Computer Accounting Tally Prime (CATP) 2nd Semester BU BBA SEP Notes

Data Analysis for Business Decisions 2nd Semester BU BBA SEP Notes

Unit 1 [Book]  
Introduction, Meaning, Definitions, Features, Objectives, Functions, Importance and Limitations of Statistics VIEW
Important Terminologies in Statistics: Data, Raw Data, Primary Data, Secondary Data, Population, Census, Survey, Sample Survey, Sampling, Parameter, Unit, Variable, Attribute, Frequency, Seriation, Individual, Discrete and Continuous VIEW
Classification of Data VIEW
Requisites of Good Classification of Data VIEW
Types of Classification Quantitative and Qualitative Classification VIEW
Types of Presentation of Data Textual Presentation VIEW
Tabular Presentation VIEW
One-way Table VIEW
Important Terminologies: Variable, Quantitative Variable, Qualitative Variable, Discrete Variable, Continuous Variable, Dependent Variable, Independent Variable, Frequency, Class Interval, Tally Bar VIEW
Diagrammatic and Graphical Presentation, Rules for Construction of Diagrams and Graphs VIEW
Types of Diagrams: One Dimensional Simple Bar Diagram, Sub-divided Bar Diagram, Multiple Bar Diagram, Percentage Bar Diagram Two-Dimensional Diagram Pie Chart, Graphs VIEW
Unit 2 [Book]  
Meaning and Objectives of Measures of Tendency, Definition of Central Tendency VIEW
Requisites of an Ideal Average VIEW
Types of Averages, Arithmetic Mean, Median, Mode (Direct method only) VIEW
Empirical Relation between Mean, Median and Mode VIEW
Graphical Representation of Median & Mode VIEW
Ogive Curves VIEW
Histogram VIEW
Meaning of Dispersion VIEW
Standard Deviation, Co-efficient of Variation-Problems VIEW
Unit 3 [Book]  
Correlation Meaning and Definition, Uses, VIEW
Types of Correlation VIEW
Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of Correlation probable error VIEW
Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient VIEW
Regression Meaning, Uses VIEW
Regression lines, Regression Equations VIEW
Correlation Coefficient through Regression Coefficient VIEW
Unit 4 [Book]  
Introduction, Meaning, Uses, Components of Time Series VIEW
Methods of Trends VIEW
Method of Moving Averages Method of Curve VIEW
Fitting by the Principle of Least Squares VIEW
Fitting a Straight-line trend by the method of Least Squares VIEW
Computation of Trend Values VIEW
Unit 4 [Book]  
Probability: Definitions and examples -Experiment, Sample space, Event, mutually exclusive events, Equally likely events, Exhaustive events, Sure event, Null event, Complementary event and independent events VIEW
Mathematical definition of Probability VIEW
Statements of Addition and Multiplication Laws of Probability VIEW
Problems on Probabilities  
Conditional Probabilities VIEW
Probabilities using Addition and Multiplication Laws of Probabilities VIEW

Organization Behaviors 2nd Semester BU BBA SEP Notes

Unit 1 [Book]
Introduction to Organizational Behavior VIEW
Overview of Historical and Current Perspective of Organizational Behavior VIEW
Significance of Organizational Behavior VIEW
Foundations of Individual Behavior VIEW
Fundamental Principles of Organizational Behavior VIEW
Organizational Behavior Models VIEW
Emerging and Opportunities Challenges in Organizational Behavior VIEW
Future of Organizational Behavior VIEW
Unit 2 [Book]
Meaning and Definition, Personality VIEW
Personality Traits VIEW
Determinants of Personality VIEW
Theories of Personality VIEW
Meaning, Types, Components of Attitudes VIEW
Formation of Attitudes VIEW
Change in Attitude, Barriers to Change VIEW
Meaning of Perception VIEW
Process of Perception VIEW
Need of Perception VIEW
Factors influencing Perception VIEW
Link between Perception and Decision-making VIEW
Unit 3 [Book]
Meaning and Concept of Leadership VIEW
Difference between Leadership and Management VIEW
Types of Leadership Styles:
Servant Leadership VIEW
Democratic Leadership VIEW
Charismatic Leadership VIEW
Women as Leaders VIEW
Concept and Importance of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) VIEW
Difference between Performance and Organizational Citizenship Behavior VIEW
Transactional Leadership VIEW
Transformational Leadership VIEW
Meaning, Nature, and Importance of Motivation VIEW
Theories of Motivation:
Need for Motivation Theory VIEW
Theory of Herzberg VIEW
Attribution Theory VIEW
Incentive Theory VIEW
Safety Theory VIEW
Motivating Performance VIEW


