Unit 1 Social & Labour Welfare [Book] | ||
Social Welfare Concept, Scope | VIEW | |
Labour Welfare Concept, Scope | VIEW | VIEW |
Philosophy of Labour Welfare | VIEW | |
Principles of Labour Welfare | VIEW | |
Indian Constitution and Labour Welfare | VIEW | |
Labour Welfare Policy and Five Year Plans | VIEW | |
Historical Development of Labour Welfare in India | VIEW | VIEW |
Unit 2 Managing Quality and Productivity [Book] | ||
Alternative work arrangements | VIEW | |
Using quality circle programs | VIEW | |
Attitude surveys | VIEW | VIEW |
Total Quality Management programs | VIEW | |
Creating self-directed teams | VIEW | |
Extending participative decision making | VIEW | |
HR and Business Process Reengineering | VIEW | |
Unit 3 Indian Labour Organization [Book] | |
Indian Labour Organization | VIEW |
Impact of ILO on Labour Welfare in India | VIEW |
Agencies of Labour Welfare and their Roles | VIEW |
Labour Welfare Programmes: Statutory and Non-Statutory | VIEW |
**Approaches to Employee Welfare | VIEW |
Extra Mural and Intra Mural | VIEW |
Welfare Centers | VIEW |
Welfare Officer Role, Status and Functions | VIEW |
Unit 4 Social Security [Book] | ||
Social Security Concept and Scope | VIEW | VIEW |
Social Assistance and Social Insurance | VIEW | |
Development of Social Security in India | VIEW | |
Social Security measures for Industrial Employees | VIEW | VIEW |
Unit 5 Labour Administration [Book] | |
Labour Administration | VIEW |
Evolution of Machinery for Labour Administration | VIEW |
Central Labour Administrative Machinery in India | VIEW |
Labour Administration in India | VIEW |
Director General of Employment and Training | VIEW |
Director General of Factory Advice Service | VIEW |
Provident Fund Organization, ESI Schemes | VIEW |
Central Board for Worker’s education | VIEW |
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