Retailing: Meaning and Role, Significance, Scope

Retailing is a distribution process, in which all the activities involved in selling the merchandise directly to the final consumer (i.e. the one who intends to use the product) are included. It encompasses sale of goods and services from a point of purchase to the end user, who is going to use that product.

Any business entity which sells goods to the end user and not for business use or for resale, whether it is a manufacturer, wholesaler or retailer, are said to be engaged in the process of retailing, irrespective of the manner in which goods are sold.

Retailer implies any organization, whose maximum part of revenue comes from retailing. In the supply chain, retailers are the final link between the manufacturers and ultimate consumer.

Role of Retailing

Retail trade performs many valuable role for the trade and commerce as a whole. Some of them are as follows:-

  1. Delivery of the goods to the end consumer

This makes shopping for all requirements quite hassle-free for the consumers. This also facilitates consumption and maximizes consumer satisfaction. Because the company cannot take responsibility of delivery to every single customer, it appoints retailers. One of the functions of retailing is immediate delivery.

  1. Is an essential part of the distribution chain

Because the retailer takes over the cumbersome task of distribution of goods manufactured to the target market, the manufacturer is relieved of this responsibility and can divert his resources to manufacturing activities.

  1. Finances the wholesaler

While booking his order of goods with the wholesaler, the retailer pays some percentage or the whole of the order price in advance. This helps the wholesaler to carry on with his operations seamlessly. In some industries, it is the retailer who pays cash to maintain stock and in others the wholesaler has to carry the stock as paid capital. Nonetheless, financing is one of the major functions of retailing. A retailer who does not contribute to financing will bring down the effectiveness of the supply chain.

  1. Stores the goods according to market requirement

The retailer invests his working capital in building a gamut of inventory reflecting market requirements. He also sells the requisite quantity, however small or big, to the final consumers satisfying their needs. The retailers know the complete demand and supply potential due to their years of experience. Hence it is one of the functions of retailing to balance the demand and supply as per external market conditions.

  1. Lends a hand in manufacturer’s marketing initiative

Retailer plans and executes many advertising and promotion activities at the point of purchase i.e. right in his store. This leads to gain in popularity of and favorable market conditions for the product of the manufacturer.

  1. Assumes storage and credit risks

When the retailer orders and stores a large quantity of goods from the manufacturer, he makes sufficient provisions to store it safely for some days. This involves costs. Also, there is also a risk of loss of these goods on account of destruction, theft, spoilage etc. The retailer assumes these risks while storing goods.

  1. Extends credit facilities to the consumers and assumes credit risk

The retailer does so to encourage shopping. This adds to the vigor of commercial activities in the economy. But there is also a risk that the customers won’t pay for the goods bought or may return damaged goods to the retailer. This inherent risk in trade is assumed by the retailer.

  1. Offers wide variety of customers and enticing price range in a product line

In order to attract more customers, a retailer offers a wide range of merchandise at attractive prices. This results in higher consumer satisfaction and higher standards of living in any economy.

  1. Provides convenience in shopping

Retailers try to set up their shops nearby housing areas or near parks, schools the areas where the customer finds it very convenient to shop. This enhances the consumer welfare.

  1. Offers after sale services, differentiated packaging, giving more information about the use of the product

All these activities add value to the retail transaction and cater to various requirements of the consumers suitably.

  1. Hears the voice of the market

The retailer measures the pulse of the market by listening to the consumer feedback, expectations, complaints, and by observing a shift in the tastes and preferences of the consumers. This arms him with very critical market intelligence enabling the entire commercial fraternity to gear up for the changing economic scenario.

  1. Generating employment for masses

Retail trade, especially the brick-and-mortar models, are human resource-centric establishments. They require many employees for numerous functions such as stock taking, over the counter selling, packaging, after sales services, floor management etc. Thus, retail sector thrives with lots of lucrative employment opportunities for all the talented job aspirants.


Economic Significance

The retailers play the role of sales specialists and also as agents of purchase for their customers and suppliers respectively. Retailers handle the entire gamut of roles and functions aiming at understanding customer requirements and anticipating the demand, gathering information about the market trends through strong market intelligence and making product related assortments and discovering financing opportunities.

It is relatively easier to become a retailer, as large investment is not required, procurement of production equipment is not required, and a retailer can procure merchandise on the basis of credit.

The retail sector in the present scenario is witnessing a fierce competition as a large number of retail players have entered in the same market segment with similar product offerings. The only differentiating factor which may provide a winning edge in the competitive race is by providing better value to the consumers and satisfying the consumers with their offerings. Besides this, a retailer should also be providing justice to the producers and also to the wholesalers by ensuring that their products are sold to the ultimate consumers.

For expansion of business opportunities globally and tapping larger business prospects, large retailers have been diversifying their business formats by way of mergers or acquisitions to cater to the growing needs of a diverse and a larger customer segment. Moreover, the retail industry has been impressive regarding generating large-scale employment opportunities worldwide which is expected to grow at a much faster rate in comparison with the other sectors performance in future as well.

The retail sector has opened newer job avenues for people having different areas of specialization with diverse skills and qualification backgrounds. These opportunities could be in the areas of Finance & Accounting, Retail Operations, Commercial Operations, Inventory & Warehousing, SCM & Logistics, HRM, Distribution Systems, Marketing & Brand Management, IT, New Products Development & Market Research/Business Analysis.

Retailing career can be quite rewarding right from the start of the career for a person as it may require bearing a handling a lot of challenges and responsibilities right from the beginning. Moreover, retailing has given rise to entrepreneurial opportunities, and few of the wealthiest entrepreneurs are involved in the retail business.

Social Significance

In the present business scenario, social responsibility and increasing importance are being given to driving the functions of marketing functions with a sense of social responsibility. This has resulted in retail organizations paying a great deal of attention towards the social responsibilities which they have towards their customers.

