The term “financial analysis”, also known as analysis and interpretation of financial statements’, refers to the process of determining financial strengths and weaknesses of the firm by establishing strategic relationship between the items of the balance sheet, profit and loss account and other operative data.
“Analyzing financial statements,” according to Metcalf and Titard, “is a process of evaluating the relationship between component parts of a financial statement to obtain a better understanding of a firm’s position and performance.”
Objectives and Importance of Financial Statement Analysis:
The primary objective of financial statement analysis is to understand and diagnose the information contained in financial statement with a view to judge the profitability and financial soundness of the firm, and to make forecast about future prospects of the firm. The purpose of analysis depends upon the person interested in such analysis and his object.
However, the following purposes or objectives of financial statements analysis may be stated to bring out the significance of such analysis:
- To assess the operational efficiency and managerial effectiveness.
- To assess the earning capacity or profitability of the firm.
- To assess the short term as well as long term solvency position of the firm.
- To make inter-firm comparison.
- To identify the reasons for change in profitability and financial position of the firm.
- To make forecasts about future prospects of the firm.
- To assess the progress of the firm over a period of time.
- To guide or determine the dividend action.
- To help in decision making and control.
- To provide important information for granting credit.
Users Objectives
Prediction of Bankruptcy and Failure:
Financial statement analysis is a significant tool in predicting the bankruptcy and failure probability of business enterprises. After being aware about probable failure, both managers and investors can take preventive measures to avoid/minimise losses.
Prediction of Net Income and Growth Prospects:
The financial statement analysis helps in predicting the earning prospects and growth rates in the earnings which are used by investors while comparing investment alternatives and other users interested in judging the earning potential of business enterprises. Investors also consider the risk or uncertainty associated with the expected return.
The decision makers are futuristic and are always concerned with the future. Financial statements which contain information on past performances are analysed and interpreted as a basis for forecasting future rates of return and for assessing risk.
Assessment of Past Performance and Current Position:
Past performance is often a good indicator of future performance. Therefore, an investor or creditor is interested in the trend of past sales, expenses, net income, cash flow and return on investment. These trends offer a means for judging management’s past performance and are possible indicators of future performance.
Loan Decision by Financial Institutions and Banks:
Financial statement analysis is used by financial institutions, loaning agencies, banks and others to make sound loan or credit decision. In this way, they can make proper allocation of credit among the different borrowers. Financial statement analysis helps in determining credit risk, deciding terms and conditions of loan if sanctioned, interest rate, maturity date etc.
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