Business Statistics Bangalore University BBA 3rd Semester NEP Notes

Unit 1 Introduction to Statistics {Book}
Introduction, Meaning, Definitions, Features, Objectives, Functions, Importance and Limitations of Statistics VIEW
Important Terminologies in Statistics: Data, Primary Data, Secondary Data, Population, Census Survey, Sample Survey, Sampling, Parameter, Unit, Variable Quantitative Variable, Qualitative Variable, Dependent Variable, Independent Variable VIEW
Series: Individual, Discrete and Continuous VIEW
Classification of Data Types VIEW
Requisites of Good Classification of Data. Frequency, Class Interval, Tally Bar VIEW
Frequency Distribution Formation (simple illustrations). VIEW


Unit 2 Tabulation and Presentation of Data  {Book}
Types of Presentation of Data, Textual Presentation VIEW
Tabular Presentation VIEW
One-way Table, Two-way Table VIEW
Diagrammatic and Graphical Presentation, Rules for Construction of Diagrams and Graphs VIEW
Types of Diagrams:
One Dimensional Simple Bar Diagram, Subdivided Bar Diagram, Multiple Bar Diagram, Percentage Bar Diagram VIEW
Two-Dimensional Diagram, Pie Chart VIEW
Graphs, Histogram VIEW
Frequency Polygon VIEW
Ogives  curve VIEW


Unit 3 Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion {Book}
Meaning, Definition, Features Requisite of ideal average VIEW
Types: Mathematical and Positional VIEW
Arithmetic Mean: Simple and weighted Average VIEW
Positional average, Related positional averages graph Location
Identification under individual and Discrete series by inspection method VIEW
Grouping table preparation VIEW
Calculation of Mode by using Relationship of mean and median, that is empirical formula VIEW
Graphical location of mode VIEW VIEW
Meaning of Measures of dispersion VIEW VIEW
Standard Deviation and their Co- efficient of variation problems on direct method only VIEW


Unit 4 Correlation and Regression Analysis {Book}
Meaning and Types of Correlation VIEW
Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of Correlation. VIEW
Spearman’s Rank Correlation, Coefficient problems including repeated rank assignment VIEW
Meaning of Regression VIEW
Regression Lines VIEW
Finding correlation coefficient using Regression Coefficients VIEW
Regression Equations and estimating the variable VIEW


Unit 5 Index Number {Book}
Meaning and Definitions, features & Classification VIEW
Methods of Construction index number VIEW
Simple, Aggregates VIEW
Simple Average of price Relatives method, Weighted index method VIEW
Fisher Ideal Index Number Test of Adequacy: Unit test, Time reversal test, Factor reversal test and circular test VIEW
Consumer Price Index number VIEW

Organisational Behaviour Bangalore University BBA 3rd Semester NEP Notes

Unit 1 Introduction to Organizational Behaviour [Book]
Meaning, Definition, Importance, Nature VIEW
Scope of Organizational Behaviour VIEW
Conceptual Models of OB VIEW
Factors affecting Organizational Behaviour VIEW
Organizational Behaviour Theories VIEW


Unit 2 Individual Behaviour [Book]
Individual Behaviour Meaning VIEW
Factors affecting individual behavior VIEW
Reasons for understanding individual behavior VIEW
Personality, Types VIEW
Determinants of Personality VIEW
Traits of Personality VIEW
Personality Theories VIEW
Learning VIEW
Types of Learners VIEW
The Learning Process VIEW
Learning Theories VIEW
Principles of Learning VIEW
Attitude VIEW
Characteristics of Attitude VIEW
Components of Attitude VIEW
Formation of Attitude VIEW
Factor affecting Attitude VIEW
Perception, Importance VIEW
Factors influencing perception VIEW
Interpersonal Perception VIEW
Impre Management VIEW