Regulation and control from various pressure groups such as social activists, social workers, and consumer activists compel the retailers in implementing their marketing programmes restrictively and communicating the true picture about the benefits or harms of using a product.

The retail fraternity should give importance to the cultural differences and also the differences in the values, beliefs, and faith of people while formulating their marketing strategies and business development plans. This will be helpful in meeting the demands of the consumers by understanding their expectations. The marketing department of retail companies is engaged in identifying the opportunities and threats to the business of the company by analyzing the socio-cultural trends and the buying preferences of the consumers.


  1. Retailer’s Perspective:

From the retailer’s perspective, retailing can include anything that the retailer wishes to sell. It may be goods or services. These may include goods such as mobiles, computers, electronics, readymade garments, textiles and clothing, jewellery, books, paintings, medicines, stationery, watches, or may include services such as catering, hospitality, hospitals etc.

However, in certain cases permission in form of license is required to be obtained from the government. In such cases the retailer will have to comply with all the legal formalities before starting a business. For example, a license is required to operate a chemist’s shop. Hence, the retailer must possess the required qualifications and hence may apply for the license.

  1. Employee’s Perspective:

Retailing has provided tremendous opportunities of employment. The retailers operating at a small level required small number of employees to help them in business. These employees were appointed as salesmen, cleaners, cashiers, etc. by the retailers. But with the increase in the scope of operations and the growth of retailing, there has been tremendous change in the industry.

Now the retailers operate at bigger levels having separate departments for everything such as finance, marketing, advertising and sales, human resource development, etc. Hence, the retailers provide enormous opportunities to the employees.

The following are the areas where the scope of retailing can be seen from the point of view of the employee:

  • Purchase Department:

The purchase department is responsible for making all the purchases for the business. It includes the selection of the merchandise to be sold to the customers, their price range, the selection of the vendor from whom the purchases are to be made, etc.

This department requires vast amount of efforts and includes a lot of paper work, telephonic conversation and travelling. The employees working with this department should be well conversed having good amount of knowledge about the industry as well as the vendors. They must be able to take quick decisions.

  • Finance Department:

The finance is the life blood of any organization. The finance department performs the functions such as making and compiling the financial records, allocation of finance to various departments, management of finance, arrangement of finance, controlling the cash flow, managing the banking as well as investments, deciding the credit allocation, etc. Sometimes a retail audit may also be conducted by the finance department.

  • Marketing and Sales:

The marketing department includes various activities such as sales promotion, advertising, public relations, etc. These activities are extremely important from the view point of reaching the customers. The marketing department is responsible for conducting extensive market research and understanding customer requirements.

The people required in marketing department should be well conversant, having proper knowledge about the product, any they must be able to convince the customer to buy the products. They should also be capable of understanding the customer’s requirements and act accordingly.

  • Stores:

The stores department is responsible for storing the goods. The store’s manager should ensure that at every time the inventory is maintained at proper levels so that there is no shortage of goods. At the same time the department should ensure that too much inventory may cause problems of storage, obsolescence, wear and tear, etc. So the store’s manager must always keep an up to date record of the inventory and ensure uninterrupted supply of materials.

  • Human Resource:

The human resource department is responsible for the recruitment, selection, training, induction etc. of the employees. Human resource is a human centric industry. The people required in this department must be able enough to understand the requirements of the people in the organization and must be able to stop the efficient employees from leaving the organization.

  • Technology in Retailing:

Retail industry in India is in a mature stage and is a very confident user or information technology. The industry is using technologies such as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) which is used to electronically transfer the information through computers. Database Management, Data Warehousing and Data Mining are the techniques that are used to gather information about the customers and store them for future use.

Data Mining helps in customer relationship management. Radio Frequency Identification System (RFID) is used for supply chain management. The concept of e-tailing is continuously gaining ground in retailing. It includes the use of internet for selling the goods.

  • Supply Chain Management:

Supply Chain Management means managing the supply of materials, services and information along the supply chain. Managing the resources efficiently and effectively increases profitability of the business. Supply chain is managed by using information systems.

Thus, there are many areas where retailing can provide employment to the people. Therefore, it can be concluded that the scope of retailing is very wide. One can engage himself as an entrepreneur or can join the sector as an employee depending upon his skills and finance, etc.

ESOP, Features, Benefits, Considerations, Types, Challenges

An Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) is a unique and powerful employee benefit plan that provides workers with an ownership stake in the company they work for. Through ESOPs, employees become beneficial owners of shares in the company, aligning their interests with those of shareholders and fostering a sense of commitment and engagement. Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) are powerful tools that promote a culture of ownership, engagement, and long-term success within organizations. By providing employees with a direct stake in the company’s performance, ESOPs contribute to a positive workplace environment, increased productivity, and enhanced employee satisfaction. However, the successful implementation and management of ESOPs require careful planning, effective communication, and compliance with regulatory standards. Companies considering the adoption of an ESOP should work closely with legal, financial, and valuation experts to design a plan that aligns with their specific goals and circumstances. Additionally, ongoing communication and education are vital to ensure that employees fully understand the benefits and responsibilities associated with their ownership stakes. When executed thoughtfully, ESOPs have the potential to drive not only individual financial well-being but also the overall success and sustainability of the organization.

Features of ESOPs:

  • Ownership Structure:

ESOPs create a trust that holds shares on behalf of employees. As employees accumulate tenure or meet other criteria, they become entitled to an allocation of shares.

  • Contributions:

Companies contribute to the ESOP either by directly contributing shares or by contributing cash to the trust, which is then used to purchase shares. Contributions are typically tied to company profits.

  • Vesting:

Employees gain ownership rights (vesting) over their allocated shares over a specified period. Vesting schedules can be time-based or performance-based.

  • Distribution:

Upon retirement, termination, disability, or other triggering events, employees receive the value of their vested ESOP shares. Distribution can be in the form of company stock or cash.

