Digital Fluency Bangalore University NEP Notes

Unit 1 Overview of Emerging Technologies [Book]
Artificial Intelligence VIEW
Machine Learning VIEW
Deep Learning VIEW
Database Management for Data Science VIEW VIEW
Big Data Analytics VIEW VIEW
Internet of Things (IoT) VIEW VIEW
Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) VIEW
Cloud computing and its Service Models VIEW VIEW
Cyber Security VIEW
Types of Cyber attacks VIEW


Unit 2 Applications of Emerging Technologies [Book]
Artificial Intelligence VIEW VIEW VIEW
Big Data Analytics VIEW VIEW
Internet of Things (IoT) VIEW
Cloud computing VIEW
Cyber Security VIEW VIEW


Unit 3 [Book]
Effective Communications Skills VIEW VIEW VIEW
Creative Problem Solving VIEW VIEW
Critical Thinking VIEW VIEW
Collaboration VIEW VIEW
Teamwork Skills VIEW VIEW
Innovation Thinking VIEW VIEW
Design Thinking VIEW VIEW
Use of tools in enhancing Skills VIEW VIEW

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