Unit 3 Group and Team Dynamics [Book]
Group Dynamics Meaning, Types of Groups VIEW
Functions of groups VIEW
Stages of Group development VIEW
Strategies for improving group dynamics VIEW
Determinants of Group Behaviour VIEW
Team Dynamics Meaning VIEW
Types of Teams VIEW
Team Building VIEW
Effective Team Management VIEW VIEW
Stages Professional Interpersonal Relations VIEW
Difference between Groups and Teams VIEW
Conflict: Meaning VIEW
Sources of Conflict VIEW VIEW
Conflict Resolving Strategies VIEW VIEW


Unit 4 Motivation and Leadership [Book]
Motivation Nature and Importance of Motivation VIEW
Motivation Theories VIEW VIEW VIEW
Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory VIEW
Hertzberg’s Two Factor Theory VIEW
McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y VIEW
Leadership Nature and Importance VIEW
Qualities of Good Leaders VIEW VIEW
Leadership Types VIEW
Theories of Leaders VIEW
Models of Leadership VIEW
Styles of Leadership VIEW


Unit 5 Dynamics of Organizational Behaviours [Book]
Organisation Culture and Climate Meaning, Importance VIEW
Factors influencing Organization climate VIEW
Organizational Change Importance VIEW VIEW
Organizational Change process VIEW
Resistance to Organizational change VIEW VIEW
Managing Change VIEW
Organizational Development Nature, Objectives, Benefit VIEW VIEW
Organizational Development Process VIEW VIEW

Investments in Commodity Markets Bangalore University 4th Semester NEP Notes

Unit 1 Introduction to Commodity Markets
Commodities Features, Classification and Origin of commodities markets VIEW
Difference between Stock and Commodities Market VIEW
Purpose of commodity markets VIEW
Eco system of commodity market VIEW
Players in commodity trading VIEW
Commodities markets in India: Prospects and Challenges VIEW


Unit 2 Commodity Derivatives Overview
Introduction, economic benefits of derivatives VIEW VIEW
Types of commodity derivatives VIEW
Features of derivatives market VIEW
Factors contributing to the growth of derivatives VIEW
Functions of derivative markets VIEW
Exchange traded versus OTC derivatives VIEW
Traders in Derivatives markets VIEW
Derivatives market in India VIEW


Unit 3 Commodity Exchanges
Commodity Exchanges, Platform, Structure, Exchange membership, Capital requirements VIEW
Commodities traded on National exchanges VIEW
Instruments available for trading and Electronic Spot Exchanges VIEW
Products in commodity exchanges: Futures, forwards and Options [Features, Mechanics of buying & selling] VIEW
Major Commodity exchanges in India VIEW


Unit 4 Trading and Settlement in Commodity Markets
Trading, Clearing and Settlement in Derivatives Market VIEW
SEBI Guidelines VIEW
Trading Mechanism VIEW
Types of Orders in Derivatives Market VIEW
Clearing Mechanism VIEW
NSCCL, its Objectives and Functions VIEW
Settlement Mechanism, Types of Settlement VIEW
Types of Risk VIEW VIEW
Types of Margins, SPAN Margin VIEW

Corporate Governance Bangalore University 4th Semester NEP Notes

Unit 1 Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance Introduction, Its Importance VIEW
Principles, OECD Principles of corporate governance VIEW
Theories of Corporate governance: Agency theory and Stewardship theory VIEW
Models of Corporate governance around the world VIEW
Need for good Corporate governance VIEW
Evolution of Corporate Governance: Ancient and Modern Concept VIEW
Generation of Value from Performance VIEW
Nature and Scope of Corporate Governance VIEW


Unit 2 Corporate and Board Management
Corporate Business Ownership Structure VIEW
Single Person Company VIEW
Partnership company VIEW
Cooperatives Company VIEW
Joint Sector Company VIEW
Public enterprise VIEW
Board of Directors, Role VIEW
Board of Directors Composition, VIEW
Board of Directors Systems and Procedures VIEW
Types of Directors: Promoter/Nominee/Shareholder/Independent VIEW
Rights, Duties and Responsibilities of Directors, Fiduciary relationship VIEW
Role of Directors and Executives VIEW
Responsibility for Leadership VIEW
Harmony between Directors and Executives VIEW
Training of Directors: Need, objective, methodology VIEW
Scope and Responsibilities for directors VIEW
Competencies for directors VIEW
Executive Management Process VIEW
Executive Remuneration VIEW
Functional Committees of Board VIEW VIEW
Rights and Relationship of Shareholders and Other Stakeholders VIEW