  • Borrowing Capacity:

ESOPs have the ability to borrow funds to acquire shares, allowing companies to use the plan as a mechanism for business succession or financing.

  • Employee Participation:

All eligible employees are generally allowed to participate in the ESOP, creating a broad-based ownership structure. However, eligibility criteria can vary.

Benefits of ESOPs:

  1. Ownership Culture:

ESOPs create a culture of ownership, where employees view themselves as partners in the company’s success. This can lead to increased commitment, productivity, and a focus on long-term goals.

  1. Employee Engagement:

With a direct financial stake in the company’s performance, employees are motivated to contribute to its success. This sense of engagement can positively impact innovation, collaboration, and overall workplace satisfaction.

  1. Retirement Benefits:

ESOPs serve as a retirement benefit, providing employees with a source of income when they retire. The value of their ESOP shares at retirement can significantly contribute to their financial well-being.

  1. Tax Advantages:

Contributions made by the company to the ESOP are tax-deductible, providing a financial incentive for companies to establish and maintain ESOPs.

  1. Succession Planning:

ESOPs offer a mechanism for business owners to transition ownership to employees, ensuring continuity and providing an exit strategy for founders looking to retire or sell their business.

  1. Improved Performance:

Studies have shown that ESOP companies tend to outperform non-ESOP companies in terms of sales, employment growth, and overall financial performance.

Considerations in Implementing ESOPs:

  • Plan Design:

Companies should carefully design their ESOPs, considering factors such as eligibility, vesting schedules, contribution levels, and distribution options. A well-designed plan aligns with the company’s goals and values.

  • Communication:

Clear communication is essential to ensure that employees understand the benefits and mechanics of the ESOP. Regular communication helps build trust and ensures that employees are well-informed about their ownership stakes.

  • Valuation Method:

The valuation of company stock is a critical aspect of ESOPs. Companies often engage independent appraisers to determine the fair market value of the shares, especially in the case of closely held or private companies.

  • Regulatory Compliance:

ESOPs are subject to various regulatory requirements, including those outlined in the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), which sets standards for plan fiduciaries, participant disclosures, and other protections.

  • Leverage and Risk:

If the ESOP borrows funds to acquire shares, the company takes on debt. Managing leverage and associated risks is crucial to the long-term success of the ESOP.

  • Diversification:

As employees’ retirement benefits are tied to the performance of the company’s stock, it’s important to provide mechanisms for employees to diversify their investment portfolios, especially as they approach retirement.

Types of ESOPs:

  1. Leveraged ESOP:

The ESOP borrows funds to acquire shares, and the company makes tax-deductible contributions to the ESOP to repay the debt.

  1. NonLeveraged ESOP:

The company contributes shares directly to the ESOP without the need for borrowing. Contributions are typically based on profits.

  1. Combined ESOP:

A combination of leveraged and non-leveraged elements, allowing companies to balance debt levels and cash flow considerations.

  1. S Corporation ESOP:

An ESOP can own shares in an S Corporation, with certain tax advantages for both the company and participants.

Regulatory and Legal Considerations:

  1. ERISA Compliance:

ESOPs are subject to ERISA regulations, which outline fiduciary responsibilities, participant disclosure requirements, and standards for plan management.

  1. Valuation Standards:

Companies must adhere to valuation standards set forth by ERISA and other regulatory bodies to ensure the fair market value of ESOP shares.

  1. AntiAbuse Rules:

To prevent abuse or misuse of ESOPs, there are rules in place to ensure that transactions are conducted at arm’s length, and participants are treated fairly.

  1. Prohibited Transactions:

ERISA prohibits certain transactions between the ESOP and “disqualified persons” to protect the interests of plan participants.

  1. Fiduciary Responsibilities:

Fiduciaries responsible for managing the ESOP must act prudently, diversify plan assets, and follow established fiduciary duties outlined in ERISA.

Challenges and Criticisms:

  1. Lack of Diversification:

As employees’ retirement benefits are tied to the company’s stock, there is a lack of diversification, which may expose employees to undue risk.

  1. Valuation Complexity:

Determining the fair market value of closely held or private company stock can be complex and may require external expertise.

  1. Leverage Risks:

Leveraged ESOPs carry debt, and if the company’s performance declines, repaying the debt becomes challenging, posing financial risks.

  1. Communication Challenges:

Ensuring that employees understand the mechanics of the ESOP, including valuation, vesting, and distribution, can be a communication challenge for some companies.

Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFCs)

A Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) is a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 engaged in the business of loans and advances, acquisition of shares/stocks/bonds/debentures/securities issued by Government or local authority or other marketable securities of a like nature, leasing, hire-purchase, insurance business, chit business but does not include any institution whose principal business is that of agriculture activity, industrial activity, purchase or sale of any goods (other than securities) or providing any services and sale/purchase/construction of immovable property. A non-banking institution which is a company and has principal business of receiving deposits under any scheme or arrangement in one lump sum or in installments by way of contributions or in any other manner, is also a non-banking financial company (Residuary non-banking company).

Difference between banks & NBFCs

NBFCs lend and make investments and hence their activities are akin to that of banks; however there are a few differences as given below:

  • NBFC cannot accept demand deposits;
  • NBFCs do not form part of the payment and settlement system and cannot issue cheques drawn on itself;
  • Deposit insurance facility of Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation is not available to depositors of NBFCs, unlike in case of banks.


NBFCs are categorized

  • In terms of the type of liabilities into Deposit and Non-Deposit accepting NBFCs,
  • Non deposit taking NBFCs by their size into systemically important and other non-deposit holding companies (NBFC-NDSI and NBFC-ND) and
  • By the kind of activity they conduct.

Within this broad categorization the different types of NBFCs are as follows:

  1. Asset Finance Company (AFC)

An AFC is a company which is a financial institution carrying on as its principal business the financing of physical assets supporting productive/economic activity, such as automobiles, tractors, lathe machines, generator sets, earth moving and material handling equipments, moving on own power and general purpose industrial machines. Principal business for this purpose is defined as aggregate of financing real/physical assets supporting economic activity and income arising therefrom is not less than 60% of its total assets and total income respectively.

