Retail Management University of Mumbai BMS 6th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Retail Management: An overview {Book}
a) Retail Management: Introduction and Meaning, Significance, Scope of Retail Management VIEW
Factors Influencing Retail Management VIEW
b) Retail Formats VIEW
Concept of Organized Retailing VIEW VIEW
Factors Responsible for the Growth of Organized Retail in India VIEW VIEW
Multichannel Retailing: Meaning and Types VIEW
E-tailing: Meaning, Advantages and Limitations VIEW
c) Emerging Trends in Retailing VIEW
Impact of Globalization on Retailing VIEW
IT in Retail: Importance, Advantages and Limitations VIEW
Applications of IT in Retail:
Bar Coding VIEW
RFID Tags, Electronic Surveillance VIEW
Electronic Shelf Labels VIEW
FDI in Retailing: Meaning, Need for FDI in Indian Retail Scenario VIEW
Franchising: Meaning, Types, Advantages and Limitations, Franchising in India VIEW
Green Retailing VIEW
Airport Retailing VIEW


Unit 2 Retail Consumer and Retail Strategy {Book}
a) Retail Consumer/Shopper: Meaning of Retail Shopper, Factors Influencing Retail Shoppers VIEW
Changing Profile of Retail Shoppers VIEW
Market Research as a Tool for Understanding Retail Markets and Shoppers VIEW
b) CRM in Retail: Meaning, Objectives VIEW
Customer Retention Approaches: Frequent Shopper Programme, Special Customer Services, Personalization, Community VIEW
c) Retail Strategy: Meaning, Steps in Developing Retail Strategy, Retail Value Chain VIEW
d) Store Location Selection: Meaning, Types of Retail Locations, Factors Influencing Store Location VIEW
e) HRM in Retail: Meaning, Significance, Functions VIEW
Organization Structure in Retail: Meaning, Factors Influencing Designing Organization Structure, Organization Structure for Small Stores/Single Stores/Independent Retailers and Retail Store Chain/Department Store VIEW


Unit 3 Merchandise Management and Pricing {Book}
a) Merchandise Management Concept, Types of Merchandise, Principles of Merchandising VIEW
Merchandise Planning Meaning and Process VIEW
Merchandise Category: Meaning, Importance, Components, Role of Category Captain VIEW
Merchandise Procurement/Sourcing: Meaning, Process, Sources for Merchandise VIEW
b) Buying Function Meaning VIEW
Buying Cycle VIEW
Factors Affecting Buying Functions VIEW
Functions of Buying for Different Types of Organizations VIEW
Young and Rubicam’s Brand Asset Valuator VIEW
Independent Store, Retail Chain, Non-store Retailer VIEW VIEW
c) Concept of Lifestyle Merchandising VIEW
d) Private Label: Meaning, Need and Importance, Private Labels in India VIEW
e) Retail Pricing, Meaning, Considerations in Setting Retail Pricing, VIEW
Pricing Strategies:
High/Low Pricing: Meaning, Benefits VIEW
Everyday Low Pricing Meaning, Benefits VIEW
Market Skimming, Market Penetration VIEW
Leader Pricing, Odd Pricing, Single Pricing VIEW
Multiple Pricing, Anchor Pricing VIEW
Variable Pricing and Price Discrimination Meaning VIEW
Individualized Variable Pricing/First Degree Price VIEW
Self-Selected Variable Pricing/ Second Degree Price Discrimination: Clearance and Promotional Markdowns, Coupons, Price Bundling, Multiple, Unit Pricing VIEW
Variable Pricing by Market Segment/ Third Degree Price Discrimination VIEW


Unit 4 Managing and Sustaining Retail {Book}
a) Retail Store Operations Meaning VIEW
Responsibilities of Store Manager VIEW
The 5 S’s of Retail Operations (Systems, Standards, Stock, Space, Staff) VIEW
b) Store Design and Layout:
Store Design: Meaning, Objectives, Principles VIEW
Elements of Exterior and Interior Store Design VIEW
Store Atmospherics and Aesthetics VIEW
Store Layout Meaning, Types; Grid, Racetrack, Free Form VIEW
Signage and Graphics Meaning, Significance, Concept of Digital Signage VIEW
Feature Areas: Meaning, Types; Windows, Entrances, Freestanding Displays, End Caps, Promotional Aisles, Walls, Dressing Rooms, Cash Wraps VIEW
c) Visual Merchandising and Display:
Visual Merchandising Meaning, Significance, Tools Used for Visual Merchandising VIEW
The Concept of Planogram VIEW
Display Meaning, Methods of Display, Errors in Creating Display VIEW


