Corporate Communication 4th Semester BU BBA SEP 2024-25 Notes

Human Resource Management 4th Semester BU BBA SEP 2024-25 Notes

Business Research Methodology 4th Semester BU BBA SEP 2024-25 Notes

Production and Operation Management 4th Semester BU BBA SEP 2024-25 Notes

Cost Accounting 4th Semester BU BBA SEP 2024-25 Notes

Constitution of India 3rd Semester BU BBA SEP 2024-25 Notes

Financial Institutions and Regulatory Bodies 3rd Semester BU BBA SEP 2024-25 Notes

Banking Operations and Innovations 3rd Semester BU BBA SEP 2024-25 Notes

Financial Management 3rd Semester BU BBA SEP 2024-25 Notes

Corporate Accounting 3rd Semester BU BBA SEP 2024-25 Notes

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