Unit 3 Legal and Regulatory Framework of Corporate Governance
Need for Legislation of Corporate Governance VIEW VIEW
Legislative Provisions of Corporate Governance in Companies Act 1956 VIEW
Securities (Contracts and Regulations) Act, 1956 (SCRA) VIEW
Depositories Act 1996 VIEW
Securities and Exchange Board of India Act 1992 VIEW VIEW
Listing Agreement VIEW
Banking Regulation Act, 1949 VIEW
Other Corporate Laws VIEW
Legal Provisions relating to Investor Protection VIEW VIEW


Unit 4 Board Committees and Role of Professionals
Board Committees: Remuneration Committee, Shareholders’ Grievance Committee, Other committees VIEW
Audit Committee VIEW
Need, Functions and Advantages of Committee Management VIEW
Constitution and Scope of Board Committees, Board Committees Charter VIEW
Terms of Reference and Accountability and Performance Appraisals VIEW
Attendance and participation in committee meetings VIEW
Independence of Members of Board Committees VIEW
Disclosures in Annual Report VIEW
Integrity of Financial Reporting Systems VIEW
Role of Professionals in Board Committees VIEW
Role of Company Secretaries in compliance of Corporate Governance VIEW


Unit 5 Corporate Governance Codes and Practices
Corporate Governance Codes and Practices Introduction, Study of Codes of Corporate Governance VIEW
Major Expert Committees’ Reports of India VIEW VIEW
Best Practices of Corporate Governance VIEW
Value Creation through Corporate Governance VIEW
Corporate Governance Ratings VIEW

Artificial Intelligence Bangalore University 4th Semester NEP Notes

Business Regulations Bangalore University 4th Semester NEP Notes

Unit 1 Introduction [Book]
Meaning, Definition of Business Law VIEW
Sources of Business Law VIEW
Types of Business Law VIEW
Employment Law VIEW
Immigration Law VIEW
Consumer Goods Sales Law VIEW VIEW
Contract Law VIEW VIEW
Antitrust Law VIEW
Intellectual Property Law VIEW
Business Formation Law VIEW


Unit 2 Contract Law [Book]
Indian Contract Act 1872, Definition and meaning of Contract VIEW
Essentials of Valid contract VIEW
Classification of contract VIEW
Breach of Contract VIEW
Remedies to Breach of Contract VIEW
Sale of Goods Act 1930; Definition of contract of sale VIEW
Essentials of contract of sale VIEW
Conditions and Warrantees VIEW VIEW
Rights and Duties of buyer VIEW
Rights of unpaid seller VIEW


Unit 3 Intellectual Property Rights and Information Technology Law [Book]
Intellectual Property Rights Introduction, Need VIEW
Kinds of Intellectual Property Rights Meaning:
Patents VIEW
Copyrights VIEW
Trademarks VIEW
Trade Secrets VIEW
Geographical Indication VIEW
Patents Meaning, Salient Features of Patents VIEW
Conditions for an Invention to be Patented VIEW
Procedure for obtaining a Patent VIEW
Opposition to Grant of Patents, Term and Expire of Patent VIEW
Restoration and surrender of Lapsed patents VIEW
Remedies available to the Patent owner for Infringement of Patent Rights VIEW
Information Technology Act 2000 Introduction, Need and objective of Information Technology Act VIEW
Cyber Law in India VIEW VIEW
Cyber Crimes Meaning and Types VIEW
Cyber Crimes Offences and penalties VIEW
Cyber space, Digital signature VIEW
Private key, Public key VIEW
Encryption VIEW
Digital signature certificate VIEW