International Marketing University of Mumbai BMS 6th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Introduction to International Marketing & Trade {Book}
Meaning, Features of International Marketing, Need and Drivers of International Marketing VIEW
Process of International Marketing, Phases of International Marketing VIEW
Benefits of International Marketing VIEW
Challenges of International Marketing VIEW
Difference between Domestic and International Marketing VIEW
Different Orientations of International Marketing: EPRG Framework VIEW
Entering International Markets: VIEW
Exporting VIEW VIEW
Licensing VIEW
Franchising VIEW
Mergers and Acquisition VIEW
Joint Ventures VIEW
Strategic Alliance VIEW
Wholly Owned Subsidiaries VIEW
Contract Manufacturing VIEW
Turnkey Projects VIEW
Concept of Globalization VIEW VIEW
Introduction to International Trade: Concept of International Trade VIEW VIEW
Barriers to Trade: Tariff and Non-Tariff VIEW
European Union VIEW


Unit 2 International Marketing Environment and Marketing Research {Book}
a) International Marketing Environment VIEW
Economic Environment: International Economic Institution:
World Bank VIEW
International Economic Integration:
Free Trade Agreement VIEW
Customs Union VIEW VIEW
Common Market VIEW
Economic Union VIEW
Political Environment: Political System (Democracy, Authoritarianism, Communism), Political Risk, Political Instability, Political Intervention VIEW
Legal Environment: Legal Systems (Common Law, Civil Law, Theocratic Law), Legal Differences, Anti-Dumping Law and Import License VIEW
Cultural Environment: Concept, Elements of Culture (Language, Religion, Values and Attitude, Manners and Customs, Aesthetics and Education), HOFSTEDE’s Six Dimension of Culture, Cultural Values (Individualism v/s Collectivism) VIEW
b) Marketing Research: Introduction, Need for Conducting International Marketing Research, International Marketing Research Process, Scope of International Marketing Research, IT in Marketing Research VIEW


Unit 3 International Marketing Mix {Book}
International Product Decision VIEW
International Product Line Decisions VIEW
Product Standardization v/s Adaptation Argument VIEW
International Product Life Cycle VIEW
Role of Packaging and Labelling in International Markets VIEW
Branding Decisions in International Markets VIEW
International Market Segmentation and Targeting, Positioning VIEW
b) International Pricing Decision VIEW
Concept of International Pricing, Objectives of International Pricing, Factors Affecting International Pricing VIEW
International Pricing Methods: Cost Based, Demand Based, Competition Based, Value Pricing, Target Return Pricing and Going Rate Pricing VIEW
International Pricing Strategies: Skimming Pricing, Penetration Pricing, Predatory Pricing VIEW
International Pricing Issues: Gray Market, Counter Trade, Dumping, Transfer Pricing VIEW
c) International Distribution Decisions
Concept of International Distribution Channels, Types of International Distribution Channels VIEW
Factors Influencing Selection of International Distribution Channel VIEW
d) International Promotion Decisions:
Concept of International Promotion Decision VIEW VIEW
Planning International Promotional Campaigns: Steps: Determine the Target Audience, Determine Specific Campaigns VIEW
Determine Budget VIEW
Determine Message VIEW VIEW
Determine Campaign Approach VIEW VIEW
Determine Campaign Effectiveness VIEW VIEW
Standardization V/S Adaptation of International Promotional Strategies VIEW VIEW
International Promotional Tools/Elements VIEW


Unit 4 Developments in International Marketing {Book}
a) Introduction: Developing International Marketing Plan: VIEW
Preparing International Marketing Plan VIEW
Examining International Organisational Design VIEW
Controlling International Marketing Operations VIEW
Devising International Marketing Plan VIEW
b) International strategies:
Need for International Strategies, Types of International Strategies VIEW
c) International Marketing of Services:
Concept of International Service Marketing, Features of International Service Marketing, Need of International Service Marketing VIEW
Drivers of Global Service Marketing, Advantages and Disadvantages of Global Service Marketing, Service Culture VIEW


Media Planning & Management University of Mumbai BMS 6th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Overview of Media and Media Planning {Book}
Meaning of Media & Features of Media VIEW
Meaning of Media Planning, Scope of Media planning VIEW
Media Planning Elements VIEW
Role of Media in Business VIEW
Media Planning Process VIEW
Impact of Marketing Objectives on Media Planning, Factors Influencing Media Planning Decisions VIEW
Role and Importance of Media in Consumer Buying Decision VIEW
Role of Media Planner, Challenges of Media Planning VIEW
Organization Structure of Media Company VIEW
Regulatory Framework and Legal Aspects in Media Planning VIEW
Media Research Meaning, Role and Importance VIEW
Sources of Media Research: Audit Bureau of Circulation, Press Audits, National Readership Survey/IRS, Businessmen’s Readership Survey, TRP, VIEW
Sources of Media Research: National Television Study, ADMAR Satellite Cable Network Study, Reach and Coverage Study, CIB Listenership Survey VIEW


