Digital Marketing Bangalore University B.Com 5th Semester NEP Notes

Unit 1 [Book]
Introduction, Meaning, Need of Digital Marketing VIEW
Digital Marketing Platforms VIEW
Digital Marketing Students VIEW
Digital Marketing Professional VIEW
Email Marketing, Importance of email Marketing VIEW
e-mail Marketing platforms VIEW
Creating e-mailers VIEW
Creating a Contact Management and Segmentation Strategy VIEW
Understanding e-mail Deliverability and Tracking e-mails VIEW
How to Create Effective and Unique e-mail Content VIEW
Outlining the Design of Your Marketing e-mails VIEW
Open Rates and CTR of email VIEW
Drive Leads from e-mail VIEW
What are opt-in lists VIEW
Develop Relationships with Lead Nurturing and Automation VIEW
Content Marketing: Understanding Content Marketing VIEW
Generating Content Ideas VIEW
Planning a Long-Term Content Strategy VIEW
Building a Content Creation Framework VIEW
Becoming an Effective Content Writer VIEW
Extending the Value of Your Content through Repurposing VIEW
How to Effectively Promote Content VIEW
Measuring and Analyzing Your Content VIEW


Unit 2 [Book]
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Meaning, Importance and Its Growth in Recent years VIEW
Ecosystem of a Search Engine, kinds of Traffic VIEW
Keyword Research and Analysis (Free and Paid tool and Extension), Recent Google Updates VIEW
How Google Algorithms Works VIEW
On Page Optimization (OPO) VIEW
Off-Page Optimization VIEW
Misc SEO Tools:
Google Webmaster Tools VIEW
Site Map Creators VIEW
Browser-based analysis Tools VIEW
Page Rank tools VIEW
Pinging and Indexing Tools VIEW
Dead Links identification Tools VIEW
Open Site explorer VIEW
Domain information/who is tools VIEW
Quick Sprout VIEW
Google My Business VIEW


Unit 3 [Book]
Google AdWords: Google Ad-Words Fundamentals, Google AdWords Account Structure, Key terminologies in Google AdWords VIEW
How to Create an AdWords account, Different Types of AdWords and its Campaign and Ads creation process, Ad approval process VIEW
Keyword Match Types, Keyword Targeting and Selection (Keyword Planner), Display Planner VIEW
Different Types of extensions, Creating Location extensions, Creating call extensions, Create Review extensions VIEW
Bidding techniques Manual / Auto, Demographic Targeting / Bidding, CPC-based, CPA based and CPM-based accounts VIEW
Google Analytics Individual Qualification (GAIQ) VIEW
Google AdSense: Understanding ad networks and AdSense’s Limitations, Learning which situations are best for using AdSense, Setting up an AdSense account, Creating new ad units, Displaying ads on a website, Configuring channels and ad styles, Allowing and blocking ads, Reviewing the AdSense dashboard, Running AdSense reports and custom reports, Exporting data, Reviewing payee and Account Settings VIEW


Unit 4 [Book]
Social Media Marketing (SMM) VIEW
Facebook Marketing VIEW
Twitter Marketing VIEW
LinkedIn Marketing VIEW
Google Plus Marketing VIEW
YouTube Marketing VIEW
Pinterest Marketing VIEW
Snapchat Marketing VIEW
Instagram Marketing VIEW
Social Media Automation Tools VIEW
Social Media Ad Specs VIEW
ROI in Social Media Marketing, Tools and Dashboards VIEW
Reputation Management VIEW
YouTube Advertising (Video Ads), Why should one advertise on YouTube? VIEW
Creating YouTube campaigns, Choose the audience for video ads, Instream ads, In-video ads, In-search ads, In-display ads VIEW
Measuring your YouTube ad performance, Drive leads and Sales from YouTube VIEW
ads Conversions: Understanding Conversion Tracking, Types of Conversions, Setting up Conversion Tracking, Optimizing Conversions, Track offline conversions, Analyzing conversion data, Conversion Optimizer VIEW


Unit 5 [Book]
Web Analytics, Need and Importance of Web Analytics VIEW
Introducing Google Analytics, Google Analytics Layout, Basic Reporting VIEW
Basic Campaign and Conversion Tracking VIEW
Google Tag Manager VIEW
Social Media Analytics VIEW
Social CRM and Analytics VIEW
Other Web analytics Tools VIEW
Making better decisions using Analytics Tools VIEW
Common Mistakes Analysts Make VIEW

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