Indirect Taxes University of Mumbai BMS 6th Sem Notes

09/04/2020 1 By indiafreenotes
Unit 1 Introduction to Indirect Taxation and GST {Book}
A. Basic of Taxation  
Direct taxes and Indirect Taxes: Differences, Advantages and Disadvantages VIEW
Sources and Authority of Taxes in India VIEW VIEW
B. Introduction to GST
Genesis/Origin of GST in India VIEW
Power to tax GST (Constitutional Provisions) VIEW
Extent and Commencement, Meaning and Definition, Benefits of GST VIEW
Conceptual framework: CGST, IGST, SGST, UTGST VIEW
Imports of goods or Services or Both VIEW
Export of Goods or Services or Both VIEW
Taxes subsumed and not subsumed under GST VIEW
C. Definitions  
Goods 2(52) of CGST act VIEW
Services 2(102) of CGST act
Money 2(75) of CGST act
Securities 2(101) of SCRA act 1956
India 2(56) of CGST act
Persons 2(84) of CGST act
Taxable Persons 2(107) of CGST act
Business 2(17) of CGST act
Considerations 2(31) of CGST act
E-commerce operator 2(45) of CGST act
Supplier 2(105) of CGST act
Recipient 2(93) of CGST act


Unit 2 Concept of Supply {Book}
Taxable event Supply:  
Meaning and Scope of supply (Section 7 Subsection 1,2 and 3) VIEW
Schedule I, II, III of Section 7 of GST Act VIEW
Composite and Mixed Supplies (Sec 8 of CGST act) VIEW
Place of Supply:  
Location of Supplier of Goods and Services VIEW
Place of supply of goods (Sec 10, 11, 12 and 13 of IGST act) VIEW
Special provision for Payment of Tax by a supplier of Online Information Database Access Retrieval VIEW
Time of Supply:  
Time of Supply (Sec 31 of CGST act) VIEW
Issue of Invoice by the Supplier (Sec 31(1) and (2) of CGST act) VIEW
Continuous of Supply of goods and Services VIEW
Goods sent on Approval (Sec 31(7) of CGST act) VIEW
Value of Supply:  
Determination of Value of Supply (Section 15 of CGST act and CGST Rules 2017) VIEW
Input tax credit (Sec 2(62) of CGST act) VIEW
Capital goods (Sec 2(19) of CGST act) VIEW
Input (Sec 2(59) of CGST act), Input Service (Sec 2(60) of CGST act) VIEW
Eligibility and conditions for taking Input Tax Credit (Sec 16 of CGST act) VIEW


Unit 3 Registration and Computation of GST {Book}
Registration: Persons liable for GST (Sec 22), Person liable VIEW
Procedure of GST (Sec 25) VIEW
Deemed Registration (Sec 26), Special Provision (Sec 27) VIEW
Amendment, Cancellation and Revocation of Registration (Sec 28,29,31) VIEW
Computation of GST: Computation of GST under Inter State and Intra State Supplies VIEW
Payment of Tax: Payment of Tax, Interest and other Amounts (Sec 49) VIEW
Interest on Delayed Payment (Sec 50) VIEW
TDS (Sec 51) VIEW
TCS (Sec 52) VIEW


Unit 4 Filling of Returns {Book}
Documentation: Tax invoices (Sec 31 and 32) VIEW
Credit and Debit notes (Sec 34) VIEW
Electronic Way bill VIEW
Returns: Types of Returns and provisions relating to filling of Returns (Sec 37 to Sec 48) VIEW