Unit 2 Media Mix and Media Strategy {Book}
Media Mix Meaning, Need for Media Mix VIEW
Identifying Audience for Mass Media VIEW
Factors Affecting Media Mix Decision VIEW
Types of Media Mix Decisions: Broad Media Classes, Media Vehicles, Media Units VIEW
Deciding Ideal Media Mix VIEW
Media Choices:
Print Meaning Factors Affecting Selection of Print Media Decisions, Types of Print Media, Advantages and Limitations VIEW
Television Media: Meaning, Factors Affecting Selection of Television Media Decisions, Advantages and Limitations VIEW
Radio Media: Meaning, Factors affecting Selection of Radio Media Decision, Advantages and Limitations VIEW
Out of Home (OOH): Meaning, Types of OOH, Factors Affecting OOH Planning Decision, Advantages and Limitations VIEW
Emerging Media:
Online, Mobile, Gaming, In flight, In Store, Interactive Media VIEW
Media Strategy:
Media Strategy: Meaning, Need for Media Strategy, Situation Analysis for Media Strategy and its Components VIEW
Steps in Formulating Media Strategies: Defining the Target Group, Market Prioritization, Media Weights, Media Mix, Media Scheduling VIEW


Unit 3 Media Budgeting, Buying & Scheduling {Book}
Media Budget Meaning VIEW VIEW
Factors to be considered while Framing a Budget: Advertising Task, Competitive Framework, Market Dominance, Market Coverage, Media Cost, Market Task, Pricing, Frequency of Purchase VIEW
Importance of Media Budget VIEW VIEW
Methods of Setting Media Budget: Status Quo, Inflation Adjusted, Advertising Sales, Case Rate & Advertising Margin Method, Share of Market VIEW
Methods of Setting Media Budget: Yardstick Method, Effective Frequency & Reach Method & Margin Analysis ROI Based Approach, Experimental Approach, Break Even Planning VIEW
Media Buying: Meaning, Role of Media Buyer, Objectives of Media Buying VIEW
Media Buying Process: Buying Brief, Environmental Analysis, Science and Art of Buying, Benchmarking Buying Plan Presentation Deal Management and Post Buy VIEW
Buying brief: Concept & Elements of Buying Brief, Art of Media Buying Negotiation in Media Buying, Plan Presentation and Client Feedback VIEW
Criteria in Media Buying VIEW
Media Scheduling Meaning, Importance VIEW
Factors Affecting Scheduling: Sales Pattern, Purchase Cycle, Product Availability, Competitive Activity, Marketing Task, Budget Constraints, Target Group VIEW
Scheduling Patterns; Continuity, Flighting, Pulsing VIEW
Scheduling Strategies for Creating Impact: Road Block, Day or Day part VIEW
Emphasis, Multiple Spotting, Teasers


Unit 4 Developments in International Marketing {Book}
a) Media Measurement: Basic Metrics: Reach, Cumulative/Frequency Reach, Discrete & Cumulative distribution, Average Opportunity to See (AOTS), Effective frequency/Reach VIEW
Television Metrics: Dairy v/s PeopIemeter, TRP/TVR, Program Reach & Time Spent, Stickiness Index, Ad Viewership VIEW
Radio Metrics: Arbitron Radio Rating VIEW
Print Metrics: Circulation, Average Issue Readership (AIR), Total or Claimed Reader, Sole or Solus reader VIEW
OOH Metrics: Traffic Audit Bureau (TAB) VIEW
Benchmarking Metrics: Share, Profile, and Selectivity Index VIEW
Plan Metrics: Gross Rating Points (GRP), Gross Impressions (GI), Share of Voice (SOV) VIEW
Evaluating Media Buys
Evaluating Television Media Buying: Dysfunctional Card Rate, Secondary and Effective Rate, Deal Composition, Cost Per Rating Point (CPRP), Reach Delivered by the Buy, Visibility Spots, Bonus Percentage, Upgrades and Spot Fixing, Sponsorships VIEW
Evaluating Print Media Buying: Discount on Rate Card, Negotiated Rate, Cost Per Thousand (CPT), Market Share Incentives, Readership v/s Circulation Track, Growth Incentives, Combination Rate Incentives, Full Page Discounts and Size Upgrades, Discount for Colour Ads, Date Flexibility Incentives, Positioning, Innovations VIEW
Evaluating Other Media Buys: Radio Buys, Outdoor Buys, Cinema Buys, Internet Buys, and Mobile Buys VIEW


HRM in Global Perspective University of Mumbai BMS 6th Sem Notes

Unit 1 International HRM: An Overview: {Book}
International HRM Meaning and Features VIEW
Objectives, Evolution of IHRM VIEW
Reasons for Emergency of IHRM VIEW
Significance of IHRM in International Business VIEW
International HRM Scope/Functions VIEW
Difference between International HRM and Domestic HRM VIEW VIEW
Approaches to IHRM: Ethnocentric, Polycentric, Geocentric and Regiocentric VIEW
Limitations to IHRM VIEW
Qualities of Global Managers VIEW
Organizational Dynamics and IHRM VIEW
Components of IHRM: Cross Cultural Management, Comparative HRM
Cross Cultural Management: Meaning, Features, Convergence of Cultures VIEW
Role of IHRM in Cross Culture Management VIEW
Problems of Cross-Cultural Issues in Organizations VIEW
Importance of Cultural Sensitivity to International Managers VIEW
Comparative HRM: Meaning, Importance, Difference between IHRM and Comparative HRM VIEW
Managing Diversity in Workforce VIEW VIEW
Dealing with Cultural Shock VIEW


