, Role of OD Practitioner, Competencies of an OD Practitioner VIEW
Emerging Trends in OD VIEW
OD in Global Setting VIEW


Unit 2 Organisational Diagnosis, Renewal and Change {Book}
Organisational Diagnosis: Meaning, Need, Phases VIEW
Levels of Organisational Diagnosis VIEW
Techniques of Organisational Diagnosis VIEW
Tools used in Organisational Diagnosis VIEW
Organizational Renewal, Re-energizing VIEW
OD and Business Process Re- Engineering (BPR) VIEW
OD and Leadership Development VIEW
Organisational Change Meaning VIEW
Organisational Life Cycle VIEW
Planned Change VIEW VIEW
Organizational Growth and its Implication for Change VIEW
Change Agents: Meaning, Features, Types, Role, Skills required VIEW


Unit 3 OD Interventions {Book}
a) Managing Expatriation and Repatriation VIEW
OD Interventions: Meaning, Features, Steps in OD Interventions VIEW
Factors Affecting Success of Interventions VIEW
Types of Interventions:
Human Resource Intervention VIEW
Structural Intervention VIEW
Strategic Interventions VIEW
Third-Party Peace-Making Intervention VIEW
**Team Intervention VIEW
**Interpersonal Intervention VIEW
Techniques of OD Intervention:
Traditional Intervention: Sensitive Training, Grid Training, Survey Feedback VIEW
Modern Intervention: Process Consultation, Third Party, Team Building, Transactional Analysis VIEW
Evaluation of OD Interventions: Process, Types, Methods, Importance VIEW


Unit 4 OD Effectiveness {Book}
Issues faced in OD: Issues Related to Client Relationship, Power Individual skills and Attributes as a Source of Power, Power and Influence Tactics, Politics and OD VIEW
Values in OD: Meaning, Professional Values, Value Conflict and Dilemma VIEW
Ethics in OD: Meaning, Factors Influencing Ethical Judgement VIEW
Ethical Guidelines for OD Professionals VIEW
Organisational Effectiveness Meaning, Effectiveness v/s Efficiency VIEW
Approaches of Organisational Effectiveness: Goal Approach, System Resource Approach, Strategic Constituency Approach, Internal Process Approach VIEW
Parameters for Judging Organisational Effectiveness VIEW
Ways to Enhance Organisational Effectiveness VIEW


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