Principles of Oral Communication

26/01/2022 1 By indiafreenotes

Clear pronunciation

To make oral messages meaningful to receivers, words should be clearly and correctly pronounced. There should not be any lack of clarity, otherwise, the communication would be a confusing one.


Before presenting something, there should be proper planning regarding the audience, topics to be delivered, timing and other factors: So, a person must be well-prepared to deliver his speech.


Effective oral communication desires that a message should be brief. If the sender took a long time for talking, his message may not get the attention of the receiver.

Natural voice

Any sort of unnatural voice may distort the message. Natural voice can do a lot to make oral communication effective.


Precision is needed to make oral communication effective. There should not be any confusing words rather message to be delivered should be specific so that there is no misunderstanding.

Logical sequence

Ideas should be organized in a sequential way to make the message communicative and attractive. Unorganized ideas do not provide clear sense while a logical sequence of ideas gives clear sense.


Courtesy costs nothing but can earn many things. So, a speaker should be courteous while addressing listeners. It helps create a good impression in the mind of listeners regarding the speaker.

Suitable words

Words have different meanings to different people in different situations in oral communication, a speaker should use the common, simple and familiar words so that receiver can react to the message without any problem.

Attractive presentation

It is another principle to make oral communication effective. A speaker should deliver his speech in a very nice and sweet language so that receiver is attracted to take part in the communication.

Avoiding Emotions

Speaker must control his emotions to make oral communication effective. Too much emotion will take the speaker away from the main subject.


The speaker must be knowledgeable regarding the portion of the speech where he should give emphasis. Giving emphasis on respective points will help draw the attention of the audience.

Controlling Gesticulation

Speaker at many occasions, consciously or unconsciously, gesticulates for expressing his ideas or thoughts. This is a habit and should be avoided. Otherwise, application of such habit may lead to % disinterest of the audience.

Besides, objective information, the capacity of the listener, interesting language, proper fluency should be considered also as the principles of oral communication.