  1. Investment Company (IC)

IC means any company which is a financial institution carrying on as its principal business the acquisition of securities,

  1. Loan Company (LC)

LC means any company which is a financial institution carrying on as its principal business the providing of finance whether by making loans or advances or otherwise for any activity other than its own but does not include an Asset Finance Company.

  1. Infrastructure Finance Company (IFC)

IFC is a non-banking finance company a) which deploys at least 75 per cent of its total assets in infrastructure loans, b) has a minimum Net Owned Funds of Rs 300 crore, c) has a minimum credit rating of ‘A ‘or equivalent d) and a CRAR of 15%.

  1. Systemically Important Core Investment Company (CIC-ND-SI)

CIC-ND-SI is an NBFC carrying on the business of acquisition of shares and securities.

  1. Infrastructure Debt Fund

Non- Banking Financial Company (IDF-NBFC) : IDF-NBFC is a company registered as NBFC to facilitate the flow of long term debt into infrastructure projects. IDF-NBFC raise resources through issue of Rupee or Dollar denominated bonds of minimum 5 year maturity. Only Infrastructure Finance Companies (IFC) can sponsor IDF-NBFCs.

  1. Non-Banking Financial Company

Micro Finance Institution (NBFC-MFI): NBFC-MFI is a non-deposit taking NBFC having not less than 85% of its assets in the nature of qualifying assets which satisfy the following criteria:

  • Loan disbursed by an NBFC-MFI to a borrower with a rural household annual income not exceeding Rs 1,00,000 or urban and semi-urban household income not exceeding Rs 1,60,000;
  • Loan amount does not exceed Rs 50,000 in the first cycle and Rs 1,00,000 in subsequent cycles;
  • Total indebtedness of the borrower does not exceed Rs 1,00,000;
  • Tenure of the loan not to be less than 24 months for loan amount in excess of Rs 15,000 with prepayment without penalty;
  • Loan to be extended without collateral;
  • Aggregate amount of loans, given for income generation, is not less than 50 per cent of the total loans given by the MFIs;
  • Loan is repayable on weekly, fortnightly or monthly instalments at the choice of the borrower
  1. Non-Banking Financial Company

Factors (NBFC-Factors): NBFC-Factor is a non-deposit taking NBFC engaged in the principal business of factoring. The financial assets in the factoring business should constitute at least 50 percent of its total assets and its income derived from factoring business should not be less than 50 percent of its gross income.

  1. Mortgage Guarantee Companies (MGC)

MGC are financial institutions for which at least 90% of the business turnover is mortgage guarantee business or at least 90% of the gross income is from mortgage guarantee business and net owned fund is Rs 100 crore.

  1. NBFC

Non-Operative Financial Holding Company (NOFHC) is financial institution through which promoter / promoter groups will be permitted to set up a new bank .It’s a wholly-owned Non-Operative Financial Holding Company (NOFHC) which will hold the bank as well as all other financial services companies regulated by RBI or other financial sector regulators, to the extent permissible under the applicable regulatory prescriptions.

What action can be taken against persons/financial companies making false claim of being regulated by the Reserve Bank?

It is illegal for any financial entity or unincorporated body to make a false claim of being regulated by the Reserve Bank to mislead the public to collect deposits and is liable for penal action under the Indian Penal Code. Information in this regard may be forwarded to the nearest office of the Reserve Bank and the Police. The list of registered NBFCs is available on the web site of Reserve Bank of India and can be viewed at

Precautions should a depositor take before placing deposit with an NBFC

A depositor wanting to place deposit with an NBFC must take the following precautions before placing deposits:

  1. That the NBFC is registered with RBI and specifically authorized by the RBI to accept deposits. A list of deposit taking NBFCs entitled to accept deposits is available at The depositor should check the list of NBFCs permitted to accept public deposits and also check that it is not appearing in the list of companies prohibited from accepting deposits.
  2. NBFCs have to prominently display the Certificate of Registration (CoR) issued by the Reserve Bank on its site. This certificate should also reflect that the NBFC has been specifically authorized by RBI to accept deposits. Depositors must scrutinize the certificate to ensure that the NBFC is authorized to accept deposits.
  3. The maximum interest rate that an NBFC can pay to a depositor should not exceed 12.5%. The Reserve Bank keeps altering the interest rates depending on the macro-economic environment. The Reserve Bank publishes the change in the interest rates on → Sitemap → NBFC List → FAQs.
  4. The depositor must insist on a proper receipt for every amount of deposit placed with the company. The receipt should be duly signed by an officer authorized by the company and should state the date of the deposit, the name of the depositor, the amount in words and figures, rate of interest payable, maturity date and amount.
  5. In the case of brokers/agents etc collecting public deposits on behalf of NBFCs, the depositors should satisfy themselves that the brokers/agents are duly authorized by the NBFC.
  6. The depositor must bear in mind that public deposits are unsecured and Deposit Insurance facility is not available to depositors of NBFCs.
  7. The Reserve Bank of India does not accept any responsibility or guarantee about the present position as to the financial soundness of the company or for the correctness of any of the statements or representations made or opinions expressed by the company and for repayment of deposits/discharge of the liabilities by the company.


The NBFCs are allowed to accept/renew public deposits for a minimum period of 12 months and maximum period of 60 months. They cannot accept deposits repayable on demand.

  • NBFCs cannot offer interest rates higher than the ceiling rate prescribed by RBI from time to time. The present ceiling is 12.5 per cent per annum. The interest may be paid or compounded at rests not shorter than monthly rests.
  • NBFCs cannot offer gifts/incentives or any other additional benefit to the depositors.
  • NBFCs should have minimum investment grade credit rating.
  • The deposits with NBFCs are not insured.
  • The repayment of deposits by NBFCs is not guaranteed by RBI.
  • Certain mandatory disclosures are to be made about the company in the Application Form issued by the company soliciting deposits.


