Integrated Marketing Communication University of Mumbai BMS 4th Sem Notes

Unit 1 {Book}
Meaning, Features of IMC, Evolution of IMC, Reasons for growth of IMC VIEW
Promotional Tools for IMC, IMC Planning Process VIEW
Role of IMC in Marketing VIEW
IMC Communication Process, Traditional VIEW
Alternative Response Hierarchy Models VIEW
Hierarchy-of-Effects Model VIEW
Establishing objectives and Budgeting VIEW
Determining Promotional objectives VIEW
Sales vs Communication objectives VIEW
DAGMAR, Problems in Setting objectives VIEW
Setting objectives for the IMC Program VIEW


Unit 2 Elements of IMS-1 {Book}
Advertising: Features VIEW
Role of Advertising in IMC VIEW
Advantages and Disadvantages of Advertising VIEW
Types of Advertising VIEW VIEW
Types of Media used for Advertising VIEW
Sales Promotion Scope VIEW
Role of Sales Promotion as IMC Tool VIEW
Reasons for the growth of Sales Promotion VIEW
Advantages and Disadvantages of Sales Promotion VIEW
Types of Sales Promotion VIEW
Objectives of consumer and Trade Promotion VIEW
Strategies for Consumer Promotion and Trade Promotion VIEW
Sales promotion campaign VIEW
Evolution of Sales Promotion campaign VIEW


Unit 3 Elements of IMC-II {Book}
Direct Marketing VIEW
Role of Direct Marketing in IMC VIEW
Objectives of Direct Marketing VIEW
Components of Direct Marketing VIEW
Tools of Direct Marketing: Direct mail, Catalogues, Direct response Media, Internet, Telemarketing VIEW
Alternative media evaluation of effectiveness of Direct Marketing VIEW
Publicity Relations and Publicity introduction VIEW
Role of PR in IMC VIEW
Advantages and Disadvantages of PR VIEW
Types of PR VIEW
Managing PR: Planning, Implementation, evaluation and Research, Publicity VIEW
Sponsorship: Definition, Essentials of good Sponsorship VIEW
Event Sponsorship, Cause Sponsorship VIEW
Personal Selling, features VIEW
Role of Personal Selling in IMC VIEW
Advantages and Disadvantages of Personal Selling VIEW
Personal Selling process VIEW
Importance of Personal Selling VIEW


Unit 4 Evaluation & Ethics in Marketing Communication {Book}
Evaluating an Integrated Marketing program: VIEW
Evolution process of IMC, Messages evaluation VIEW
Advertising tracking research VIEW
Copy testing, emotional reaction Test VIEW
Cognitive Neuro Science – Online evaluation VIEW VIEW
Behavioral evaluation – Sales and Response Rate VIEW
POPAI, Toll free numbers, QR codes and Facebook likes VIEW
Response cards, Internet responses, Redemption rate VIEW
Test Markets: Competitive responses, Scanner Data, Purchase Simulation Test VIEW
Ethics and Marketing Communication: Stereotyping, Targeting Vulnerable customer VIEW
Offensive brand Messages, Legal issues, Commercial free Speech VIEW
Misleading claims, Puffery, fraud, Questionable B2B practices VIEW
Current Trends in IMC:
Internet & IMC VIEW
Advertising on Internet VIEW
PR through Internet Banner, Sales Promotion on Internet, Direct Marketing on Internet VIEW

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