Retail Management University of Mumbai BMS 6th Sem Notes

Unit 1 Retail Management: An overview {Book}
a) Retail Management: Introduction and Meaning, Significance, Scope of Retail Management VIEW
Factors Influencing Retail Management VIEW
b) Retail Formats VIEW
Concept of Organized Retailing VIEW VIEW
Factors Responsible for the Growth of Organized Retail in India VIEW VIEW
Multichannel Retailing: Meaning and Types VIEW
E-tailing: Meaning, Advantages and Limitations VIEW
c) Emerging Trends in Retailing VIEW
Impact of Globalization on Retailing VIEW
IT in Retail: Importance, Advantages and Limitations VIEW
Applications of IT in Retail:
Bar Coding VIEW
RFID Tags, Electronic Surveillance VIEW
Electronic Shelf Labels VIEW
FDI in Retailing: Meaning, Need for FDI in Indian Retail Scenario VIEW
Franchising: Meaning, Types, Advantages and Limitations, Franchising in India VIEW
Green Retailing VIEW
Airport Retailing VIEW


Unit 2 Retail Consumer and Retail Strategy {Book}
a) Retail Consumer/Shopper: Meaning of Retail Shopper, Factors Influencing Retail Shoppers VIEW
Changing Profile of Retail Shoppers VIEW
Market Research as a Tool for Understanding Retail Markets and Shoppers VIEW
b) CRM in Retail: Meaning, Objectives VIEW
Customer Retention Approaches: Frequent Shopper Programme, Special Customer Services, Personalization, Community VIEW
c) Retail Strategy: Meaning, Steps in Developing Retail Strategy, Retail Value Chain VIEW
d) Store Location Selection: Meaning, Types of Retail Locations, Factors Influencing Store Location VIEW
e) HRM in Retail: Meaning, Significance, Functions VIEW
Organization Structure in Retail: Meaning, Factors Influencing Designing Organization Structure, Organization Structure for Small Stores/Single Stores/Independent Retailers and Retail Store Chain/Department Store VIEW


Unit 3 Merchandise Management and Pricing {Book}
a) Merchandise Management Concept, Types of Merchandise, Principles of Merchandising VIEW
Merchandise Planning Meaning and Process VIEW
Merchandise Category: Meaning, Importance, Components, Role of Category Captain VIEW
Merchandise Procurement/Sourcing: Meaning, Process, Sources for Merchandise VIEW
b) Buying Function Meaning VIEW
Buying Cycle VIEW
Factors Affecting Buying Functions VIEW
Functions of Buying for Different Types of Organizations VIEW
Young and Rubicam’s Brand Asset Valuator VIEW
Independent Store, Retail Chain, Non-store Retailer VIEW VIEW
c) Concept of Lifestyle Merchandising VIEW
d) Private Label: Meaning, Need and Importance, Private Labels in India VIEW
e) Retail Pricing, Meaning, Considerations in Setting Retail Pricing, VIEW
Pricing Strategies:
High/Low Pricing: Meaning, Benefits VIEW
Everyday Low Pricing Meaning, Benefits VIEW
Market Skimming, Market Penetration VIEW
Leader Pricing, Odd Pricing, Single Pricing VIEW
Multiple Pricing, Anchor Pricing VIEW
Variable Pricing and Price Discrimination Meaning VIEW
Individualized Variable Pricing/First Degree Price VIEW
Self-Selected Variable Pricing/ Second Degree Price Discrimination: Clearance and Promotional Markdowns, Coupons, Price Bundling, Multiple, Unit Pricing VIEW
Variable Pricing by Market Segment/ Third Degree Price Discrimination VIEW


Unit 4 Managing and Sustaining Retail {Book}
a) Retail Store Operations Meaning VIEW
Responsibilities of Store Manager VIEW
The 5 S’s of Retail Operations (Systems, Standards, Stock, Space, Staff) VIEW
b) Store Design and Layout:
Store Design: Meaning, Objectives, Principles VIEW
Elements of Exterior and Interior Store Design VIEW
Store Atmospherics and Aesthetics VIEW
Store Layout Meaning, Types; Grid, Racetrack, Free Form VIEW
Signage and Graphics Meaning, Significance, Concept of Digital Signage VIEW
Feature Areas: Meaning, Types; Windows, Entrances, Freestanding Displays, End Caps, Promotional Aisles, Walls, Dressing Rooms, Cash Wraps VIEW
c) Visual Merchandising and Display:
Visual Merchandising Meaning, Significance, Tools Used for Visual Merchandising VIEW
The Concept of Planogram VIEW
Display Meaning, Methods of Display, Errors in Creating Display VIEW


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