Selection interview

One of the assessments and evaluation techniques for a candidate is interview. It is a type of oral exami­nation. Selection interview is the next process to conduct of tests. Even though written tests and psy­chological tests are conducted, still one-to-one communication between individuals always remains the crucial part in selection of a candidate. Behavioural traits, presence of mind and psychological bearing capacity can be tested through interview.

Selection interviews are typically conducted onsite at the hiring company. The purpose of a selection interview is to determine whether a candidate will be selected for the position he or she is interviewing for. A selection interview is typically more rigorous than a screening interview. At this point, a company is trying to decide whether or not you should either be moved to the next step in the hiring process or an offer is going to be extended, so there will be more scrutiny than with a screening interview.

Role of Interview in the Selection Procedure:

Critical Analysis of the Personality of Candidates:

As the candidate is going to be in front of the interviewer or a panel, face-to-face communication is facilitated. The interviewer can observe the behaviour, style, approach, promptness and sharpness of the candidate.

Providing Details about the Company to the Candidate:

As the company would like to know the detailed information about the candidate, the same way, the candidate is also eager to know about the work culture, the nature of the job, working schedules, etc., in the company. Interview provides the opportunity to the candidate to know more about the company.

Accurate Final Selection:

Interview facilitates to obtain additional information about the candidate through personal contact. After the detailed scrutiny of all the information about the candidate, the final selection can be made easily.

Use of Experience and Knowledge of Expert Interviewers:

Whenever the interviews are conducted, there is generally a panel of interviewers consisting of more than three members. All of them are working for the company for a long time, and when the selection interview takes place, it is their knowledge and experience which is going to give the best results in terms of a suitable and appropriate candidate.

Types of Interview:

Informal interview:

There is no specific procedure followed in this case. They are conducted at any place, and any types of questions can be asked to the candidate.

Formal Interview:

It is held in formal atmosphere with pre-decided and planned procedures and questions.

Situation Interview:

An imaginary situation is told to the candidates and they are asked to respond to it.

Stress Interview:

It is conducted to evaluate the behaviour of the candidate under stressful conditions. How does a can­didate react to stress? Whether they remains quiet and calm or becomes stressed, can be judged by creating different stressful conditions around, and the case with which they gets out of it indicates their stress-handling capacity in future.

Directive Interview:

It is structured interview. A same set of questions is repeated for every candidate to make the compari­son among the answers received from them.

Non-directive Interview:

It is non-structured interview. There is no specific format, and any questions can be asked to candidates. Candidates are free to express themselves under this type.

Panel Interview:

A selection committee appointed for interviewing candidates is called a panel. It generally consists of three or more members who collectively perform the task of selection. The final decision is taken with the consent of all panel members.

Group Interview:

Candidates are supposed to form groups, and one group together will be interviewed at one time. It is a sort of group discussion. The person’s ability to lead, their presence of mind and communication can be evaluated under this technique.

Depth Interview:

All the minute details of important nature are asked to a candidate to have the extensive information about them.

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