Organization behavior is an applied science that is built up on contribution from a number of behavioral science. There are some important disciplines to the organizational behavior field which developed it extensively. Due to an increase in organizational complexity, various types of knowledge are required and help many ways.
The terms psychology comes from the Greek word ‘Psyche’ meaning soul or spirit. Psychology is the science that seeks to measure, explain and sometimes change the behavior of human beings. Modern psychology is almost universally defined as the science of behavior which is nearly identical with behavioral science, in general. Psychology has a great deal of influence on the field of organizational behavior. Psychology is concerned with individual behavior.
Psychology studies behavior of different people in various conditions such as normal, abnormal, social, industrial legal, childhood, adolescence, old age, etc. It also studies processes of human behavior, such as learning, motivation, perception, individual and group decision-making, pattern of influences change in organization, group process, satisfaction, communication, selection and training.
It is a science, which describes the change of behavior of human and other animals. It is concerned with the more study of human behavior. The major contribution of psychology in the field of OB (Organizational Behavior) have been concerned are following:
- Personality
- Learning
- Perception
- Performance appraised
- Individual decision-making
- Attitude measurement
- Employee selected
- Work design
- Motivation
- Job satisfaction
- Emotions
- Work strain
Social psychology
It is the scientific study of the ways in which interaction, interdependence, and influence among persons affect their behaviour. This field of study blends concepts from psychology and sociology. Social psychologists have provided an answer to why people behave as they do Social psychology analyses the behaviour at group level. It has made a remarkable contribution in the areas of measuring, understanding and group decision making changing attitudes, communication patterns, processes etc.
The major focus of sociologists is on studying the social systems in which individuals fill their roles. The focus is on group dynamics.
They have made their greatest contribution to OB through their study of group behavior in organizations, particularly formal and sophisticated organizations.
Sociological concepts, theories, models, and techniques help significantly to understand better the group dynamics, organizational culture, formal organization theory and structure, corporate technology, bureaucracy, communications, power, conflict, and intergroup behavior.
Psychologists are primarily interested in focusing their attention on individual behavior.
Key concepts of Sociology are:
- Sociology deals with human interaction arid this communication are the key influencing factor among people in social settings.
- Sociology is a study of plural behavior. Two or more interacting individuals constitute a plurality pattern of behavior
- Sociology is the systematic study of social systems:
A social system is an operational social unit that is structured to serve a purpose.
It consists of two or more persons of different status with various roles playing a part in a pattern that is sustained by a physical and cultural base.
When analyzing organizing as a social system, the following elements exist:
- People or actors
- Acts or Behavior
- Ends or Goals
- Norms, rules, or regulation controlling conduct or behavior
- Beliefs held by people as actors
- Status and status relationships
- Authority or power to influence other actors
- Role expectations, role performances, and role relationships.
The use of anthropology focuses on the study of societies to learn about human beings, their cultures, environments and activities. It enables us to understand differences in fundamental values, attitudes and behaviour between people in different countries and within different organisations.
Political Science
Political science is the branch of social science which deals with politics in its theory and practice, and the analysis of various political system and political behaviors. Political scientists study the behavior of individuals and groups within a political environment. Specific topics of concern to political scientists include conflict resolution, group coalition, allocation of power and how people manipulate power for individual self-interest. In other words, political science helps us to understand the dynamics of power and politics within organizations, since there is usually a hierarchical structure of differing levels of managers and subordinates.
It is the study of the behavior of individuals and group within or political environment. The main contribution of political science in the field of OB have been concerned with:
- Intra-organizational policies
- Conflict
- Power
Economics contributes to organizational behavior to a great extent in designing the organizational structure. Transaction cost economics influence the organization and its structure.
Transaction costs economics implies cost components to make an exchange on the market.
This transaction cost economics examines the extent to which the organization structure and size of an organization varies in response to attempts to avoid market failures through minimizing production and transaction costs within the constraints of human and environmental factors.
Costs of transactions include both costs of market transactions and internal coordination.
A transaction occurs when a good or service is transferred across a ‘technologically separable barrier’ Transaction costs arise for many reasons.
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