Computer & IT Applications-II LU BBA 3rd Semester NEP Notes

Unit 1 {Book} Practical Knowledge, No Update


Unit 2 {Book} Practical Knowledge, No Update


Unit 3 {Book} Practical Knowledge, No Update


Unit 4 Database {Book}
Introduction to Database VIEW
Database Management System VIEW
Database Models VIEW
Type of Databases VIEW
Introduction to MS-Access VIEW
Creation of database tables, Data types VIEW
Basic query and report generation VIEW

Operations Management LU BBA 3rd Semester NEP Notes

Unit 1 {Book}
Nature and Scope of Production & Operation management VIEW
The transformation process VIEW
Production analysis  and Production planning VIEW
Production functions VIEW
Objective and functions of production management VIEW
Responsibilities of the Production manager VIEW
Types of manufacturing processes VIEW
Plant layout VIEW VIEW
Plant location VIEW VIEW
Routing, Scheduling VIEW VIEW
Assembly line balancing VIEW
Production Planning and Control (PPC) VIEW


Unit 2 {Book}
Facility Location Planning VIEW VIEW
Layout planning VIEW
Materials management; its scope and importance VIEW
Purchasing function and procedure VIEW
store-keeping VIEW VIEW
Material planning function VIEW
Inventory control VIEW
Relevant costs, economic lot size, reordering point, Buffer stock VIEW VIEW
ABC analysis VIEW VIEW
Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Model VIEW


Unit 3 {Book}
Productivity definition and concept, Factors affecting productivity VIEW VIEW
Productivity measurement VIEW
Productivity improvements VIEW
New Product development and design VIEW
Stages of product development VIEW
Conjoint Analysis VIEW
Techniques of product development (standardization. Simplification and Specialization VIEW
Automation VIEW


Unit 4 {Book}
Development of efficient work methods VIEW
Material flow process chart, Manflow process chart VIEW
Principles of motion economy VIEW
Comparison of alternate work methods VIEW
Maintenance of production facilities VIEW VIEW VIEW
Quality control and inspection VIEW
Cost of quality VIEW
Quality Standards ISO 9000 VIEW
Sampling inspection VIEW
Control charts for attributes and variables charts VIEW

Marketing Management LU BBA 3rd Semester NEP Notes

Unit 1 {Book}
Introductory Concept of Marketing VIEW VIEW
Difference Between Marketing and Selling VIEW
Modern Marketing concept VIEW
Marketing mix VIEW VIEW
Market Segmentation VIEW VIEW
Marketing Planning VIEW VIEW
Marketing Strategy & Marketing Approaches VIEW
Extra Topic
4P’s of Marketing VIEW
4C’s of Marketing VIEW
Orientation of a Marketing firm VIEW


Unit 2 {Book}
Consumer Behaviour: Concept of consumer behaviour VIEW VIEW
Buying motives VIEW
Study of Consumer Behaviour and Motivational VIEW VIEW
Market Research its Types VIEW
Market Research Nature, Scope VIEW
Market Research Role VIEW
Method of conducting marketing research VIEW
Sales promotion VIEW
Advertising VIEW
Factors influencing Consumer behavior VIEW


Unit 3 {Book}
Product Management VIEW
Nature and Scope of product Policy Decisions VIEW
Product Mix VIEW
Product Line VIEW VIEW
Product Life cycle VIEW
Product Planning and Development VIEW VIEW
Product Diversification VIEW
Product Improvement VIEW
Trade Marks VIEW VIEW
Packaging VIEW
Product Pricing Concept VIEW
Nature and Scope of Product Pricing Decisions VIEW VIEW
Price Policy considerations VIEW
Objectives of pricing VIEW
Strategies of pricing VIEW


Unit 4 {Book}
Distribution Management VIEW VIEW
Marketing Communication VIEW VIEW
Decisions relating to channels of Distribution management of Physical distribution VIEW
Sales Promotion VIEW VIEW VIEW
Sales Planning and Forecasting VIEW VIEW
Management of Sales force VIEW
Analysis of Sales performance VIEW VIEW
Marketing of Services VIEW VIEW
Functions of Distribution channel VIEW
Factors influencing Distribution channel VIEW
Integrated Marketing Communication VIEW VIEW