  • Infrastructural Funding

This is the largest section where major NBFCs deal in. A lot of portion of this segment alone makes up a major portion of funds lent, amongst the different segments. This majorily includes Real Estate, railways or Metros, flyovers, ports, airports, etc.

  • Trade finance

Companies dealing in Dealer/distributor finance so that they can for working capital requirements, vendor finance, and other business loans.

  • Retail Financing

Companies that provides short term funds for Loan against shares, gold, property, primarily for consumption purposes.


  • NBFCs accepting public deposit (NBFCs-D)
  • NBFCs not accepting/holding public deposit (NBFCs-ND). Residuary Non-Banking Companies (RNBCs) are another category of NBFCs whose principal business is acceptance of deposits and investing in approved securities.
  • Non deposit taking NBFCs by their size into systemically important and other non-deposit holding companies (NBFC-NDSI and NBFC-ND)

Banking System in India

In India the banks and banking have been divided in different groups. Each group has their own benefits and limitations in their operations. They have their own dedicated target market. Some are concentrated their work in rural sector while others in both rural as well as urban. Most of them are only catering in cities and major towns.

Indian Banking System: Structure

Bank is an institution that accepts deposits of money from the public.

Anybody who has account in the bank can withdraw money. Bank also lends money.

Indigenous Banking

The exact date of existence of indigenous bank is not known. But, it is certain that the old banking system has been functioning for centuries. Some people trace the presence of indigenous banks to the Vedic times of 2000-1400 BC. It has admirably fulfilled the needs of the country in the past.

However, with the coming of the British, its decline started. Despite the fast growth of modern commercial banks, however, the indigenous banks continue to hold a prominent position in the Indian money market even in the present times. It includes shroffs, seths, mahajans, chettis, etc. The indigenous bankers lend money; act as money changers and finance internal trade of India by means of hundis or internal bills of exchange.


(i) They are unorganized and do not have any contact with other sections of the banking world.

(ii) They combine banking with trading and commission business and thus have introduced trade risks into their banking business.

(iii) They do not distinguish between short term and long term finance and also between the purpose of finance.

(iv) They follow vernacular methods of keeping accounts. They do not give receipts in most cases and interest which they charge is out of proportion to the rate of interest charged by other banking institutions in the country.

Suggestions for Improvements

(i) The banking practices need to be upgraded.

(ii) Encouraging them to avail of certain facilities from the banking system, including the RBI.

(iii) These banks should be linked with commercial banks on the basis of certain understanding in the respect of interest charged from the borrowers, the verification of the same by the commercial banks and the passing of the concessions to the priority sectors etc.

(iv) These banks should be encouraged to become corporate bodies rather than continuing as family based enterprises.

Structure of Organized Indian Banking System

The organized banking system in India can be classified as given below:

Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

The country had no central bank prior to the establishment of the RBI. The RBI is the supreme monetary and banking authority in the country and controls the banking system in India. It is called the Reserve Bank’ as it keeps the reserves of all commercial banks.

Commercial Banks

Commercial banks mobilise savings of general public and make them available to large and small industrial and trading units mainly for working capital requirements.

Commercial banks in India are largely Indian-public sector and private sector with a few foreign banks. The public sector banks account for more than 92 percent of the entire banking business in India—occupying a dominant position in the commercial banking. The State Bank of India and its 7 associate banks along with another 19 banks are the public sector banks.

Scheduled and Non-Scheduled Banks

The scheduled banks are those which are enshrined in the second schedule of the RBI Act, 1934. These banks have a paid-up capital and reserves of an aggregate value of not less than Rs. 5 lakhs, hey have to satisfy the RBI that their affairs are carried out in the interest of their depositors.

All commercial banks (Indian and foreign), regional rural banks, and state cooperative banks are scheduled banks. Non- scheduled banks are those which are not included in the second schedule of the RBI Act, 1934. At present these are only three such banks in the country.

Regional Rural Banks

The Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) the newest form of banks, came into existence in the middle of 1970s (sponsored by individual nationalized commercial banks) with the objective of developing rural economy by providing credit and deposit facilities for agriculture and other productive activities of al kinds in rural areas.

The emphasis is on providing such facilities to small and marginal farmers, agricultural labourers, rural artisans and other small entrepreneurs in rural areas.

Other special features of these banks are

(i) Their area of operation is limited to a specified region, comprising one or more districts in any state.

(ii) Their lending rates cannot be higher than the prevailing lending rates of cooperative credit societies in any particular state.

(iii) The paid-up capital of each rural bank is Rs. 25 lakh, 50 percent of which has been contributed by the Central Government, 15 percent by State Government and 35 percent by sponsoring public sector commercial banks which are also responsible for actual setting up of the RRBs.

These banks are helped by higher-level agencies: the sponsoring banks lend them funds and advise and train their senior staff, the NABARD (National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development) gives them short-term and medium, term loans: the RBI has kept CRR (Cash Reserve Requirements) of them at 3% and SLR (Statutory Liquidity Requirement) at 25% of their total net liabilities, whereas for other commercial banks the required minimum ratios have been varied over time.

Cooperative Banks

Cooperative banks are so-called because they are organized under the provisions of the Cooperative Credit Societies Act of the states. The major beneficiary of the Cooperative Banking is the agricultural sector in particular and the rural sector in general.

The cooperative credit institutions operating in the country are mainly of two kinds: agricultural (dominant) and non-agricultural. There are two separate cooperative agencies for the provision of agricultural credit: one for short and medium-term credit, and the other for long-term credit. The former has three tier and federal structure.

At the apex is the State Co-operative Bank (SCB) (cooperation being a state subject in India), at the intermediate (district) level are the Central Cooperative Banks (CCBs) and at the village level are Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACs).

