Category: Lucknow University BBA Notes
P19 Industrial Relations Management BBA NEP 2024-25 4th Semester Notes
Unit 1 [Book] | |
Industrial Relations, Concept, Objectives, Nature and Scope | VIEW |
Approaches to Industrial Relations | VIEW |
Trade Unions | VIEW |
Industrial Disputes and their Resolutions | VIEW |
International Labour Organization Role and Functions | VIEW |
Unit 2 [Book] | |
Workers Participation in Management | VIEW |
Works Committee, Joint Management Councils | VIEW |
Pre-Requisite for Successful Workers participation | VIEW |
Collective Bargaining Form and Process | VIEW |
Role of Government in Collective Bargaining | VIEW |
Unit 3 [Book] | ||
Industrial Unrest | VIEW | |
Employee Dissatisfaction: | VIEW | |
Employee Grievances | VIEW | VIEW |
Disciplinary Action, Domestic Enquiry | VIEW | |
Strikes, Prevention of Strikes, Lockouts | VIEW | |
Discipline: Positive, Negative discipline | VIEW | |
Disciplinary procedure | VIEW | |
Absenteeism | VIEW | |
Turnover | VIEW | |
Dismissal and Discharge | VIEW |
Unit 4 [Book] | |
Factories Act Meaning, Definition | VIEW |
Welfare, Safety in Factories Act | VIEW |
Health Measures in Factories Act | VIEW |
General Provisions of Workmen’s Compensation Act | VIEW |
Bonus Act, 1965 | VIEW |
Gratuity Act, 1972 | VIEW |
P18 Customer Relationship Management BBA NEP 2024-25 4th Semester Notes
Unit 1 [Book] | |
Fundamentals of Customer Relationship Management Meaning, Definition, Benefits | VIEW |
Reasons for adopting CRM | VIEW |
Conceptual Foundations of Customer Relationship Management | VIEW |
Types, Stages of Customer Relationship Management | VIEW |
Issues in Customer Relationship Management | VIEW |
Unit 2 [Book] | |
Dimensions of Customer Relationship Management | VIEW |
Customer Satisfaction Meaning and Definition | VIEW |
Customer Satisfaction Models | VIEW |
Measuring Customer Satisfaction | VIEW |
ISO Guidelines | VIEW |
Customer Loyalty Concept, Principles, Significance, Dimensions | VIEW |
Unit 3 [Book] | |
Information Technology in Customer Relationship Management | VIEW |
Technological Developments in CRM | VIEW |
Information Technology Implementation in CRM | VIEW |
Features, Advantages and Functional Components of eCRM | VIEW |
VIEW | |
Important CRM Software | VIEW |
Customer Relationship Management through Information Technology Tools | VIEW |
Unit 4 [Book] | |
Emerging Dimensions and Dynamics in Customer Relationship Management | VIEW |
Customer Recall | VIEW |
Customer Retention | VIEW |
Experience Management | VIEW |
Service Failure and Service Recovery Management | VIEW |
Application of Customer Relationship Management in Different Sectors: | |
Business to Business CRM | VIEW |
Sales and CRM | VIEW |
Role of Social Media in CRM | VIEW |
P17 Logistic and Supply Chain Management BBA NEP 2024-25 4th Semester Notes
Unit 1 [Book] | |
Introduction, Definition of Supply Chain Management | VIEW |
Evolution of the Concept of Supply Chain Management | VIEW |
Logistics Vs Supply Chain Management | VIEW |
Supply Chain Management Significance and Challenges | VIEW |
Key Drivers of Supply Chain Management | VIEW |
Unit 2 [Book] | |
Introduction, Three Components of SCM | VIEW |
Demand Management, Demand Forecasting; Introduction | VIEW |
Supply Management | VIEW |
Evolution of ERP | VIEW |
Concept of ERP in SCM | VIEW |
Unit 3 [Book] | |
Introduction, Understanding the Benchmarking Concept | VIEW |
Benchmarking Process, Benchmarking Procedure | VIEW |
Unit 4 [Book] | |
Introduction, New Developments in Supply Chain Management | VIEW |
Outsourcing Supply Chain Operations | VIEW |
The Role of E- Commerce in Supply Chain Management | VIEW |
Green Supply Chain Management | VIEW |
Distribution Resource Planning | VIEW |