Unit 5 [Book]
Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Change Management, Communication, Data analysis, and Training in the Organization VIEW
Stress Management VIEW
Power and Politics VIEW
Conflict Management VIEW
Family and Work Life balance VIEW
Role of ethics in Organizational Behavior VIEW

Marketing Dynamics 2nd Semester BU BBA SEP Notes

Unit 1 [Book]  
Marketing Meaning, Definition, Importance, Functions VIEW
Concept of Marketing VIEW
Approaches to Marketing VIEW
Classification of Markets:  
Societal Marketing VIEW
Holistic Marketing VIEW
Relationship Marketing VIEW
Integrated Marketing VIEW
Internal Marketing VIEW
Performance Marketing VIEW
Unit 2 Marketing Environment [Book]  
Meaning Demographic, Economic, Natural, Political, Legal and Socio-Cultural Environments VIEW
Market Segmentation Meaning, Definition, Importance, Limitations VIEW
Bases of Market Segmentation VIEW
Types of Market Segmentation VIEW
Unit 3 [Book]  
Marketing Mix. VIEW
Components (Ps) of Marketing mix. Meaning and Elements VIEW
Product Mix. VIEW
Product Line VIEW
Product Life Cycle (PLC) VIEW
Product Planning VIEW
New Product Development VIEW
Branding VIEW
Packaging VIEW
Labelling VIEW
Product Positioning VIEW
Product Differentiation Concept and Importance VIEW
Pricing, Factors Influencing Pricing VIEW
Methods of Pricing VIEW
Unit 4 [Book]  
Marketing Research, Types, Process Tools and Techniques VIEW
Application of Marketing Research:  
Product Launching VIEW
Demand estimation VIEW
Advertising VIEW
Brand Preferences VIEW
Customer Satisfaction VIEW
Retail Stores Image VIEW
Customer Perception VIEW
Distribution VIEW
Customer Relationship VIEW
Competitor Analysis and Related aspects VIEW
Unit 5 [Book]  
E-Marketing Environment VIEW
Digital Media Industry VIEW
Reaching Audience through Digital Channels VIEW
Traditional and Digital Marketing VIEW
Online Marketing Environment VIEW
Dotcom Evolution VIEW
Internet Relationships VIEW
Business in Modern Economy VIEW
Integrating E-Business to an Existing Business Model VIEW
Concept of Digital Marketing VIEW
Online Marketing Mix VIEW
SoLoMo (Social- Local-Mobile) VIEW
Careers in Social Media Marketing VIEW
Ethics in Marketing Meaning, Importance VIEW
Role of ethics in Marketing VIEW
Marketing Ethics in the Digital age VIEW

Environmental Studies 1st Semester BU BBA SEP Notes

Unit 1 [Book]
Multi-disciplinary Nature of Environmental Studies, Scope and Importance VIEW
Concept of Sustainability and Sustainable Development VIEW
Ecosystem, Structure and Function VIEW
Energy flow in an Ecosystem: Food Chains, Food Webs and Ecological Succession VIEW
Terrestrial Ecosystems:
Forest Ecosystem VIEW
Grassland Ecosystem VIEW
Desert Ecosystem VIEW
Aquatic ecosystems: Ponds, Streams, Lakes, Rivers, Oceans, Estuaries VIEW


Unit 2 [Book]
Natural Resources, Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources VIEW
Land Resources: Land-use and Land cover change, Land Degradation, Soil erosion, and Desertification VIEW
Forest Resources, Types and Scope VIEW
Deforestation Causes and impacts due to Mining, Dam building on environment, Forests, Biodiversity, and Tribal Populations VIEW
Water Recourses: Use and Over-exploitation of Surface and Ground water, Floods, Droughts, Conflicts over water (International and Inter-state) VIEW
Energy Resources, Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Sources, Use of Alternate Energy Sources, Growing Energy Needs VIEW
Biodiversity and Conservation VIEW
Levels of Biological Diversity Genetic, Species and Ecosystem Diversity VIEW
Biogeographic Zones of India VIEW
Biodiversity Patterns and Global Biodiversity Hot Spots VIEW
India as a Mega Biodiversity Nation VIEW
Endangered and Endemic Species of India VIEW
Threats to Biodiversity: Habitat Loss, Poaching of Wildlife, Man-wildlife Conflicts VIEW
Biological Invasions VIEW
Conservation of Biodiversity: In-situ and Ex-situ Conservation of Biodiversity VIEW