Unit 2 Global HRM Functions {Book}
International Recruitment and Selection Meaning VIEW VIEW
Sources of International Labour Market, Global Staffing, Selection Criteria VIEW
Managing Global Diverse Workforce VIEW VIEW
International Compensation Meaning, Objectives, Components of International Compensation Program VIEW
Approaches to International Compensation VIEW
HRM Perspectives in Training and Development Meaning, Advantages VIEW
Cross Cultural Training, Issues in Cross Cultural Training VIEW
International Performance Management Meaning, Factors VIEW
Criterion used for Performance Appraisal of International Employees VIEW
Problems Faced in International Performance Management VIEW
Motivation System Meaning VIEW VIEW
Reward System Meaning VIEW VIEW
Benchmarking Global Practices VIEW
International Industrial Relations Meaning VIEW
Trade Union and International IR VIEW
Trade Union VIEW VIEW


Unit 3 Managing Expatriation and Repatriation {Book}
Concepts of PCNs (Parent-Country Nationals), TCNs (Third-Country Nationals) and HCNs (Host-Country Nationals) VIEW
Expatriation Meaning, Reasons for Expatriation, Factors in Selection of Expatriates VIEW
Advantages of Using Expatriates VIEW
Limitations of using Expatriates, Role of Family, Reasons for Expatriate Failure VIEW
The Role of Non-expatriates VIEW
Women and Expatriation VIEW
Requirements/Characteristics of Effective Expatriate Managers VIEW
Repatriation Meaning, Repatriation Process VIEW
Factors affecting Repatriation Process VIEW
Role of Repatriate, Challenges faced by Repatriates VIEW


Unit 4 International HRM Trends and Challenges {Book}
Emerging Trends in IHRM VIEW
Off Shoring Meaning, Importance, Off Shoring and HRM in India VIEW
International Business Ethics and IHRM:
Business Ethics VIEW VIEW
Global Values VIEW
International Corporate Code of Conduct VIEW VIEW
Criminalization of Bribery VIEW
Operationalizing Corporate Ethics of HR in Overall Corporate Ethics Programme VIEW
Managing International Projects and Teams Meaning VIEW
How Projects are Managed across the World VIEW
Challenges in Managing International Projects across the World VIEW
HR in MNCs; Industrial Relations in MNCs VIEW
Role of Technology on IHRM VIEW
IHRM and Virtual Organization Meaning and Features of Virtual Organization VIEW
Difference between Virtual Organization and Traditional Organization VIEW
Managing HR in Virtual Organization VIEW
Growth in Strategic Alliances; Impact on IHRM VIEW VIEW
Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions VIEW
Knowledge Management and IHRM VIEW


Organisational Development University of Mumbai BMS 6th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Organisational Development: An Overview {Book}
Organisational Development Meaning, Features, Evolution, Components, Objectives VIEW
Organisational Development Principles, Process, Importance VIEW
Relevance of Organisational Development for Managers, OD-HRD Interface VIEW
Participation of Top Management in OD VIEW
OD Practitioner Meaning, Role of OD Practitioner, Competencies of an OD Practitioner VIEW
Emerging Trends in OD VIEW
OD in Global Setting VIEW


Unit 2 Organisational Diagnosis, Renewal and Change {Book}
Organisational Diagnosis: Meaning, Need, Phases VIEW
Levels of Organisational Diagnosis VIEW
Techniques of Organisational Diagnosis VIEW
Tools used in Organisational Diagnosis VIEW
Organizational Renewal, Re-energizing VIEW
OD and Business Process Re- Engineering (BPR) VIEW
OD and Leadership Development VIEW
Organisational Change Meaning VIEW
Organisational Life Cycle VIEW
Planned Change VIEW VIEW
Organizational Growth and its Implication for Change VIEW
Change Agents: Meaning, Features, Types, Role, Skills required VIEW


Unit 3 OD Interventions {Book}
a) Managing Expatriation and Repatriation VIEW
OD Interventions: Meaning, Features, Steps in OD Interventions VIEW
Factors Affecting Success of Interventions VIEW
Types of Interventions:
Human Resource Intervention VIEW
Structural Intervention VIEW
Strategic Interventions VIEW
Third-Party Peace-Making Intervention VIEW
**Team Intervention VIEW
**Interpersonal Intervention VIEW
Techniques of OD Intervention:
Traditional Intervention: Sensitive Training, Grid Training, Survey Feedback VIEW
Modern Intervention: Process Consultation, Third Party, Team Building, Transactional Analysis VIEW
Evaluation of OD Interventions: Process, Types, Methods, Importance VIEW