P16 E-Commerce BBA NEP 2024-25 4th Semester Notes
Unit 1 [Book] | |
e-commerce, Meaning, Concept, Advantages, Disadvantages | VIEW |
e-commerce vs e-business | VIEW |
Value Chain in e-commerce | VIEW |
Porter’s Value Chain Model | VIEW |
Competitive Advantage and Competitive Strategy | VIEW |
Different Types of e-commerce: | |
Business-to-Business (B2B) | VIEW |
Business-to-Customer (B2C) | VIEW |
Customer-to-Customer (C2C) | VIEW |
Customer-to-Business(C2B) | VIEW |
G2C | VIEW |
E-commerce: Business Models and Concepts | VIEW |
Unit 2 [Book] | |
E-Commerce: A Consumer Oriented Approach | VIEW |
Traditional Retailing v/s E-Retailing | VIEW |
Key Success factors in E-retailing | VIEW |
Models of E-Retailing | VIEW |
Characteristics of E-Retailing | VIEW |
E-Services: Categories of E-Services | VIEW |
Web-enabled Services | VIEW |
Information Selling on the web | VIEW |
Entertainment | VIEW |
Auctions and other Specialized Services | VIEW |
Unit 3 [Book] | |
Technology in e-commerce: An Overview of the Internet | VIEW |
Basic Network Architecture and The Layered Model | VIEW |
Internet Architecture | VIEW |
Network Hardware and Software Considerations | VIEW |
Intranets | VIEW |
Extranets | VIEW |
The making of World Wide Web | VIEW |
Web System Architecture | VIEW |
ISP, URL’s, and HTTP, Cookies | VIEW |
Unit 4 [Book] | |
Building and hosting your Website: Choosing an ISP | VIEW |
Registering a Domain name | VIEW |
Web Promotion | VIEW |
Internet Marketing, Techniques, e-cycle of Internet Marketing | VIEW |
Personalization, Mobile Agents | VIEW |
Tracking Customers | VIEW |
Customer Service | VIEW |
CRM and e-Value | VIEW |
Web page design using HTML and CSS: Overview of HTML | VIEW |
Basic Structure of an HTML document, Basic text formatting, Links, Images, Tables, Frames, Form and introduction to CSS | VIEW |
Security Threats: Security in Cyberspace, Kinds of Threats and Crimes: Client Threat, Communication Channel Threat, Server Threat, Other programming Threats, Frauds and Scams | VIEW |
Business to Business e-commerce: Meaning, Benefits and Opportunities in B2B, B2B building blocks | VIEW |
P15 Computer and IT Applications-II BBA NEP 2024-25 3rd Semester Notes
Unit 1 Practical | Book |
Unit 2 Practical | Book |
Unit 3 Practical | Book |
Unit 4 [Book] | |
Database, Introduction to Database and Database Management System | VIEW |
Database Models | VIEW |
Type of Databases | VIEW |
Introduction to MS-Access, Creation of database tables, Data types, Basic Query and Report generation | VIEW |
P14 Human Resource Management BBA NEP 2024-25 3rd Semester Notes
Unit 1 | |
Introduction to Human Resource Management, Significance, and Objectives | VIEW |
Functions of HRM | VIEW |
Personnel Resource Management vs. Human Resource Management | VIEW |
Evolution and Development of HRM | VIEW |
Human Resource Planning, Process, Significance | VIEW |
Human Resource Planning Integration with Strategic Planning | VIEW |
Job Analysis, Concept and Components | VIEW |
Unit 2 | |
Recruitment, Concept, Sources | VIEW |
Assessment of Recruitment Techniques | VIEW |
Selection Concept and Procedure | VIEW |
Placement | VIEW |
Induction | VIEW |
Training and Development, Concept, Need, Objectives and Methods | VIEW |
Stages in Training Process | VIEW |
Job Design, Approaches and Techniques of Job Design | VIEW |
Unit 3 | |
Job Evaluation Concept, Objectives and Methods/ Techniques | VIEW |
Employee Remuneration: Concept of Wage and Salary, Reward Management, Fringe Benefits and Incentive Payments | VIEW |
Performance Appraisal, Concept, Objectives, Process | VIEW |
Techniques of Performance Appraisal | VIEW |
Unit 4 | |
Industrial Relations, Concept, Objectives, | VIEW |
Approaches of Industrial Relations | VIEW |
Actors of Industrial Relations | VIEW |
