Functions of CPCB and SPCB

The water act 1974 was amended in 1988 and accordingly CPCB and SPCBs were formed after renaming the previously functioning central/state Boards for the prevention and contort of water. The new boards in the centre and state were also entrusted to look after air pollution besides their work to safeguard water from pollution.


Central Pollution Control Board function at New Delhi. It makes recommendations and advises the central government on pollution matters. It advises the pollution control division of the Ministry of Environment and Forests, New Delhi. The water and Air Acts, and other Acts related to environment from time to time are implemented through CPCB.


There are State Pollution Control Boards at various state capitals of the country to advise respective state governments to control and protect environment. Till 1989 all except the states of Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim have their SPCBs.

All SPCBs look after the interest of the respective states where they function. They implement the directives from CPCB and all Acts which are enacted from time to time. The SPCB has also branches at different towns in the states.

A person of repute in the field of environment or environmental scientists heads the SPCB as chairman. The SPCB has its own team of scientists and laboratories to check quality of air, soil and water of different samples collected from industrial areas.

The SPCB works with the rules framed by the state governments as well as by central government from time to time. The various provisions present in Water Act, Air Act and Environmental Protection Act are carried out by the industries and factories in the state with the supervision of SPCB. When necessary, SPCB sends experts to the concerned areas to monitor the implementation of various guidelines of the Act.

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