Unit 3 [Book]
Environmental Pollution, Types, Causes, Effects and Controls VIEW
Air, Water, Soil and Noise Pollution VIEW
Nuclear Hazards and Human health Risks VIEW
Solid Waste VIEW
Management and Control Measures of Urban and Industrial Waste VIEW
Environmental Policies and Practices:
Climate Change VIEW
Global Warming VIEW
Ozone Layer Depletion VIEW
Acid Rain and Impacts on Human Communities and Agriculture VIEW
Environment Laws:
Environment Protection Act VIEW
Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act VIEW
Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act VIEW
Wildlife Protection Act VIEW
Forest Conservation Act VIEW
International Agreements:
Montreal Protocol VIEW
Kyoto Protocol VIEW
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) VIEW
Nature Reserves VIEW
Tribal Populations and Rights VIEW
Human wildlife Conflicts in Indian context VIEW


Unit 4 [Book]
Human Communities and the Environment:
Human Population Growth Impacts on Environment VIEW
Human Health and Welfare VIEW
Resettlement and Rehabilitation of Project affected Persons VIEW
Disaster Management: Floods, Earthquake, Cyclones and Landslides VIEW
Chipko Environmental Movements VIEW
Silent valley Environmental Movements VIEW
Bishnois of Rajasthan Environmental Movements VIEW
Environmental ethics: Ecological, Economic, Social, Ethical, Aesthetic and Informational Value VIEW
Role of Indian and other Religions and Cultures in Environmental Conservation VIEW
Environmental Communication and Public awareness VIEW

Quantitative Analysis for Business 1st Semester BU BBA SEP Notes

Unit 1,2,3,4 Pl. Refer Books Book


Unit 5 [Book]  
Definition of Interest and Other Terms: Simple Interest and Compound Interest VIEW
Effective rate of Interest:  
Present Value VIEW
Future Value VIEW
Perpetuity VIEW
Annuity VIEW
Sinking Fund VIEW
Valuation of Bonds VIEW
Calculating of EMI VIEW



Business Environment 1st Semester BU BBA SEP Notes

Unit 1 [Book]
Concept and Nature, Significance of Business Environment VIEW
Need to Study Business Environment VIEW
Elements of Business Environment VIEW
Environmental Analysis and Forecasting and Techniques VIEW
Government-Business Interface VIEW
Changing Dimensions of Indian Business VIEW


Unit 2 [Book]
Business VIEW
Economic System Interface VIEW
Industrial Development under different Plan Periods VIEW
New Industrial Policy of India VIEW
Public Sector Policy of India VIEW
Disinvestment Policy of India VIEW
EXIM Policy of India VIEW
Industrial Policy for North-East India VIEW
Monetary Policy VIEW
Fiscal Policy VIEW


Unit 3 [Book]
Industrial Licensing Policy VIEW
Competition Act VIEW
Intellectual Property Rights VIEW
Patent Law VIEW
Consumer Protection Act 1986 (Central council and State Council) VIEW
Government Policy on Environment:
Water Pollution Act VIEW
Air Pollution Act VIEW
Environment (Protection) Act VIEW
Environmental Audit VIEW
Technological Environment:
Recent Technological Advancement in Indian Business VIEW
E-Commerce VIEW
M-Commerce VIEW


Unit 4 [Book]
Political Systems, Concepts, Practices in India VIEW
Political institutions in India VIEW
Salient Features of Indian Societies VIEW
Capitalism VIEW
Socialism VIEW
Sun-rise Sectors of India Economy VIEW
Challenges of Indian Economy VIEW
Social Responsibility of Business, Characteristics, Components, Scope VIEW
Relationship Between Society and Business VIEW
Sociocultural business Environment VIEW
Social Groups VIEW
Foreign Investment in India VIEW


Unit 5 [Book]
The Contribution of Public sector enterprises in India VIEW
Privatization of Public Sectors, Effects and Results VIEW
Disinvestment in Government or Public Sector VIEW
Foreign Direct Investment in India, its impact on Indian Economy VIEW

Management Dynamics 1st Semester BU BBA SEP Notes

Unit 1 [Book]
Concept of Management VIEW
Management as Art and Science and Profession VIEW
Management Vs Administration VIEW
Levels of Management VIEW
Functions of Management VIEW
Managerial Skills VIEW
Qualities and Characteristics of Managers VIEW
Quality Circle Meaning, Features and Objectives VIEW
Evolution of Management thought:
Early Contributions of Management thought VIEW
Taylor and Scientific Management VIEW
Fayol’s Management VIEW
Administrative Management VIEW
Bureaucracy of Management thought VIEW
Human Relations Management thought VIEW
Modern Approach Management thought VIEW
Social Responsibility of Managers VIEW
Horizontal and Vertical Fit in HR System VIEW


