List of accounting standards issued by the Accounting Standards Board (ASB) in India, along with brief explanations of each:
AS 1: Disclosure of Accounting Policies
Ensures clarity by requiring entities to disclose significant accounting policies adopted in the preparation of financial statements.
AS 2: Valuation of Inventories
Prescribes methods for valuing inventories and ensures they are recorded at the lower of cost or net realizable value.
AS 3: Cash Flow Statements
Provides guidelines for presenting cash inflows and outflows under operating, investing, and financing activities.
AS 4: Contingencies and Events Occurring After the Balance Sheet Date
Covers the accounting treatment of events and contingencies occurring post-balance sheet date but before financial statements are approved.
AS 5: Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Prior Period Items, and Changes in Accounting Policies
Ensures proper classification and disclosure of prior period items, extraordinary items, and changes in accounting policies.
AS 6: Depreciation Accounting (Withdrawn)
Previously dealt with the depreciation of assets; now integrated with AS 10 (Revised).
- AS 7: Construction Contracts
Deals with revenue recognition and cost accounting for construction contracts based on the percentage of completion.
AS 9: Revenue Recognition
Provides criteria for recognizing revenue from sales, services, and other business activities.
AS 10: Property, Plant, and Equipment
Governs accounting for tangible fixed assets, including acquisition, depreciation, and disposal.
AS 11: The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
Covers accounting for foreign currency transactions, translation of financial statements, and exchange rate fluctuations.
AS 12: Accounting for Government Grants
Specifies the treatment of government grants in financial statements, either as capital or revenue receipts.
- AS 13: Accounting for Investments
Provides guidance on classification, recognition, and valuation of investments.
- AS 14: Accounting for Amalgamations
Prescribes the accounting treatment for mergers and acquisitions, ensuring uniformity and transparency.
- AS 15: Employee Benefits
Deals with accounting for various employee benefits, such as pensions, gratuity, and leave encashments.
AS 16: Borrowing Costs
Provides guidelines for capitalizing borrowing costs directly attributable to acquiring qualifying assets.
- AS 17: Segment Reporting
Requires disclosure of financial information by business or geographical segments.
AS 18: Related Party Disclosures
Mandates disclosures about transactions with related parties to highlight potential conflicts of interest.
- AS 19: Leases
Prescribes accounting treatment for lease agreements for both lessors and lessees.
AS 20: Earnings Per Share (EPS)
Explains how to calculate and present basic and diluted EPS in financial statements.
AS 21: Consolidated Financial Statements
Provides guidelines for preparing consolidated financial statements for parent and subsidiary companies.
AS 22: Accounting for Taxes on Income
Covers deferred tax accounting, recognizing tax effects of temporary differences.
AS 23: Accounting for Investments in Associates in Consolidated Financial Statements
Explains accounting for investments in associates using the equity method in consolidated accounts.
AS 24: Discontinuing Operations
Provides disclosure requirements for operations that are being discontinued.
AS 25: Interim Financial Reporting
Deals with preparation and presentation of financial results for interim periods.
AS 26: Intangible Assets
Provides guidelines for recognizing, measuring, and amortizing intangible assets like patents and copyrights.
AS 27: Financial Reporting of Interests in Joint Ventures
Specifies accounting for joint venture interests and related disclosures.
- AS 28: Impairment of Assets
Guides the assessment of whether an asset’s carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount.
AS 29: Provisions, Contingent Liabilities, and Contingent Assets
Covers the recognition and measurement of provisions, contingent liabilities, and contingent assets.
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