Unit 4 Competition and Consumer Laws [Book]
Competition Act 2002, Objectives VIEW
Features of Competition Act 2002 VIEW
Competition Appellate Tribunal VIEW
Offences and Penalties under Competition Act 2002 VIEW
Competition Commission of India; Powers and Duties VIEW
Consumer Protection Act 1986, Introduction, Objectives and Need VIEW
Consumer VIEW
Consumer Dispute VIEW
Defect, Deficiency, Unfair Trade Practices and Services VIEW
Rights of Consumer VIEW
Consumer Redressal Agencies: District Forum, State Commission and National Commission VIEW


Unit 5 Environment Protection Law [Book]
Environment Protection Act 1986, Objectives, Definitions of Environment, Environment Pollutant, Environment pollution, Hazardous Substances and Occupier VIEW
Types of Pollution VIEW
Powers of Central Government to protect Environment in India VIEW

Advanced Corporate Accounting Bangalore University 4th Semester NEP Notes

Unit 1 Redemption of Preference Shares [Book]
Meaning, legal provisions VIEW
Treatment regarding premium on redemption VIEW VIEW
Creation of Capital Redemption Reserve Account VIEW
Fresh issue of shares VIEW VIEW
Arranging for Cash balance for the purpose of redemption VIEW
Minimum number of Shares to be issued for redemption VIEW
Issue of bonus shares VIEW VIEW
Preparation of Balance sheet (Vertical forms) after redemption VIEW


Unit 2 Mergers and Acquisition of Companies [Book]
Meaning of Amalgamation and Acquisition VIEW
Types of Amalgamation, Amalgamation in the Nature of Merger & Purchase VIEW
Methods of Purchase Consideration VIEW
Calculation of Purchase Consideration (Ind AS 103) VIEW
Net Asset Method VIEW
Net Payment Method VIEW
Accounting for Amalgamation VIEW
Entries and Ledger Accounts in the Books of Transferor Company and Transferee Company VIEW
Preparation of new Balance sheet. (Vertical Format) (Excluding External Reconstruction) VIEW


Unit 3 Internal Reconstruction [Book]
Introduction, Meaning and Need for Internal Reconstruction VIEW
Types of Capital Reduction VIEW
Objectives of Capital Reduction VIEW
Legal Provisions for Reduction of Share Capital under Companies Act, 2013 VIEW
Accounting for Capital Reduction VIEW
Problems on Journal Entries VIEW
Preparation of Capital Reduction Account VIEW
Preparation of Reconstructed Balance sheet VIEW


Unit 4 Liquidation of Companies [Book]
Liquidation of Companies Meaning, Types of Liquidation VIEW VIEW VIEW
Modes of Winding up VIEW VIEW
Order of Payment VIEW VIEW
Calculation of Liquidator’s Remuneration VIEW
Preparation of Liquidators Final Statement of Account VIEW


Unit 5 Recent Developments in Accounting & Accounting Standard’s [Book]
Meaning, Definitions, Characteristics, Functions and Importance of Human Resource Accounting VIEW
Inflation Accounting VIEW
Investment Accounting VIEW
Automated accounting process VIEW
Cloud based accounting VIEW
Data analytics and forecasting tools VIEW VIEW
Rise of accounting software solutions VIEW
Blockchain VIEW
Forensic Accountancy VIEW
Advisory Services VIEW VIEW
Artificial Intelligence in Accounting VIEW
Big Data in Accounting VIEW
Remote Work Setting VIEW
Outsourcing of Accounting of Functions VIEW
Changing financial standards VIEW
Workplace wellness accounting, etc. VIEW
Meaning, Definitions, Characteristics, Functions and Importance of Environmental Accounting VIEW
Meaning, Definitions, Characteristics, Functions and Importance of Sustainability accounting VIEW
Meaning, Definitions, Characteristics, Functions and Importance of Public expenditure accounting VIEW
Meaning, Definitions, Characteristics, Functions and Importance of Social Responsibility Accounting VIEW

Investments in Stock Market Bangalore University 3rd Semester NEP Notes

Unit 1 Introduction to Investment [Book]
Meaning, Objectives of Investment VIEW VIEW
Difference between Savings and Investment VIEW
Golden principles of investment VIEW
The investment environment VIEW
The investor life cycle VIEW VIEW
Investment avenues in India VIEW VIEW