Unit 4 OD Effectiveness {Book}
Issues faced in OD: Issues Related to Client Relationship, Power Individual skills and Attributes as a Source of Power, Power and Influence Tactics, Politics and OD VIEW
Values in OD: Meaning, Professional Values, Value Conflict and Dilemma VIEW
Ethics in OD: Meaning, Factors Influencing Ethical Judgement VIEW
Ethical Guidelines for OD Professionals VIEW
Organisational Effectiveness Meaning, Effectiveness v/s Efficiency VIEW
Approaches of Organisational Effectiveness: Goal Approach, System Resource Approach, Strategic Constituency Approach, Internal Process Approach VIEW
Parameters for Judging Organisational Effectiveness VIEW
Ways to Enhance Organisational Effectiveness VIEW


Workforce Diversity University of Mumbai BMS 6th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Workforce Diversity: An Overview {Book}
Workforce VIEW
Workforce Diversity: Meaning, Features and Significance VIEW
Dimensions of Workforce Diversity VIEW
Advantages and Limitations of having a diverse workforce VIEW
Positive and Negative effects of workforce diversity in workplace VIEW


Unit 2 Workforce Diversity and HRM Functions {Book}
Steps to Recruiting and Retaining a Diverse Workforce VIEW
Workforce Diversity and HRM Functions:
Diversity and Recruitment VIEW
Diversity and Supervision VIEW
Diversity and Training VIEW
Diversity and Compensation VIEW
Diversity and Performance Management VIEW
Diversity and Work life Balance VIEW
Role of Recruiter in Hiring Diversified Workforce VIEW
Workforce Diversity Key to Organizational Performance VIEW
Workforce Diversity as a Determinant of Sustainable Competitive Advantage VIEW


Unit 3 Strategies to Manage Diversity {Book}
Organizational Strategies for Managing Workforce Diversity VIEW
Workplace Inclusion Strategies through Corporate Leadership VIEW
Workplace Inclusion Strategies through Diversity Training VIEW
Workplace Inclusion Strategies through Mentoring VIEW
Diversity Management Programmes Concept VIEW
Corporate Culture and Diversity at workplace VIEW
Techniques of Managing Work Force Diversity VIEW
Approaches to Diversity Management System VIEW


Unit 4 Issues in Managing Diversity and Recent Trends {Book}
Best Practices in Achieving Workforce Diversity and Multi-culturism VIEW
Global workforce diversity management VIEW
Recent Trends of Diversity VIEW
Role of Technology in Handling Workforce Diversity VIEW
Workforce Diversity Management for Creativity and Innovation VIEW
Ethical and Legal Issues in Managing Diversity VIEW


Human Resource Accounting & Audit University of Mumbai BMS 6th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Human Resource Accounting {Book}
Human Resource Accounting: Meaning, Need, Objectives VIEW
Historical development of Human Resource Accounting VIEW
Cost of Human Resource: Acquisition cost, Training and Development cost and additional cost VIEW
Benefits and Limitations of Human Resource Accounting VIEW
Reporting of Human Resource Accounting at National Level VIEW VIEW
Disclosure at International levels VIEW


Unit 2 Methods and Human Resource Accounting in India {Book}
Methods of Human Resource Accounting VIEW
Cost of Production Approach VIEW
Historical cost Model Meaning, Advantages and Limitations VIEW
Replacement cost Model Meaning, Advantages and Limitations VIEW
Opportunity cost Model Meaning, Advantages and Limitations VIEW
Capitalized Earnings Approach Concept VIEW
Economic value Model Meaning, Advantages and Limitations VIEW
Capitalization of Salary Meaning, Advantages and Limitations VIEW
Statutory provisions governing HR accounts VIEW
Human Resource Accounts Practices in India VIEW VIEW


Unit 3 Human Resource Audit: An Overview {Book}
Human Resource Audit Meaning, Features, Objectives VIEW
Benefits and Limitations of Human Resource Audit VIEW
Need and Significance of Human Resource Audit VIEW
Process of Human Resource Audit VIEW
Approaches of Human Resource Audit VIEW
Principles of effective Human Resource Audit VIEW
Role of HR Auditor VIEW
Method of conducting HR Audit: Interview, Workshop, Observation, Questionnaire VIEW
HR Audit and Workforce issues:
Workforce Communication and Employee Relations VIEW VIEW
Performance Management VIEW VIEW
Compensation System VIEW VIEW
Team Building System VIEW VIEW


Unit 4 HR Audit for Legal Compliance and Safe Business Practices {Book}
Areas covered by HR Audit: Pre-employment Requirements, Hiring Process, New-hire Orientation Process, Workplace policies and Practices VIEW
HR audit as Intervention: Introduction, Effectiveness of Human Resource Development Audit as an Intervention VIEW
Human Resource Audit and Business Linkages VIEW
Human Resource Auditing as a tool of Human Resource Valuation: Introduction VIEW
Rationale of Human Resource Valuation and Auditing VIEW
Valuation of Human Resources VIEW
Issues in Human Capital Measurement and Reporting VIEW


