Marketing vs. Selling

07/01/2021 1 By indiafreenotes


The marketing theory is a business plan, which affirms that the enterprise’s profit lies in growing more efficient than the opponents, in manufacturing, producing and imparting exceptional consumer value to the target marketplace.

Marketing is a comprehensive and important activity of a company. The task generally comprises of recognising consumer needs, meeting up that need and end in customer’s feedback. In between activities such as production, packaging, pricing, promotion, distribution and then the selling will take place. Consumer needs are of high priority and act as a driving force behind all these actions. Their main focus is a long run of business ending up with profits.

It depends upon 4 elements, i.e., integrated marketing, target market, profitability customer and needs. The idea starts with the particular market, emphasises on consumer requirements, regulates activities that impact consumers and draws gain by serving consumers.

Market > Consumer Needs > Integrated Marketing > Profit through Customer Satisfaction


The selling theory believes that if companies and customers are dropped detached, then the customers are not going to purchase enough commodities produced by the enterprise. The notion can be employed argumentatively, in the case of commodities are not solicited, i.e. the commodities which the consumer don’t think of buying and when the enterprise is functioning at more than 100% capacity, the company intends at selling what they manufacture, but not what the market requires.

It the sales process, a salesperson sells whatever products the production department has produced. The sales method is aggressive, and customer’s genuine needs and satisfaction is taken for granted.

Factory > Existing Products > Selling and Promoting > Profit through Sales Volume


  Selling Marketing
Definition The selling theory believes that if companies and customers are dropped detached, then the customers are not going to purchase enough commodities produced by the enterprise. The notion can be employed argumentatively, in the case of commodities are not solicited. The marketing theory is a business plan, which affirms that the enterprise’s profit lies in growing more efficient than the opponents, in manufacturing, producing and imparting exceptional consumer value to the target marketplace.
Related to Constraining customer’s perception of commodities and services. Leading commodities and services towards the consumer’s perception.
Beginning point Factory Marketplace
Concentrates on Product Consumer needs
Perspective Inside out Outside in
Business Planning Short term Long term
Orientation Volume Profit
Cost Price Cost of Production Market ascertained