Unit 2 Risk & Returns on Investment [Book]
Risk and return trade-off VIEW
Measuring returns: ROI, Absolute returns, Annualized return VIEW
Extended Internal Rate of Return (XIRR) VIEW
Types of risks in investments VIEW VIEW
Systematic and Unsystematic Risk VIEW VIEW
Measuring Risk: Standard deviation and Beta VIEW
Managing risks in investments VIEW VIEW


Unit 3 Investment Analysis [Book]
Investment Analysis VIEW
Features of fundamental analysis, Top-down vs. Bottom-up fundamental analysis VIEW
Components of economic analysis VIEW
Economic Analysis: International & Domestic economic scenario VIEW
Economic forecasting techniques VIEW VIEW
Characteristics of an industry analysis VIEW
Key components of an industry VIEW
Porter’s Five Forces of Competition framework VIEW
Company analysis: Financial and Non-financial parameters VIEW
Technical Analysis: Concept, Assumptions and Approaches VIEW
Difference between fundamental and Technical analysis VIEW
Chart patterns and analysis VIEW VIEW
Moving averages VIEW
Trend analysis VIEW VIEW
Efficient market hypothesis VIEW


Unit 4 Investing in Stock Market [Book]
Stock exchange, Features VIEW
History of Stock exchanges in India VIEW
Role of stock exchanges VIEW
Players in stock markets VIEW VIEW
Ways of investing in Stock market VIEW
DEMAT account VIEW
Trading account VIEW
Trading Process in stock exchanges VIEW

Entrepreneurship Skills Bangalore University 3rd Semester NEP Notes

Unit 1 Introduction to entrepreneur & Entrepreneurship [Book]
Meaning, Definition, Types of Entrepreneurs VIEW
Types of Entrepreneurs VIEW
Functions of Entrepreneur VIEW
Skills/Traits required to be an entrepreneur VIEW
Problems faced by Entrepreneur VIEW
Advantages and Disadvantages of entrepreneurship VIEW
Difference between Intrapreneur and Entrepreneur VIEW


Unit 2 Skillsets for Entrepreneur [Book]
Introduction to Entrepreneurial Skills VIEW
Skillsets for Entrepreneur:
Communication Skills VIEW VIEW
Creative thinking Skills VIEW VIEW
Leadership Skills VIEW
Sales Skills VIEW VIEW
Negotiation Skills VIEW VIEW
Self-Motivational Skills VIEW
Forms of Entrepreneurial Skills:
Business management skills VIEW
Teamwork skills VIEW VIEW
Leadership skills VIEW
Customer service skills VIEW
Financial skills VIEW
Analytical and problem-solving skills VIEW VIEW
Strategic thinking and Planning skills VIEW
Technical skills for Entrepreneurial VIEW
Time Management skills VIEW VIEW
Organizational skills VIEW
Branding, Marketing and Networking skills VIEW
Procedure to improve entrepreneurial skills VIEW


Unit 3 Institutional Programs for Entrepreneurship [Book]
Entrepreneurship Development Programme, Problems of EDP VIEW
Need for EDP VIEW
National and State Level Institutions for Entrepreneurship Development Programme: SISI, SIDO, NSIC, EDI, NIESBUD, NAYA, CEDOK, KSWDC, EDC VIEW
Business Plan, Meaning, Importance VIEW
Steps involved in preparing a Business Plan, VIEW
Financial, Marketing, Human Resource Factors VIEW
Technical and Social aspects of the Business Plan VIEW
Common pitfalls to be avoided while preparing a Business Plan VIEW
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Meaning, Definition, Investment limit VIEW
Role played by MSME in the development of Indian Economy, VIEW
Problems faced by MSME and the steps taken to solve the problems. VIEW


Unit 4 Promoting Entrepreneur [Book]
Indian Entrepreneur VIEW
Promoting Entrepreneurs in India VIEW
Startup India VIEW
Funds for Startup:
Angel Investors VIEW
Crowd funding VIEW
Venture C Funding From Business Incubators VIEW
Government Schemes for Startup Funding VIEW
Gramin Banks VIEW
Women Entrepreneur Meaning VIEW
Role played by Women Entrepreneur in the Economic Development VIEW
Problems faced by Women Entrepreneur VIEW
Ways to Overcome the Challenges of Women Entrepreneurs VIEW

Advantages and Disadvantages of Entrepreneurship

An entrepreneur is an individual who creates a new business, bearing most of the risks and enjoying most of the rewards. The process of setting up a business is known as entrepreneurship. The entrepreneur is commonly seen as an innovator, a source of new ideas, goods, services, and business/or procedures.