Indian Ethos in Management University of Mumbai BMS 6th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Indian Ethos: An Overview {Book}
a) Indian Ethos
Meaning, Features, Need, Relevance, History, Principles practiced by Indian Companies VIEW
Requisites, Elements, Role of Indian Ethos in Managerial Practices VIEW
b) Management Lessons from Scriptures:
**Management Lessons from Bhagavad Gita VIEW
**Management Lessons from Quran Ramayana VIEW
Management Lessons from Vedas VIEW
Management Lessons from Mahabharata VIEW
Management Lessons from Bible VIEW
Management Lessons from Quran VIEW
Management Lessons from Kautilya’s Arthashastra VIEW
Indian Heritage in Business, Management, Production and Consumption VIEW
Ethics v/s Ethos VIEW
Indian Management v/s Western Management VIEW


Unit 2 Work Ethos and Values {Book}
a) Work Ethos: Meaning, Levels, Dimensions, Steps VIEW
Factors Responsible for Poor Work Ethos VIEW
b) Values:
Meaning, Features, Values for Indian Managers VIEW
Relevance of Value Based Management in Global Change VIEW
Impact of Values on Stakeholders: Employees, Customers, Government, Competitors and Society VIEW
Values for Managers VIEW
Trans-Cultural Human Values in Management and Management Education VIEW
Secular v/s Spiritual Values in Management VIEW
Importance of Value System in Work Culture VIEW


Unit 3 Stress Management {Book}
a) Stress Management Meaning VIEW
Types of Stress at Work VIEW VIEW
Causes of Stress VIEW VIEW
Consequences of Stress VIEW
b) Stress Management Techniques: VIEW
Meditation Meaning, Techniques, Advantages VIEW
Mental Health and its Importance in Management VIEW
Brain Storming, Brain Stilling VIEW
Yoga Meaning, Significance VIEW VIEW
c) Leadership Meaning VIEW
Contemporary Approaches to Leadership VIEW VIEW
Joint Hindu Family Business VIEW
Leadership Qualities of Karta VIEW
d) Motivation Meaning, Techniques VIEW VIEW
Indian Approach to Motivation VIEW


Unit 4 Indian Systems of Learning {Book}
a) Learning Meaning, Mechanisms VIEW VIEW
Gurukul System of Learning: Meaning, Features, Advantages, Disadvantages VIEW
Modern System of Learning Meanings, Features, Advantages, Disadvantages VIEW
Karma Meaning, Importance of Karma to Managers, Nishkama Karma VIEW
Laws of Karma The Great Law, Law of Creation, Law of Humility, Law of Growth, Law of Responsibility, Law of Connection VIEW
Corporate Karma Meaning, Methodology, Guidelines for good Corporate Karma VIEW
Self-Management Personal growth and Lessons from Ancient Indian Education System VIEW
Personality Development Meaning, Determinants VIEW
Indian Ethos and Personality Development VIEW


Management Information System (MIS) Concept, Types, Process, Advantages and Disadvantages

A management information system (MIS) is an information system used for decision-making, and for the coordination, control, analysis, and visualization of information in an organization.

The study of the management information systems testing people, processes and technology in an organizational context.

Management Information Systems (MIS) refer to the integration of information technology, individuals, and business procedures to capture, store, and process data with the objective of generating valuable insights for day-to-day decision-making. By extracting data from diverse sources, MIS facilitates the production of information that empowers decision-makers and fuels business growth.

  • Need for Management Information Systems (MIS)

Management Information Systems (MIS) play a vital role in enabling decision-makers to access essential information for making effective choices. These systems also facilitate seamless communication within and outside the organization. Internally, employees can readily access the necessary information for day-to-day operations, while externally, communication with customers and suppliers is streamlined through features like Short Message Service (SMS) and Email integrated within the MIS system.

Additionally, MIS systems serve as comprehensive record-keeping tools, meticulously capturing all business transactions of an organization. They act as a reliable reference point, providing a historical record and valuable insights into past activities and financial dealings.

Components of Management Information Systems (MIS):

  1. People: The users who interact with the information system, including employees and managers.
  2. Data: The recorded information that the system processes and stores, such as transaction data and business records.
  3. Business Procedures: The set of established procedures and guidelines for data recording, storage, and analysis within the system.
  4. Hardware: The physical components that make up the system, including servers, workstations, networking equipment, and printers.
  5. Software: The programs and applications used to manage and handle the data, such as spreadsheet software and database systems.

Types of Information Systems


  1. Transaction Processing Systems (TPS): Used to record and manage day-to-day business transactions. An example is a Point of Sale (POS) system, which tracks daily sales.
  2. Management Information Systems (MIS): These systems guide middle-level managers in making semi-structured decisions. They use data from the Transaction Processing System as input.
  3. Decision Support Systems (DSS): Utilized by top-level managers for semi-structured decision-making. DSS systems receive data from the Management Information System and external sources like market forces and competitors.

