Unit 1 Social Media Introduction [Book] | |
Introduction to Social Media | VIEW |
How to Build a Successful Social Media Strategy, Goal setting | VIEW |
Overview of Global E-Marketing Issues | VIEW |
Country and Market Opportunity Analysis | VIEW |
User engagement on Social Networks | VIEW |
Social Advertising, Impact of Online reputation | VIEW |
Social, Media analytics | VIEW |
Social Technology and its Marketing influence in India | VIEW |
Unit 2 [Book] | |
Exploring the use of a Facebook page, Facebook Ad campaign, Facebook groups, Hashtags | VIEW |
Instagram, Creating automation for Instagram, Audience Insights, Page Insights, Exploring the various IG content types, Setting a theme and flow on Instagram, and Generating Leads | VIEW |
Unit 3 [Book] | |
Creating a Twitter account, Optimizing a page, Content types, Posting contents | VIEW |
Integrating a Personal brand on Twitter, Twitter Analytics & Ads, Post assistants and Automation for Twitter | VIEW |
Unit 4 YouTube Marketing [Book] | |
YouTube Marketing, Creating a YouTube channel, Posting content | VIEW |
YouTube Analytics | VIEW |
Google Pages for YouTube Channels, Video Flow, Verify Channel, Webmaster Tool – Adding Asset | VIEW |
Search Engine Optimization Recent Trends and Challenges: | |
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Introduction, Understanding SEO, User Insights, Benefits and Challenges | VIEW |
Content Marketing | VIEW |
Traditional Media vs Social Media | VIEW |
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