Augmented Reality in Banking

AR is an experience where parts of users’ physical world are enhanced with computer-generated input. It can provide an interactive experience of a virtual environment in the real world.

Augmented reality solutions have the potential to substantially benefit the financial services industry. The future of mobile banking may involve apps that allow users to superimpose images and data over their real-world surroundings.

Banks that partner with fintech developers who can leverage augmented reality in banking use cases to offer greater convenience to their customers will be more likely to maintain and boost customer loyalty.


Augmented realities allow users to cover digital information on top of the real-world environment. AR technology is partially immersive experience boosted by heads up display or existing smartphones. Banks and financial institutions can engage customers and create new immersive experiences through millions of existing compatible smartphones. AR can help financial service institutions to engage existing and new potential banking customers.

The need for AR in the banking sector can be deduced by the fact that it will provide consumers to view the information in a concise, engaging as well as in an immersive manner. The banks have found this challenging, and AR can help them in tackling this challenge.

Banks have also faced challenges with respect to enabling greater consumer choice and in providing greater visibility in terms of spending patterns and behaviors. It is another area where banks have encountered issues, but it is also an area where AR can have a profound impact as it will allow consumers to make informed decisions in terms of spending. It will provide customers with a new way of interpreting banking data and information.


Virtual Trading

Some companies are making trading a virtual experience by creating virtual reality workstations for trading. Citi uses Microsoft HoloLens to give traders Holographic Workstations. This type of workstation offers 2D and 3D elements that add to the bank’s existing processes. Comarch uses virtual reality in their wealth management software to give users better access to algorithms and trading tools.

Data Visualization

Being able to visualize data is an important tool traders use to help them make important decisions about wealth management, especially as the financial industry becomes more complex and there is more data to analyze. AR and VR add to this experience and make it easier and faster to visualize and organize large amounts of data. Salesforce uses Oculus Rift to create an immersive 3D environment for analyzing data. Fidelity Labs, a part of Fidelity Investments, has also taken advantage of the technology behind Oculus Rift. They created a virtual world called “StockCity” where stock portfolios are turned into a virtual 3D city, where investors can immerse themselves in the data. Also read: Futures be augmented of virtual with AR/VR.

Virtual Branches

Digital-only banks and mobile banks are already here. But someday soon we may be able to go to a virtual bank. If customers are not able to visit a physical branch location for whatever reason, there will soon be given the possibility to go to a virtual branch. The hope is that these branches will be able to provide the same services but exclusively in a VR environment.

Virtual Reality Payments

Some companies are even making payments a virtual experience. MasterCard has partnered with Wearality to create a world where consumers can make purchases without leaving the virtual world. They have a virtual reality golf experience called ‘Priceless’ and players are able to buy clothing in the virtual world, without having to do anything offline.

Financial Education

For both employees and customers of financial institutions, education is important for understanding changes in financial systems. AR and VR have huge potential for teaching people new information in the VR Finance.


In order to create a more secure customer experience, biometric security could be introduced in an AR system that could then connect with a VR world. These could be used to access VR bank services, make ATM transactions, or make payments.

Customer Service

Many financial institutions are also using AR and VR to help improve the experience of their customers. Many banks have AR apps that help customers find the nearest banks and ATMs. When in a city, they can scan the area with their phones and see real-time information about location, distance, and services at nearby banks.

Recruitment and Training

In order to provide high-quality services to customers, financial institutions need to make sure they are recruiting top talent and training all employees to give them skills that will help them do their jobs to the best of their abilities. Some banks are using a VR experience to show tech recruits how innovative and tech-savvy the bank is. Potential employees, as well as current employees, use this platform to form teams and create apps that will help the bank’s customers.

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