Financial Management LU BBA 3rd Semester NEP Notes

Unit 1 {Book}
Introduction to Financial Management: Concept of Financial Management VIEW
Finance functions VIEW
Objectives of Financial management VIEW
Profitability vs. Shareholder wealth maximization VIEW
Time Value of Money VIEW VIEW
Compounding, Discounting Principle VIEW
Investment Decisions:
Capital Budgeting VIEW
Payback Method VIEW


Unit 2 {Book}
Financing Decision VIEW
Capitalization Concept, Basis of Capitalization VIEW
Consequences and Remedies of Over Capitalization VIEW
Consequences and Remedies of Under Capitalization VIEW
Cost of Capital VIEW
Determinants of Capital structure VIEW VIEW
Capital Structure Theories VIEW


Unit 3 {Book}
Dividend Decision: Concept and Relevance of Dividend decision VIEW
Dividend Models-Walter’s Gordon’s and MM Hypothesis VIEW
Dividend policy VIEW
Determinants of Dividend policy VIEW


Unit 4 {Book}
Management of Working Capital VIEW
Concepts of Working capital VIEW
Approaches to the financing of Current Assets VIEW
Management of different Components of Working Capital:
Cash Management VIEW
Receivables Management VIEW
Inventory Management VIEW

Quantitative Techniques-I LU BBA 2nd Semester NEP Notes

Unit 1 Series and Permutation Combination [Book]
Arithmetical Progression VIEW
Sum of a series in AP, Arithmetic Mean VIEW VIEW
Geometric Progression, Sum of a series in GP VIEW
Geometrical Mean VIEW VIEW
Sum of an infinite geometric series VIEW
Permutation and Combination VIEW
Fundamental rules of counting
Permutation of n different things, Permutation of thing not all different
Circular permutation
Combination of n different things r at a time, Simple problems


Unit 2 Matrix Algebra [Book] No Update
Please Refer books VIEW


Unit 3 Statistics [Book]
Statistics VIEW
Types of Data VIEW
Classification of Data VIEW VIEW
Tabulation of Data VIEW
Frequency Distribution VIEW
Census and Sample Investigation VIEW VIEW
Diagrammatical Presentation of Data VIEW VIEW
Graphical Presentation of Data VIEW VIEW
Measures of central Tendency VIEW
Median VIEW
Measures of Dispersion VIEW
Range VIEW
Mean Deviation VIEW
Standard Deviation VIEW


Unit 4 [Book]
Correlation, Significance of Correlation VIEW VIEW
Types of Correlation VIEW
Scatter Diagram Method VIEW
Karl Pearson Coefficient of correlation VIEW
Spearman’s coefficient of Rank correlation VIEW
Regression Introduction VIEW
Regression Lines VIEW
Regression Equations VIEW
Regression Coefficients VIEW

Personality Development and Grooming LU BBA 1st Semester NEP Notes

Unit 1 [Book]
Introduction to Personality: Meaning VIEW
Personality Significance, Functions and Objectives VIEW
Theories of Personality VIEW
Types of Personality VIEW
Personality Disorders Types, Causes, Symptoms and their treatment VIEW


Unit 2 [Book
Communication Skills VIEW VIEW
Personality Development VIEW
Team Building VIEW VIEW
Leadership Skills VIEW VIEW
Body Language VIEW
interpersonal communication VIEW VIEW
Strategies to enhance communication VIEW


Unit 3 [Book] 
Personality Development VIEW VIEW
Building self-esteem, self-confidence VIEW
Time Management and Efficient Planning VIEW VIEW VIEW
Stress Management Meaning, Types VIEW VIEW
Stress Management coping measures VIEW
Self-Acceptance, Self-Growth VIEW
Conflict Management VIEW VIEW
Steps in grooming Student Personality VIEW


Unit 4 [Book
Business Etiquettes and table manners VIEW VIEW
Public Speaking VIEW
Interviews and Group Discussions VIEW
Telephone Conversations VIEW
Business Meetings VIEW VIEW
Morality and Ethics VIEW VIEW