Unit 2 [Book]
Concept of Planning, Significance of Planning VIEW
Classification of planning: Strategic plan, Tactical plan and Operational plan VIEW
Process of Planning VIEW
Barriers to effective Planning VIEW
MBO (Management by Objective) VIEW
Management by Exception (MBE) VIEW
Decision Making, Strategies of Decision Making VIEW
Steps in Rational Decision-making process VIEW
Factors influencing Decision Making process VIEW
Psychological Bias and Decision Support System VIEW
Organizing, Defining, Principles VIEW
Organizing Process VIEW
Types of Organizational Structure VIEW
Span of Control VIEW
Centralization vs. Decentralization of Authority VIEW
Informal organization VIEW


Unit 3 [Book]
Staffing, Meaning and Definition, Concept, Objective VIEW
System approach to Staffing VIEW
Manpower planning VIEW
Controlling Meaning and Definition, Concept, Importance VIEW
Types of Control VIEW
Steps in Control Process VIEW
Directing Concept, Techniques VIEW
Techniques, Types of Supervision VIEW
Essential Characteristics of Supervisor VIEW


Unit 4 [Book]
Leadership vs. Management VIEW
Leadership, Importance VIEW
Process of Leadership VIEW
Characteristics of an effective Leader VIEW
Modern Styles of Leadership:
Transactional Leadership VIEW
Transformational Leadership VIEW
Servant Leadership VIEW
Democratic Leadership VIEW
Autocratic Leadership VIEW
Laissez-Faire (Delegative) Leadership VIEW
Bureaucratic Leadership VIEW
Charismatic Leadership VIEW
Coaching Meaning and Concepts only VIEW
Motivation Concept, Forms, Need VIEW
Theories of Motivation:
Need for Motivation Theory VIEW
Theory of Herzberg VIEW
Attribution Theory VIEW
Incentive Theory VIEW
Safety Theory VIEW


Unit 5 [Book]
Ethics in Management, Meaning and Definition VIEW
Hindrances in Ethical decision VIEW
Impact of Policy matters in Ethical Decision Making VIEW
Ethical issues in implementing Government Norms and Organizational Policies VIEW
Managerial Ethics VIEW
Emerging Trends in Management:
Business Process Re-engineering, Objectives VIEW
Total Quality Management, Principles VIEW
Quality Circles, Objective, Benefits of Quality Circles VIEW
Benchmarking, Objective, Steps VIEW

Fundamentals of Accounting 1st Semester BU BBA SEP Notes

Unit 1 [Book]
Introduction Meaning and Definition Objectives of Accounting VIEW
Functions of Accounting VIEW
Uses of Accounting Information VIEW
Limitations of Accounting VIEW
Terminologies used in Accounting VIEW
Accounting Process VIEW
Accounting Cycle VIEW
Basis of Accounting, Cash basis and Accrual Basis VIEW
Accounting Equations VIEW
Branches of accounting VIEW
Accounting Principles VIEW
Accounting Concepts and Accounting Conventions VIEW


Unit 2 [Book]
Process of Accounting VIEW
Double entry system VIEW
Kinds of Accounts, Rules VIEW
Transaction Analysis VIEW
Journal VIEW
Ledger VIEW
Balancing of Accounts VIEW
Trial Balance VIEW
illustrations on Journal, Ledger Posting and Preparation of Trial Balance VIEW


Unit 3 [Book]
Subsidiary Books Meaning and Significance VIEW
Types of Subsidiary Books: Purchases Book, Sales Book (With Tax Rate), Purchase Returns Book, Sales Return Book VIEW
Bills Receivable Book, Bills Payable Book VIEW
Types of Cash Book: Simple Cash Book, Double Column Cash Book VIEW
Petty Cash Book VIEW


Unit 4 [Book]
Introduction to Financial Statement VIEW
Income Statement VIEW
Profit and Loss Account VIEW
Balance Sheet VIEW
Preparation of Statement of Profit and Loss of a Proprietary Concern with special adjustments like Depreciation VIEW
Preparation of Statement of Balance Sheet of a Proprietary Concern with special adjustments like Depreciation VIEW
Outstanding Expenses VIEW
Prepaid Expenses VIEW
Outstanding and Received in Advance of Incomes VIEW
Provision for Doubtful Debts VIEW
Drawings and Interest on Capital VIEW


Unit 5 [Book]
Bank Reconciliation Statement (BRS), Definition, Purpose, Importance VIEW
Reconciling Bank Statements and Bank Accounts Prepared in Businesses VIEW
Causes for Differences between Cash Book and Pass Book, Timing differences, Outstanding Cheques and Deposits in transit, Errors in the Cash Book and Bank Statements, Bank charges and Interest, Direct debits, Standing instructions and Auto payments, Dishonoured Cheques VIEW
Preparation of Bank Reconciliation Statement VIEW
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