Long-term agriculture credit is provided by the Land Development Banks. The funds of the RBI meant for the agriculture sector actually pass through SCBs and CCBs. Originally based in rural sector, the cooperative credit movement has now spread to urban areas also and there are many urban cooperative banks coming under SCBs.

Types of Securities in Banks

Security is what the borrower puts up to guarantee payment of the loan. Moreover security means immovable & chattel or personal asset or assets to which a lender can have recourse if the borrower defaults in the loan payment. Bankers, whenever advancing loans, first ask for the security to be put for the loans requested. Different types of securities are used depending upon the nature of the advances issued by the banks. A good security must be enough to cover the risk, highly liquid, free from any encumbrance, clean in ownership and easy to handle.

There are two types of banks security.

  • Personal Security
  • Non-personal security

  1. Personal security

If any banks client himself or third party is considered as security is called personal security. without receiving the immovable & chattel assets as security, if bank can receive any client himself or any person own self on be half of that client as security is considered as personal security. Bank will consider the person or third party only for then when he has enough social dignity and goodwill or a scope of applying law against himself in future or he is engaged in renowned business, government or recognized non government organization.

  1. Non-personal security

without receiving any client himself or any person own self on be half of that client as security , if bank can receive the immovable & chattel assets as security is considered as non-personal security. There are four types of non-personal security. such as-

  • Lien
  • Pledge
  • Mortgage
  • Hypothecation

The above four categories of non-personal security are given below with detail.

(a) Lien

The right of retain foods is known as lien. The lawful right of a lender to offer the guarantee property of an account holder who neglects to meet the commitments of an advance contract. A lien exists, for instance, when an individual takes out a vehicles advance. The lien holder is the bank that allows the advance, and the lien is discharged when the credit is forked over the required funds. Another kind of lien is a repairman’s lien, which can be appended to genuine property if the property proprietor neglects to pay a foreman for administrations rendered. In the event that the account holder never pays, the property can be sold to pay the lien holder. There are two types of lien:-

  • General lien: Here, Bank has the possess of the assets have been kept as security and bank can’t transfer the possession to another until the loan amount is being paid.
  • Special lien: Here, Bank has the possess of the assets have been kept as security and bank can transfer the possession to another on conditions is called special lien.

(b) Pledge

Here the possess of assets is to bank or loan provider, but the ownership is to borrower. After payment, bank transfers the possession of security assets to borrower. When a customer takes loan against jewels he pledges the jewel to the bank.  Similarly a customer availing loan on key cash credit basis pledges the  goods to the banker by keeping them in a godown under lock and key  control of the bank. Pledged goods are to be insured and the pledgee (banker) has to take reasonable care to protect the property pledged.

3. Mortgage

It is an interest in property created as security for a loan or payment of debt and terminated on payment of the loan or debt. A mortgage is a contract that permits a loan provider partially or fully to foreclose that security when a borrower is unable to pay the loan amount. Mortgage is applicable only for immovable assets and this is why it is called immovable property mortgage. There are many types of mortgage have been described below.

  • Simple mortgage: If the loan amount isn’t paid by borrower and legal step is taken against him or lender can purchase which security assets on the opinion of borrower is called simple mortgage.
  • Fixed mortgage: The borrower gives which property in black & white or in registering to the lender and if the loan is not paid in time, then legal possession of that security is gained by lender is called fixed mortgage.
  • Conditional mortgage: If the loan amount isn’t paid in time and without fulfilling the determined conditions, the which security is not sold or transfered is called conditional mortgage.
  • Floating mortgage: The possession right of which mortgage properly is belonged to borrower and only documents are submitted to loan provider is called floating mortgage.
  • Equitable mortgage: The documents of which mortgage property is kept to bank for a specific time period and possession is belonged to borrower and after exceeding the payment period bank try to gain the legal possession is called equitable mortgage.
  • Registered equitable mortgage: The ownership documents of which mortgage property is kept to lone provider with registration for a specific time period and possession is belonged to borrower is called registered equitable mortgage.
  • Use fructuary mortgage: The possession & consumption of which mortgage property is given to loan provider as loan providing till a specific time period and after exceeding that time period the belongingness of that property is leaved to borrower is called use fructuary mortgage.
  • English mortgage: The ownership of which mortgage property is to loan provider and possession or belongingness of that property is to borrower is called English mortgage. If borrower is fail to pay the loan amount then the possession power is automatically gone to loan provider.
  1. Hypothecation

It is pledge to secure an obligation without delivery of title or possession.

At last we can say that, at the modern banking sectors a great changes has been occurred in the categories of categories of mortgage.

Corporate Restructuring University of Mumbai BMS 4th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Corporate Restructuring: Introduction and Concepts {Book}

Corporate Restructuring, Historical Background, Meaning of Corporate Restructuring, Corporate Restructuring as a Business Strategy VIEW
Need and Scope of Corporate Restructuring VIEW
Planning, Formulation and Execution of Various Restructuring Strategies VIEW
Important Aspects to be considered while Planning or Implementing Corporate Restructuring Strategies VIEW
Forms of Restructuring:
Demerger, Reverse merger VIEW
Disinvestment VIEW
Merger Takeover/acquisition VIEW VIEW
Joint Venture (JV) VIEW VIEW
Strategic Alliance VIEW
Franchising and Slump sale VIEW
Unit 2 Accounting of Internal Reconstruction (Practical and theory) {Book}
Accounting of Internal Reconstruction VIEW VIEW
Need for Reconstruction and Company Law provisions VIEW
Distinction between Internal and External Reconstructions VIEW
Methods including alteration of Share capital, Variation of share-holder rights, Sub division, Consolidation, Surrender and reissue/Cancellation, Reduction of Share Capital, with relevant Legal provisions and Accounting treatments for same VIEW
Unit 3 Accounting of External Reconstruction (Amalgamation/ Mergers/ Takeovers and Absorption) (Practical and theory) {Book}
Accounting of External Reconstruction (Amalgamation/ Mergers/ Takeovers and Absorption) VIEW
In the nature of merger and purchase with corresponding accounting treatments of pooling of interests and purchase methods respectively VIEW
Computation and meaning of Purchase consideration and Problems based on Purchase method VIEW VIEW
Unit 4 Impact of Reorganization on the Company: An Introduction (Only Theory) {Book}
Change in the Internal Aspects on Reorganization: Change of Name and Logo, Revised Organization Chart, Communication, Employee Compensation, Benefits and Welfare Activities, Aligning Company Policies, Aligning Accounting and Internal Database Management Systems, Re-Visiting Internal Processes and Re-Allocation of People VIEW
Change in External Aspects on Reorganization: Engagement with Statutory Authorities, Revised ISO Certification and Similar Other Certifications, Revisiting past Government approvals, decisions and other contracts VIEW
Impact of Reorganization: Gain or Loss to Stakeholders, Implementation of Objectives, Integration of Businesses and Operations, Post Merger Success and Valuation and Impact on Human and Cultural Aspects VIEW