Entrepreneurs play a key role in any economy, using the skills and initiative necessary to anticipate needs and bring good new ideas to market. Entrepreneurship that proves to be successful in taking on the risks of creating a startup is rewarded with profits, fame, and continued growth opportunities. Entrepreneurship that fails results in losses and less prevalence in the markets for those involved.

Advantages of Entrepreneurship

  • Motivating: As entrepreneurs start making decisions and get successful results, they become more motivated and engaged to work hard to ensure success in their business.
  • Autonomy: People enjoy more autonomy or freedom in entrepreneurship as they invest their time, money, and efforts into the business to make it successful. They are more involved and self-driven as there is no one to interfere or ask for explanations of their decisions.
  • Flexibility: Entrepreneurship allows working without a fixed routine time that helps to organize other works with better control and flexibility. This can improve mental and physical well-being.
  • Develop skills: Entrepreneurship involves overcoming challenges that develop the growth mindset and professional abilities. It gives first-hand knowledge and experience that helps to develop leadership skills and managerial techniques.
  • Career orientation: Entrepreneurship allows someone to align his desire and passion into the work and incorporate his values and beliefs into the business. This can help him to move in a career path of his choice.
  • Economic development: A successful venture gives a lot of scope to improve earnings by own efforts and involvement that is not possible in any jobs. There are various opportunities and ways that can be explored to gain a competitive advantage and profitability.
  • Meeting people: When a new business is started, there are possibilities to connect with people having exposure and experience in that particular field. Interaction with like-minded people helps to focus on the work more strategically and ambitiously.
  • Building your own team: Entrepreneurs have the freedom to choose their team to work with, select their clients and partners. He has the sole decision-making power about the functioning of his company, its policies, and its culture.
  • New experiences: Entrepreneurship gives new experiences and challenges that are often unexpected. This helps to gain new lessons and develop problem-solving and decision-making abilities that are useful for the further growth of the business.
  • Get full rewards: In an entrepreneurship journey, the success of a business is enjoyed by the entrepreneur with no one else to claim. One can enjoy the profit and re-invest it into the business towards further growth.

Disadvantages of Entrepreneurship

  • Financial instability: In the initial stages of entrepreneurship, there can be more outflow of money as an investment as compared to the return from business. As a self-employed person, it becomes a big challenge for financial security.
  • Need to devote more time: As an entrepreneur, one needs to devote a lot of time to establishing the business without having the luxury of fixed working hours.
  • Risk of failure: The initial stages of the entrepreneur journey may be very challenging and there are risks that the business strategies may not work resulting in losses in business.
  • Uncertain income: Entrepreneurship doesn’t ensure a steady and certain income as in jobs. When in the job, there is a fixed monthly income but in entrepreneurship, the income flow is uncertain and not guaranteed especially in the early stage of a business venture.
  • Create new customers: Customers often prefer established businesses for purchasing products and availing services. Some customers often rely on public reviews and personal references. As a startup business, it is difficult to build a customer base and takes time to develop brand awareness.
  • Greater competition: As an entrepreneur, it becomes difficult to compete with established businesses in the same field due to a lack of resources in terms of knowledge, experience, and customer support.
  • Lack of investors/partners: Some ventures require a lot of investment but it is difficult to find investors or partners to work with due to the absence of a history of financial success. Sometimes entrepreneurs start a business in debt and have to work very hard to recover in course of time.
  • More responsibilities: As an entrepreneur, one has to look after a lot of things related to business and take care of finances, legal issues, manpower, sales, customer support, and many other things to keep the company functioning systematically.
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