HRM in Global Perspective University of Mumbai BMS 6th Sem Notes

Unit 1 International HRM: An Overview: {Book}
International HRM Meaning and Features VIEW
Objectives, Evolution of IHRM VIEW
Reasons for Emergency of IHRM VIEW
Significance of IHRM in International Business VIEW
International HRM Scope/Functions VIEW
Difference between International HRM and Domestic HRM VIEW VIEW
Approaches to IHRM: Ethnocentric, Polycentric, Geocentric and Regiocentric VIEW
Limitations to IHRM VIEW
Qualities of Global Managers VIEW
Organizational Dynamics and IHRM VIEW
Components of IHRM: Cross Cultural Management, Comparative HRM
Cross Cultural Management: Meaning, Features, Convergence of Cultures VIEW
Role of IHRM in Cross Culture Management VIEW
Problems of Cross-Cultural Issues in Organizations VIEW
Importance of Cultural Sensitivity to International Managers VIEW
Comparative HRM: Meaning, Importance, Difference between IHRM and Comparative HRM VIEW
Managing Diversity in Workforce VIEW VIEW
Dealing with Cultural Shock VIEW


Unit 2 Global HRM Functions {Book}
International Recruitment and Selection Meaning VIEW VIEW
Sources of International Labour Market, Global Staffing, Selection Criteria VIEW
Managing Global Diverse Workforce VIEW VIEW
International Compensation Meaning, Objectives, Components of International Compensation Program VIEW
Approaches to International Compensation VIEW
HRM Perspectives in Training and Development Meaning, Advantages VIEW
Cross Cultural Training, Issues in Cross Cultural Training VIEW
International Performance Management Meaning, Factors VIEW
Criterion used for Performance Appraisal of International Employees VIEW
Problems Faced in International Performance Management VIEW
Motivation System Meaning VIEW VIEW
Reward System Meaning VIEW VIEW
Benchmarking Global Practices VIEW
International Industrial Relations Meaning VIEW
Trade Union and International IR VIEW
Trade Union VIEW VIEW


Unit 3 Managing Expatriation and Repatriation {Book}
Concepts of PCNs (Parent-Country Nationals), TCNs (Third-Country Nationals) and HCNs (Host-Country Nationals) VIEW
Expatriation Meaning, Reasons for Expatriation, Factors in Selection of Expatriates VIEW
Advantages of Using Expatriates VIEW
Limitations of using Expatriates, Role of Family, Reasons for Expatriate Failure VIEW
The Role of Non-expatriates VIEW
Women and Expatriation VIEW
Requirements/Characteristics of Effective Expatriate Managers VIEW
Repatriation Meaning, Repatriation Process VIEW
Factors affecting Repatriation Process VIEW
Role of Repatriate, Challenges faced by Repatriates VIEW


Unit 4 International HRM Trends and Challenges {Book}
Emerging Trends in IHRM VIEW
Off Shoring Meaning, Importance, Off Shoring and HRM in India VIEW
International Business Ethics and IHRM:
Business Ethics VIEW VIEW
Global Values VIEW
International Corporate Code of Conduct VIEW VIEW
Criminalization of Bribery VIEW
Operationalizing Corporate Ethics of HR in Overall Corporate Ethics Programme VIEW
Managing International Projects and Teams Meaning VIEW
How Projects are Managed across the World VIEW
Challenges in Managing International Projects across the World VIEW
HR in MNCs; Industrial Relations in MNCs VIEW
Role of Technology on IHRM VIEW
IHRM and Virtual Organization Meaning and Features of Virtual Organization VIEW
Difference between Virtual Organization and Traditional Organization VIEW
Managing HR in Virtual Organization VIEW
Growth in Strategic Alliances; Impact on IHRM VIEW VIEW
Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions VIEW
Knowledge Management and IHRM VIEW


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