Business Communication LU BBA 1st Semester NEP Notes

Unit 1 [Book]
Introduction to business communication VIEW
Characteristics of effective organizational communication VIEW
Basic forms of communication VIEW
Process of communication VIEW
Barriers to Communication VIEW
Principles of effective business communication VIEW


Unit 2 [Book]
Oral communication: Purpose, Advantages & Disadvantage VIEW
Principles of Oral Communication VIEW
Effective Listening VIEW
Non-verbal Communication VIEW
Written communication: Purpose, Advantages & Disadvantage VIEW
Principles of Written Communication VIEW
Effective writing techniques VIEW
Employment Communication: Application letter and Resume writing VIEW


Unit 3 [Book]
Conduct of meeting Agenda VIEW
Notice, Notes, Minutes VIEW
Office memorandum, Office orders, Press release VIEW
Business Letter Writing Need, Functions VIEW
Business Letter Layout VIEW
Business Letter Types VIEW
Report writing: Problems VIEW
Organization and Techniques of Writing VIEW


Unit 4 [Book
Corporate Communication: Scope, Components VIEW
Corporate communication and Public relations VIEW VIEW
Role of Social Media in Communication VIEW
Role of Technology in Communication (ICT’s) VIEW VIEW
Business Etiquettes VIEW

Business Organisations LU BBA 1st Semester NEP Notes

Unit 1 [Book]
Meaning and Definition of Business essentials & Scope of business VIEW VIEW
Classification of Business Activities VIEW
Meaning, Definition, Characteristics and objectives of Business Organization VIEW
Evolution of Business Organization VIEW
Modern Business, Business & Profession VIEW


Unit 2 [Book
Business Unit VIEW
Establishing a new business unit VIEW
Meaning of Promotion VIEW VIEW
Features for business VIEW
Plant location VIEW VIEW
Plant Layout & Size of business unit VIEW VIEW


Unit 3 [Book
Organization process, Importance VIEW
Organization Principles VIEW
Various aspects of organization VIEW
Organization structure VIEW VIEW
Departmentation VIEW
Line and Staff Relationships VIEW
Span of control VIEW VIEW
Delegation of authority VIEW
Decentralization VIEW


Unit 4 [Book] 
Business Combination Meaning Causes, Objectives VIEW
Business Combination Types and Forms VIEW
Merger VIEW
Takeover VIEW
Acquisition VIEW
Business Finance VIEW
Financial need of Business methods VIEW
Sources of finance VIEW VIEW
Security Market VIEW
Money Market VIEW VIEW
Study of Stock Exchange VIEW VIEW

Financial & Management Accounting-I LU BBA 1st Semester NEP Notes

Unit 1 Accounting [Book]
Introduction to Accounting Basic Concepts, Purpose, Importance VIEW
Scope of Accounting VIEW
Advantages, Limitations of Accounting VIEW
Users of Accounting Information VIEW
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) VIEW
Accounting Standards (AS) VIEW VIEW
**AS1: Disclosure of Accounting policies VIEW
**AS6: Depreciation Accounting VIEW
**AS9: Revenue recognition VIEW
**AS10: Accounting of fixed assets VIEW
Introduction to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Need and Significance VIEW
Ethical Issues in Accounting VIEW VIEW


Unit 2 [Book]
Recording and Classification of transactions VIEW
Preparation of trial balance VIEW
Capital and Revenue expenditure VIEW
Preparing final accounts for business VIEW
Adjustment Entries: Inventory, Depreciation, Provision for Bad Debts, Accrued, prepaid, outstanding and unearned income and expenditure VIEW


Unit 3 [Book]
Introduction to Cost accounting: Meaning, Objectives VIEW VIEW
Differences between Cost accounting and financial accounting VIEW
Classification of cost VIEW
Preparation of cost sheet VIEW VIEW
Difference between Marginal and absorption costing VIEW
Cost volume profit analysis VIEW VIEW


Unit 4 [Book]
Methods of costing VIEW VIEW VIEW
Job costing VIEW VIEW
Process Costing VIEW VIEW
Activity based costing VIEW
Reconciliation of Costing and Financial records VIEW VIEW

Essentials of Successful business

For debating the essentials for small business success, but looking at the commonalities of successful businesses can help bring focus. While some businesses can achieve success on the strength of a product, lack of competition or cheap labour or materials, in most instances, a successful business requires a solid foundation built on a good product idea, sound business plan, adequate capital, good management and proper accounting.