Integrated Marketing Communication University of Mumbai BMS 4th Sem Notes

Unit 1 {Book}
Meaning, Features of IMC, Evolution of IMC, Reasons for growth of IMC VIEW
Promotional Tools for IMC, IMC Planning Process VIEW
Role of IMC in Marketing VIEW
IMC Communication Process, Traditional VIEW
Alternative Response Hierarchy Models VIEW
Hierarchy-of-Effects Model VIEW
Establishing objectives and Budgeting VIEW
Determining Promotional objectives VIEW
Sales vs Communication objectives VIEW
DAGMAR, Problems in Setting objectives VIEW
Setting objectives for the IMC Program VIEW


Unit 2 Elements of IMS-1 {Book}
Advertising: Features VIEW
Role of Advertising in IMC VIEW
Advantages and Disadvantages of Advertising VIEW
Types of Advertising VIEW VIEW
Types of Media used for Advertising VIEW
Sales Promotion Scope VIEW
Role of Sales Promotion as IMC Tool VIEW
Reasons for the growth of Sales Promotion VIEW
Advantages and Disadvantages of Sales Promotion VIEW
Types of Sales Promotion VIEW
Objectives of consumer and Trade Promotion VIEW
Strategies for Consumer Promotion and Trade Promotion VIEW
Sales promotion campaign VIEW
Evolution of Sales Promotion campaign VIEW


Unit 3 Elements of IMC-II {Book}
Direct Marketing VIEW
Role of Direct Marketing in IMC VIEW
Objectives of Direct Marketing VIEW
Components of Direct Marketing VIEW
Tools of Direct Marketing: Direct mail, Catalogues, Direct response Media, Internet, Telemarketing VIEW
Alternative media evaluation of effectiveness of Direct Marketing VIEW
Publicity Relations and Publicity introduction VIEW
Role of PR in IMC VIEW
Advantages and Disadvantages of PR VIEW
Types of PR VIEW
Managing PR: Planning, Implementation, evaluation and Research, Publicity VIEW
Sponsorship: Definition, Essentials of good Sponsorship VIEW
Event Sponsorship, Cause Sponsorship VIEW
Personal Selling, features VIEW
Role of Personal Selling in IMC VIEW
Advantages and Disadvantages of Personal Selling VIEW
Personal Selling process VIEW
Importance of Personal Selling VIEW


Unit 4 Evaluation & Ethics in Marketing Communication {Book}
Evaluating an Integrated Marketing program: VIEW
Evolution process of IMC, Messages evaluation VIEW
Advertising tracking research VIEW
Copy testing, emotional reaction Test VIEW
Cognitive Neuro Science – Online evaluation VIEW VIEW
Behavioral evaluation – Sales and Response Rate VIEW
POPAI, Toll free numbers, QR codes and Facebook likes VIEW
Response cards, Internet responses, Redemption rate VIEW
Test Markets: Competitive responses, Scanner Data, Purchase Simulation Test VIEW
Ethics and Marketing Communication: Stereotyping, Targeting Vulnerable customer VIEW
Offensive brand Messages, Legal issues, Commercial free Speech VIEW
Misleading claims, Puffery, fraud, Questionable B2B practices VIEW
Current Trends in IMC:
Internet & IMC VIEW
Advertising on Internet VIEW
PR through Internet Banner, Sales Promotion on Internet, Direct Marketing on Internet VIEW

Rural Marketing University of Mumbai BMS 4th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Introduction {Book}
Introduction to Rural Marketing, Definition, Scope VIEW
Rural Market in India: Size, Scope VIEW
Rural development as a Core Area VIEW
Efforts put for rural Development by Government VIEW
Emerging Profile of Rural Markets in India VIEW
Problems of Rural Market VIEW
Constraints in Rural Marketing and Strategies to overcome VIEW


Unit 2 Rural Market {Book}
Rural consumer vs Urban consumer VIEW
Characteristics of Rural consumers VIEW
Rural Market Environment:
a) Demographics: Population VIEW
Occupation pattern VIEW
Literacy level VIEW
b) Economic factors: Income generation VIEW
Expenditure pattern VIEW
Rural Demand VIEW
Consumption Pattern VIEW
Rural Market index VIEW
Land use Pattern VIEW
c) Rural infrastructure: Rural housing, Electrification, Roads VIEW
Rural consumer behaviour: Meaning VIEW
Factors affecting Rural consumer behaviour: Social factor, Cultural factors, Technological factors, Lifestyle, Personality VIEW


Unit 3 Rural Marketing Mix. {Book}
Marketing Mix for Rural Market/Consumers VIEW
Product Strategies, Rural product categories: FMCG, Consumer Durables, Agriculture goods and Services VIEW
Importance of branding, Packaging VIEW VIEW
Importance of Packaging VIEW
Importance of Labelling VIEW
Nature of competition in Rural Markets VIEW
Problems of fake brands in Rural Markets VIEW
Pricing Strategies and objectives VIEW
Promotional strategies for Rural Market VIEW
Targeting for Rural Market VIEW
Rural Market Positioning VIEW
Rural Marketing Segmentation VIEW


