Favourable Political and Social Climate:
That existence of a favourable political and social climate is a necessary condition for effective collective bargaining, is well confirmed by the history of collective bargaining worldwide. Collective bargaining has made headways in settling industrial disputes in the countries where it has been duly supported by the government and favoured by the public. From this point of view, the political climate has not been much favourable for collective bargaining in India.
The reason is not far to seek. There has been a multiplicity of trade unions in the country sponsored by different political parties. These trade unions favour employees not based on the merit of issues involved in disputes but based on their differing political considerations. Added to these is a plethora of legal laws also creating unfavourable climate for collective bargaining in the country.
- Trade Unions:
Like in a democratic country like ours, employees should have fundamental rights to form trade unions for protecting their interests. More the stronger the trade union f lie effective collective bargaining and vice versa. The employer should also recognize a trade union and its representatives.
- Problem Solving Attitude:
Both the parties while negotiating should adopt a problem solving, or say compromising attitude to reach an agreement. Neither party should adopt an adamant or fighting aide. The negotiating teams should follow give and take approach. It means that one party may win concessions over the other depending upon their relative strengths.
- Availability of Data:
Data and information serve as inputs for decision-making. Hence, the availability of required data serves as a pre-requisite tor successful collective bargaining. While the employer Ike available data required for collective discussion, their union representatives also must accept and trust on data supplied by the employer.
- Continuous Dialogue:
Collective bargaining sometimes may not reach to an agreement. In- stead, there may be deadlock, or say bargaining impasse. In such case, dialogue must not end but continue with problem solving approach. Keeping the controversial issues aside for the time being may help narrow down disagreement and continue the dialogue. Possibility for agreement may increase with continuation of dialogue.