  1. Setting Objectives:

The setting up of business objectives is the first thing to be done by the management. One must know as to what is to be done. Only after deciding the objective, the ways and the means will be determined to achieve the objectives. If it is a producing business, the nature of product to be produced, whether to produce the whole product or part of it should be decided. In case of service business the nature and type of service to be provided should be decided. It is not only the management which should be conversant with the business objectives but every person in the concern should know the aims and goals of the business.

  1. Planning:

After determining, the objectives, the work should be planned in all its perspectives. Planning involves forecasting and laying down the course of action. It involves planning for both present and future. What is to be achieved and how it is to be achieved is of primary significance for the present. Future is always uncertain and the estimation of future happenings is very difficult. In planning for the future, an effort is made to estimate the future uncertainties and determine the possible course of action for the coming period. Thus, planning also helps the management to prepare itself for facing the uncertainties of tomorrow.

  1. Dynamic Organisation:

Organisation is an arrangement by which tasks are assigned to employees so that their individual efforts contribute effectively to the achievement of clearly defined purposes. The duties and responsibilities of all person’s arc defined and they should know what they arc to do.

An effective organisation system is essential for the success of a business. Firstly, a decision should be taken about the form of ownership, i.e., sole trade, partnership, Joint Stock Company. Then a suitable internal organisation should be developed. No work should be left unassigned. The supervisors and subordinates should know their roles in the business.

  1. Financial Planning:

The requirements of finance and its possible sources should be decided at the time of starting the enterprise. The purpose of financial planning is to make sure that adequate funds are raised at the minimum of cost. The required capital should be made available at all times, otherwise, it will hamper the work. The scarcity of capital and too much of it both will be bad for the concern.

The availability of excess capital may tempt the management to spend more money on inventory and on fixed assets. A proper plan is necessary for providing funds for the present needs and future developmental plans.

A financial plan will determine:

(a) The needs of capital

(b) Sources for collecting funds

(c) Administration of capital structure

  1. Location and Layout of Plant:

One of the important decisions to be made by the management at the time of starting a concern is regarding the location of the plant. The plant should be located at a place where all factors of production arc available at lowest costs. The aim of reaching an optimum point will be achieved only if the place of location of the businesses is suitable. Raw materials, labour, power and markets for the finished products should be available near the place of location.

After deciding about location, a decision is made about layout of the plant. The setting up of the machinery and equipment should be systematic so that the flow of production should be smooth and uninterrupted. The office building and warehouse etc., should be located near the factory. Proper layout will enable the economical use of available space. Proper location and layout of the business are necessary for the success of a business.

  1. Marketing Environment:

The marketing aspects of a business are more important than even production. There is no use of producing a thing if it cannot be sold. Marketing management is essential for earning profits. Management should decide about the channels of distribution. Whether to sell directly to consumers or to sell through wholesalers? It should be decided after taking into consideration various aspects of goods.

  1. Research Team:

In the changing technological world, it is essential to use latest devices for production and marketing of goods. Change is the essence of business. Every day, new production methods are found. Consumers’ needs and preferences should be taken into consideration in devising production and marketing policies. Research and development should be given due place in the business.

One can compete with changing business world only through research programmes. If attention is not given to research work then it will become difficult to stay in business for a large period. So, research activities are necessary for the success of an enterprise.

  1. Dynamic leadership:

The success of an enterprise will depend upon the efficiency of its management. The task of management is to plan, organize, co-ordinate and direct various activities for achieving business objectives. This will be possible only if the leadership is dynamic. The operation managing the concern should have foresight, initiative, courage and aptitude for a change. These qualities are necessary in the leadership to take the concern on the road of progress.

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