Objectives & Functions of Incubation Centers

Business incubation has been identified as a means of meeting a variety of economic and socioeconomic policy needs, which may include job creation, fostering a community’s entrepreneurial climate, technology commercialization, diversifying local economies, building or accelerating growth of local industry clusters, business creation and retention, encouraging minority entrepreneurship, identifying potential spin-in or spin-out business opportunities, or community revitalization.

  • They offer marketing and PR assistance to new companies to set up a brand name.
  • Help a start-up to start basic operations and financial management.
  • Business incubators have a strong network of influential people, and therefore, they can connect the business with the same to grow.
  • Incubators also provide assistance and resources for conducting market research.
  • They also help the start-ups in sorting their accounting books.
  • Incubators bring credibility to the company. This helps the company to get loans and credit facilities from financial institutions.
  • Often the start-ups do not know how to create an effective presentation to impress angel investors, venture capital and other investors. Business incubators, with plenty of experience behind them, help these companies with the presentations as well.
  • Business incubators also act as mentors and advisors and assist the start-ups in all sorts of business-related issues.

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