Unit 4 Rural Marketing Strategies {Book}
Rural Marketing Strategies VIEW
Distribution strategies for Rural Consumers:
Channels of Distribution: HAATS, Mandis, Public distribution System, Co-operative Society VIEW
Distribution Models of FMCG like HUL & ITC VIEW
Distribution networks, ideal Distribution model for Rural market VIEW
Communication Strategy:
Channels in Rural communication, Developing effective communication VIEW
Determining communication objectives, Designing the message VIEW
Selecting the communication channels VIEW
Creating Advertisements for Rural Audiences VIEW
Rural Media: Mass media, Non-conventional Media, Personalized Media VIEW

Human Resource Planning & Information System University of Mumbai BMS 4th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Overview of Human Resource Planning {Book}
Human Resource Planning: Meaning, Features VIEW
Human Resource Planning Scope, Approaches VIEW
Levels of Human Resource Planning VIEW
Types, Tools, Activities for Human Resource Planning VIEW
Requirement of effective HR Planning VIEW
Process of HRP VIEW
Steps in HRP VIEW
HR Demand forecasting- Factors VIEW
HR Demand forecasting Techniques: Managerial Judgement, Ratio Trend Analysis, Regression Analysis, Work Study Techniques, Delphi Technique VIEW
HR Supply Forecasting factors Techniques: Skills Inventories, Succession Plans, Replacement charts, Staffing Tables VIEW
Barriers in effective implementation of HRP and Ways of overcome them VIEW
Strategic Human Resource Planning Meaning and objectives VIEW
Link between Strategic Planning and HRP through Technology VIEW
HP Policy Meaning and Importance VIEW
HR Programme Meaning and Contents VIEW VIEW


Unit 2 Job Analysis, Recruitment and Selection {Book}
Job Analysis Meaning, Features and Advantages VIEW VIEW
Job Design Concept and issues VIEW VIEW
Job Design issues VIEW VIEW
Job Redesign Meaning, Process, Benefits VIEW
Matching Human Resource Recruitment and Availability through:
Retention: Meaning, Strategies, VIEW
Resourcing: Meaning, Types VIEW
Flexibility: flexibility work practices VIEW
Downsizing: Meaning, Reasons VIEW
Layoff: Meaning, Reasons VIEW
Recruitment: Meaning VIEW VIEW
Factor affecting Recruitment VIEW
Ethical issues in Recruitment and Selection VIEW
Employee Selection Tests: Meaning, Advantages and Limitations VIEW
Human Resource Audit: Meaning, Need, Objectives, Process and Areas VIEW


Unit 3 HRP Practitioner, Aspects of HRP and Evaluation {Book}
HRP Practitioner Meaning and Role VIEW
HRP Management Process VIEW
HRP Department Goals and objectives VIEW
HRP Department Structure VIEW
Staffing in HRP Department, issuing orders, resolving conflicts, Communicating VIEW
Planning for Needed Resources VIEW
Power and Politics Meaning and Types of Power VIEW
HRP as Tool to enhance Organizational Productivity VIEW
Impact of Globalization on HRP VIEW
Aspects of HRP:
Performance Management VIEW
Career Management VIEW
Management Training and Development, Multi Skill Development VIEW
Return of investment in HRP Meaning and importance VIEW
HRP Evaluation: Meaning, Need, Process VIEW
Issues to be processed during HRP evaluation VIEW
Selected strategic Options and HRP implications VIEW
Restructuring and its impact on HRP VIEW
Mergers and Acquisitions and its impact on HRP VIEW
Outsourcing and its impact on HRP VIEW


Unit 4 Human Resource information Systems {Book}
Data information needs for HR Manager: Contents and Usage of Data VIEW
HRIS: Meaning, Features, Evolution, Objectives, Essentials, Components, Functions VIEW
Steps in Designing of HRIS, HRIS Subsystems, Mechanisms of HRIS VIEW
Benefits, Limitations, Barriers in effective implementations of HRIS VIEW
Security issues in HRIS VIEW
Trends in HRIS VIEW

Change Management University of Mumbai BMS 4th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Introduction {Book}
Introduction & Level of Change, Importance VIEW VIEW
Imperatives of change VIEW
Forces of change VIEW
Causes of Change: Social, economic, Technological and Organizational VIEW
Organizational Culture and Change VIEW
Types and Models of Change:
Kurt Lewin’s change Model VIEW
Action research change Model VIEW
Expanded process Model VIEW
A.J. Leavitts Model VIEW


Unit 2 Impact of Change {Book}
Organizational Change & its implementations VIEW
Individual change: Concept, Need, Importance VIEW
Risk of not having individual perspective VIEW
Team Change: Concept, Need, Importance & Limitation VIEW
Change and its Impact: Resistance to change & Sources VIEW
Resistance to change VIEW
Sources of individual Resistance VIEW
Sources of organizational Resistance VIEW


Unit 3 Resistance to Change {Book}
Overviewing Resistance to Change: VIEW
Manifestations of resistance VIEW
Six Box Model VIEW
Minimizing Resistance to Change VIEW
OD interventions to overcome change: Meaning and Importance VIEW
Team intervention VIEW
Role analysis technique VIEW
Coaching & Mentoring VIEW
T-group, Job expectation Technique VIEW
Behaviour modification VIEW
Managing role Stress VIEW VIEW VIEW


Unit 4 Effective implementation to Change {Book}
Effective implementation to Change: effective change process VIEW
Change agents VIEW
Systematic approach to change, Client & Consultant relationship VIEW
Classic skills of Leaders VIEW VIEW
Case study on Smart change leaders VIEW
Caselets on Action Research VIEW
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