Perceived Quality

09/11/2021 0 By indiafreenotes

Perceived quality can be defined as the customer’s perception of the overall quality or superiority of a product or service with respect to its intended purpose, relative to alternatives. Perceived quality is, first, a perception by customers. It thus differs from several related concepts, such as:

a) Actual or objective quality: The extent to which the product or service delivers superior service.

b) Product-based quality: The nature and quantity of ingredients, features, or services included.

c) Manufacturing quality: Conformance to specification, the “zero defect” goal.

Perceived quality cannot necessarily be objectively determined, in part because it is a perception and also because judgments about what is important to customers are involved. An evaluation of washing machines by a Consumer Report expert may be competent and unbiased, but it must make judgments about the relative importance of features, cleaning action, types of clothes to be washed, and so on that may not match those of all customers. After all, customers differ sharply in their personalities, needs, and preferences.

Perceived quality is an intangible, overall feeling about a brand. How-ever, it usually will be based on underlying dimensions which include characteristics of the products to which the brand is attached such as reliability and performance. To understand perceived quality, the identification and measurement of the underlying dimensions will be useful, but the perceived quality itself is a summary, global construct.

Dimensions of Perceived Quality: The Service Context

  • Reliability: Will the accounting work be performed dependably and accurately?
  • Tangibles: Do the physical facilities, equipment, and appearance of personnel imply quality?
  • Competence: Does the repair shop staff have the knowledge and skill to get the job done right? Do they convey trust and confidence?
  • Empathy: Does the bank provide caring, individualized attention to its customers?
  • Responsiveness: Is the sales staff willing to help customers and provide prompt service?

Dimensions of Perceived Quality: The Product Context

  • Features: Does a toothpaste have a convenient dispenser?
  • Performance: How well does a washing machine clean clothes?
  • Conformance with specifications: What is the incidence of defects?
  • Durability: How long will the lawn mower last?
  • Reliability: Will the lawn mower work properly each time it is used?
  • Fit and finish: Does the product look and feel like a quality product?
  • Serviceability: Is the service system efficient, competent, and convenient?

Factors of Perceived Quality

It’s not all just senseless splurging and sporadic sales though.

Typically, your common garden-variety consumer still has a few conditions in place when they’re planning to put their money in a product.


Secondly, you should be going for appealing and worthwhile features.

Having an adequate and appealing assortment of features can significantly boost consumer trust and perceived quality, almost more than anything else.


Performance is a key governing aspect when it comes to perceived quality and how fast a customer is going to reach for any brand over the vast selection of other, potentially better products out there.

Any sensible consumer will want to get the most out of whatever it is they’re buying. They have a need and need it filled. So, it’s a brand’s job to make sure that whatever they have on offer boasts the most performance a consumer can get.


The user experience that you as a consumer are going to have with any product or service should always remain consistent. You don’t want to notice a sudden drop in quality, nor do you want defective products ruining your brand image.

The customer is always right. And there, more or less, ever vigilant. And their perceived quality of any product or service relies on its constant reliability over its time in the consumers’ hands.

So, you can see how this can seriously affect perceived quality, which ultimately is a vague metric for overall product quality when you think about it.

Conformity with Specifications

Are you actually getting what’s advertised? Nothing undermines perceived quality like false advertisement. Indeed, conformity with specifications play a massive role when it comes to fortifying perceived quality.

A scrupulous consumer wants to make sure they’re getting what they’re seeing after all.


Durability, no doubt, is one of the quicker gauges for perceived quality, in addition to overall quality, really. If a product, regardless of its nature or application, can withstand continuous use or exceptionally strenuous use, then you can bet your absolute bottom dollar that its customers will be as numerous as they are dedicated to the brand responsible.

It’s always a good quality to boast and an even greater quality to actually have. One should always expect consumers will put their product or service through the ringer when it comes to their various applications.


Brands have been increasingly making sure that their products and services always have a ready and able support and customer service system in place.

You do not want angry consumers. Not only will you lose customers who are well within their right to complain, they’ll spread the word. Like wildfire, you’ll see your consumer base dwindle over a scarily short amount of time.

Advantages of Perceived Quality

  • Keeps the company on track of continuous improvement as competitors also raise the bar.
  • Helps the product differentiate itself from others.
  • Helps the company to demand premium compared to other brands.
  • If the process improvement is at faster pace compared to competitors, the company can enjoy higher profits with the help of perceived quality.

Disadvantages of Perceived Quality

  • Since it is tangible, even good products might be subject to poor perception, leading to business loss.
  • Any misconception regarding perceived value can lead to improper perception.