Unit 1 Organisational Development: An Overview {Book} | |
Organisational Development Meaning, Features, Evolution, Components, Objectives | VIEW |
Organisational Development Principles, Process, Importance | VIEW |
Relevance of Organisational Development for Managers, OD-HRD Interface | VIEW |
Participation of Top Management in OD | VIEW |
OD Practitioner Meaning, Role of OD Practitioner, Competencies of an OD Practitioner | VIEW |
Emerging Trends in OD | VIEW |
OD in Global Setting | VIEW |
Unit 2 Organisational Diagnosis, Renewal and Change {Book} | ||
Organisational Diagnosis: Meaning, Need, Phases | VIEW | |
Levels of Organisational Diagnosis | VIEW | |
Techniques of Organisational Diagnosis | VIEW | |
Tools used in Organisational Diagnosis | VIEW | |
Organizational Renewal, Re-energizing | VIEW | |
OD and Business Process Re- Engineering (BPR) | VIEW | |
OD and Leadership Development | VIEW | |
Organisational Change Meaning | VIEW | |
Organisational Life Cycle | VIEW | |
Planned Change | VIEW | VIEW |
Organizational Growth and its Implication for Change | VIEW | |
Change Agents: Meaning, Features, Types, Role, Skills required | VIEW | |
Unit 3 OD Interventions {Book} | |
a) Managing Expatriation and Repatriation | VIEW |
OD Interventions: Meaning, Features, Steps in OD Interventions | VIEW |
Factors Affecting Success of Interventions | VIEW |
Types of Interventions: | |
Human Resource Intervention | VIEW |
Structural Intervention | VIEW |
Strategic Interventions | VIEW |
Third-Party Peace-Making Intervention | VIEW |
**Team Intervention | VIEW |
**Interpersonal Intervention | VIEW |
Techniques of OD Intervention: | |
Traditional Intervention: Sensitive Training, Grid Training, Survey Feedback | VIEW |
Modern Intervention: Process Consultation, Third Party, Team Building, Transactional Analysis | VIEW |
Evaluation of OD Interventions: Process, Types, Methods, Importance | VIEW |
Unit 4 OD Effectiveness {Book} | |
Issues faced in OD: Issues Related to Client Relationship, Power Individual skills and Attributes as a Source of Power, Power and Influence Tactics, Politics and OD | VIEW |
Values in OD: Meaning, Professional Values, Value Conflict and Dilemma | VIEW |
Ethics in OD: Meaning, Factors Influencing Ethical Judgement | VIEW |
Ethical Guidelines for OD Professionals | VIEW |
Organisational Effectiveness Meaning, Effectiveness v/s Efficiency | VIEW |
Approaches of Organisational Effectiveness: Goal Approach, System Resource Approach, Strategic Constituency Approach, Internal Process Approach | VIEW |
Parameters for Judging Organisational Effectiveness | VIEW |
Ways to Enhance Organisational Effectiveness | VIEW |
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