Process of Management Information System (MIS):

  1. Data Collection:
  • Source of Data: MIS collects data from various sources, including internal databases, external sources, and manual inputs.
  • Methods: Data may be collected through automated systems, surveys, or direct inputs.
  1. Data Processing:
  • Transformation: Raw data is processed and transformed into meaningful information.
  • Analysis: MIS conducts data analysis to derive insights and trends.
  • Normalization: Data is organized and normalized for consistency.
  1. Information Storage:
  • Database: Processed information is stored in databases or data warehouses.
  • Structured Storage: MIS organizes data in a structured manner for easy retrieval.
  1. Information Retrieval:
  • Querying: Users can query the MIS for specific information.
  • Reporting: MIS generates reports, dashboards, and summaries based on user needs.
  1. Information Dissemination:
  • Distribution: MIS distributes information to relevant users and stakeholders.
  • Presentation: Information is presented in a user-friendly format, such as charts or graphs.
  1. Decision Support:
  • Analysis Tools: MIS provides decision support tools for managers.
  • Scenario Analysis: Managers can use MIS for scenario analysis and planning.
  1. Feedback Mechanism:
  • Monitoring: MIS monitors the implementation of decisions.
  • Feedback Loop: MIS establishes a feedback loop for continuous improvement.

Advantages of Management Information System (MIS):

  1. Improved Decision-Making:

  • Access to Information: MIS provides timely and accurate information for decision-making.
  • Informed Choices: Managers can make well-informed decisions based on real-time data.
  1. Enhanced Efficiency:

  • Automation: MIS automates routine tasks, reducing manual effort.
  • Streamlined Processes: Efficiency is improved through streamlined workflows.
  1. Strategic Planning:

  • Long-Term Insights: MIS supports strategic planning with historical data and trend analysis.
  • Goal Alignment: Strategic goals can be aligned with available resources and capabilities.
  1. Better Communication:

  • Centralized Information: MIS centralizes information, facilitating communication across departments.
  • Collaboration: Improved communication enhances collaboration among team members.
  1. Resource Optimization:

  • Resource Allocation: MIS assists in optimal resource allocation.
  • Cost Reduction: Identifying inefficiencies leads to cost reduction.
  1. Competitive Advantage:

  • Market Intelligence: MIS provides insights into market trends and competitor activities.
  • Adaptability: Organizations can adapt quickly to changing market conditions.
  1. Data Accuracy and Integrity:

  • Validation: MIS ensures data accuracy through validation processes.
  • Integrity: The system maintains data integrity, preventing inconsistencies.
  1. Performance Monitoring:

  • KPIs and Metrics: MIS monitors key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics.
  • Continuous Improvement: Regular performance monitoring facilitates continuous improvement.

Disadvantages of Management Information System (MIS):

  1. Implementation Costs:

  • Initial Investment: Setting up an MIS involves significant initial costs.
  • Maintenance Expenses: Ongoing maintenance and updates add to the costs.
  1. Complex Implementation:

  • Technical Expertise: Implementation requires skilled IT professionals.
  • Integration Challenges: Integrating MIS with existing systems can be complex.
  1. Security Concerns:

  • Data Vulnerability: MIS poses security risks, with sensitive data being vulnerable.
  • Unauthorized Access: The risk of unauthorized access and data breaches exists.
  1. Resistance to Change:

  • Employee Resistance: Employees may resist adopting new processes.
  • Training Needs: Training is required for employees to adapt to the new system.
  1. Dependency on Technology:

  • Technical Issues: Dependency on technology exposes the system to technical glitches.
  • Downtime Impact: System downtime can disrupt operations.
  1. Overemphasis on Data:

  • Data Overload: Too much data can lead to information overload.
  • Relevance Issues: Not all data may be relevant to decision-makers.
  1. Lack of Customization:

  • Generic Solutions: Some MIS solutions may offer generic features, limiting customization.
  • Business Specificity: Tailoring MIS to specific business needs may be challenging.
  1. Ethical Concerns:

  • Privacy Issues: MIS may raise concerns about employee privacy.
  • Ethical Use: Ethical considerations in data collection and utilization.

Management Information System Role in Decision making process

  1. Data Collection and Processing:

  • Role of MIS:
    • Gathers data from various sources, both internal and external.
    • Processes raw data into meaningful information through sorting, summarizing, and analyzing.
  • Impact on Decision Making:
    • Decision-makers have access to comprehensive and organized data.
    • Raw data is transformed into actionable insights for informed decision-making.
  1. Information Accessibility:

  • Role of MIS:
    • Centralizes information, making it easily accessible to authorized users.
    • Utilizes user-friendly interfaces for querying and retrieving information.
  • Impact on Decision Making:
    • Managers can quickly access the information they need.
    • Reduces the time and effort required to gather relevant data for decision-making.
  1. Decision Support Tools:

  • Role of MIS:
    • Provides decision support tools such as reports, dashboards, and data visualization.
    • Facilitates ad-hoc querying and analysis for specific decision needs.
  • Impact on Decision Making:
    • Decision-makers can visually interpret complex data.
    • Supports data-driven decision-making through interactive tools.
  1. Strategic Planning Support:

