Income Tax I

Unit 1 Introduction to Income Tax {Book}
Brief history of Indian Income Tax VIEW
Legal Framework:
Types of taxes VIEW
Cannons of taxation VIEW
Assessment, Assessment year, Income, Agricultural income, Assesses, Person, Casual income VIEW
Previous year including exception VIEW
Gross total income, Total income VIEW
Scheme of taxation VIEW
Meaning and Classification of Capital and Revenue VIEW


Unit 2 Residential Status {Book}
Residential status of an Individual’s, Determination of Residential status VIEW
Incidence of tax-problems on computation of Gross total Income VIEW


Unit 3 Exempted incomes {Book}
Introduction, exempted incomes U/S 10. Only in the hands of individuals VIEW


Unit 4 Income from Salary {Book}
Meaning, definitions, basis of charge, Advance salary, Arrears of salary, encashment of earned leave VIEW
All allowances VIEW
Perquisites VIEW
Profits in lieu of salary VIEW
Provident fund VIEW
Gratuity VIEW VIEW
Commutation of pension VIEW
Deductions from salary U/S 16 VIEW
Problems on computation of Salary income VIEW


Unit 5 Income from House property {Book}
Income from House property VIEW
Basis of charge VIEW
Deemed owners, Composite rent VIEW
Exempted income from house property VIEW
Annual value VIEW
Determination of Annual value, treatment of unrealized rent, loss due to Vacancy, Deductions from Annual value U/S 24 VIEW
Problems on computation of income from house property VIEW


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