Discipline: Disciplinary Procedure, Objectives and Aspects of Discipline | VIEW |
Grievance Procedure, Characteristics, Need and Model, Grievance Procedure | VIEW |
Trade Unionism, Concept, Functions, Objectives and Problems of Trade Unions | VIEW |
Collective Bargaining | VIEW |
Industrial Disputes | VIEW |
P13 Marketing Management BBA NEP 2024-25 3rd Semester Notes
Unit 1 | |
Introductory Concept of Marketing | VIEW |
Difference between Marketing and Selling | VIEW |
Modern Marketing Concept | VIEW |
Marketing Mix. | VIEW |
Market Segmentation | VIEW |
Marketing Planning | VIEW |
Marketing Strategy | VIEW |
Marketing Approaches | VIEW |
Unit 2 | |
Consumer Behaviour: Concept of Consumer Behaviour | VIEW |
Consumer Buying Motives | VIEW |
Study of Consumer Behaviour | VIEW |
Motivational Research, Types, Nature, Scope and Role | VIEW |
Method of Conducting Marketing Research | VIEW |
Sales Promotion | VIEW |
Advertising | VIEW |
Factors influencing Consumer Behavior | VIEW |
Unit 3 | |
Product Management | VIEW |
Nature and Scope of Product Policy Decisions | VIEW |
Product Mix | VIEW |
Product Line | VIEW |
Product Life Cycle | VIEW |
Product Planning | VIEW |
Product Development | VIEW |
Product Diversification | VIEW |
Product Improvement | VIEW |
Branding | VIEW |
Trade Marks | VIEW |
Packaging | VIEW |
Product Pricing Concept, Nature and Scope | VIEW |
Price Policy Considerations | VIEW |
Objectives and Strategies of Pricing | VIEW |
Unit 4 | |
Distribution Management | VIEW |
Marketing Communication | VIEW |
Decisions relating to Channels of Distribution Management of Physical Distribution | VIEW |
Sales Promotion | VIEW |
Sales Planning | VIEW |
Sales Forecasting | VIEW |
Management of Sales Force | VIEW |
Analysis of Sales Performance | VIEW |
Marketing of Services | VIEW |
Functions of Distribution Channel | VIEW |
Factors Influencing Distribution Channel | VIEW |
Integrated Marketing Communication | VIEW |
P12 Operations Management BBA NEP 2024-25 3rd Semester Notes
Unit 1 | |
Nature and Scope of Production and Operation Management | VIEW |
The Transformation Process | VIEW |
Production Analysis and Planning | VIEW |
Production Functions | VIEW |
Objective and Functions of Production Management | VIEW |
Responsibilities of the Production Manager | VIEW |
Types of Manufacturing Processes | VIEW |
Plant Layout | VIEW |
Plant Location | VIEW |
Routing | VIEW |
Scheduling | VIEW |
Assembly Line Balancing | VIEW |
Production Planning and Control (PPC) | VIEW |
Unit 2 | |
Facility Location Planning | VIEW |
Layout Planning | VIEW |
Materials Management, Scope and Importance | VIEW |
Purchasing Function and Procedure | VIEW |
Store-keeping | VIEW |
Material Planning Function | VIEW |
Inventory Control | VIEW |
Relevant Costs, Economic Lot Size, Reordering Point | VIEW |
ABC analysis | VIEW |
Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Model | VIEW |
Buffer Stock | VIEW |
Unit 3 | |
Productivity Definition and Concept, Factors affecting Productivity | VIEW |
Productivity Measurement | VIEW |
Productivity Improvements | VIEW |
New Product Development and Design | VIEW |
Stages of Product Development | VIEW |
Conjoint Analysis | VIEW |
Techniques of Product Development: Standardization, Simplification and Specialization | VIEW |
Automation | VIEW |
Unit 4 | |
Development of efficient Work Methods | VIEW |
Material Flow Process Chart, Man Flow Process Chart | VIEW |
Principles of Motion Economy | VIEW |
Comparison of Alternate Work Methods | VIEW |
Maintenance of Production Facilities | VIEW |
Quality Control and Inspection | VIEW |
Cost of Quality | VIEW |
Quality Standards ISO 9000 | VIEW |
Sampling Inspection | VIEW |
Control charts for Attributes and Variables charts | VIEW |