  • Role of MIS:
    • Offers historical data and trend analysis for strategic planning.
    • Aligns organizational goals with available resources through data insights.
  • Impact on Decision Making:
    • Enables strategic decisions based on long-term trends.
    • Assists in setting realistic goals and objectives.
  1. Monitoring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):
  • Role of MIS:
    • Tracks and monitors key performance indicators relevant to organizational objectives.
    • Generates performance reports and alerts.
  • Impact on Decision Making:
    • Decision-makers can assess the success of current strategies.
    • Allows for adjustments based on real-time performance data.
  1. Operational Efficiency:

  • Role of MIS:
    • Identifies operational bottlenecks and inefficiencies.
    • Automates routine tasks, reducing manual effort.
  • Impact on Decision Making:
    • Supports decisions aimed at improving operational processes.
    • Enhances overall organizational efficiency.
  1. Forecasting and Predictive Analysis:

  • Role of MIS:
    • Utilizes data trends and patterns for forecasting.
    • Integrates predictive analytics to anticipate future outcomes.
  • Impact on Decision Making:
    • Helps in making proactive decisions based on anticipated trends.
    • Reduces reliance on reactive decision-making.
  1. Collaboration and Communication:

  • Role of MIS:
    • Facilitates communication and collaboration among team members.
    • Enables sharing of information and reports.
  • Impact on Decision Making:
    • Improves communication channels for decision-making teams.
    • Encourages collaborative decision-making processes.
  1. Risk Management:

  • Role of MIS:
    • Identifies and assesses potential risks through data analysis.
    • Offers scenario analysis for risk evaluation.
  • Impact on Decision Making:
    • Assists in making risk-informed decisions.
    • Allows for the formulation of risk mitigation strategies.
  1. Feedback Mechanism:

  • Role of MIS:
    • Establishes a feedback loop for continuous improvement.
    • Monitors the implementation of decisions.
  • Impact on Decision Making:
    • Decision-makers receive feedback on the effectiveness of their decisions.
    • Supports a dynamic and adaptive decision-making process.

Role of Management Information System (MIS)

Simply MIS stand For Management Information System. For Simply Understanding Management Information System (MIS) we can divide in to three Word and Understand Part by part

  • Management: “Management is function to do the work at the Right time, by the right Person, For the Right Job.”
  • Information: “Information is the Collection of Organized data which plays a Vital Role for decision making.”
  • System: “System Consist for a set of elements which Provides a Framework to convert Unorganized (Data) into Organized Information.”

Role of Management Information System

Management information system (MIS) has become Very Necessary due to Emergence of high complexity in Business Organization. It is all to know that without information no Organization can take even one step properly regarding the decision making process. Because it is matter of fact that in an organization decision plays an essential role for the achievement of its objectives and we know that every decision is based upon information. If gathered information are irrelevant than decision will also incorrect and Organization may face big loss & lots of Difficulties in Surviving as well.

  1. Helps in Decision making

Management Information System (MIS) plays a significant Role in Decision making Process of any Organization. Because in Any organization decision is made on the basis of relevant Information and relevant information can only be Retrieving from the MIS.

  1. Helps in Coordination among the Department

Management information System is also help in establishing a sound Relationship among the every persons of department to department through proper exchanging of Information’s.

  1. Helps in Finding out Problems

As we know that MIS provides relevant information about the every aspect of activities. Hence, If any mistake is made by the management then Management Information Systems (MIS) Information helps in Finding out the Solution of that Problem.

  1. Helps in Comparison of Business Performance

MIS store all Past Data and information in its Database. That why management information system is very useful to compare Business organization Performance. With the help of Management information system (MIS) Organization can analyze his Performance means whatever they do last year or Previous Years and whatever business performance in this year and also measures organization Development and Growth.


A Management Information System (MIS) comprises five key components – people, business processes, data, hardware, and software. These components work collaboratively to achieve the organization’s objectives and ensure smooth operations.


Users of the information system, such as accountants, human resource managers, etc., record day-to-day business transactions. The ICT department supports these users, ensuring the system’s proper functioning.

Business Procedures:

Agreed-upon best practices that guide users and other components in working efficiently. These procedures are developed by various stakeholders, including users and consultants.


Recorded day-to-day business transactions, collected from various activities like deposits and withdrawals for a bank.


The physical equipment like computers, printers, and networking devices that provide computing power for data processing, as well as networking and printing capabilities. Hardware accelerates the transformation of data into valuable information.


Programs that run on the hardware. Software is divided into system software (e.g., operating systems like Windows, Mac OS, Ubuntu) and applications software (e.g., Payroll program, banking system, point of sale system) that facilitate specific business tasks.

In an MIS, these components form an interconnected ecosystem, with people using business procedures to interact with and record data. The hardware, along with the software, processes this data, transforming it into meaningful information accessible to users. The effective collaboration of all these components ensures the MIS serves its purpose, providing valuable insights for decision-making and supporting business operations.

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