Entrepreneurship Skills Bangalore University B.com 3rd Semester NEP Notes

Unit 1 Introduction to entrepreneur & Entrepreneurship [Book]
Meaning, Definition, Types of Entrepreneurs VIEW
Types of Entrepreneurs VIEW
Functions of Entrepreneur VIEW
Skills/Traits required to be an entrepreneur VIEW
Problems faced by Entrepreneur VIEW
Advantages and Disadvantages of entrepreneurship VIEW
Difference between Intrapreneur and Entrepreneur VIEW


Unit 2 Skillsets for Entrepreneur [Book]
Introduction to Entrepreneurial Skills VIEW
Skillsets for Entrepreneur:
Communication Skills VIEW VIEW
Creative thinking Skills VIEW VIEW
Leadership Skills VIEW
Sales Skills VIEW VIEW
Negotiation Skills VIEW VIEW
Self-Motivational Skills VIEW
Forms of Entrepreneurial Skills:
Business management skills VIEW
Teamwork skills VIEW VIEW
Leadership skills VIEW
Customer service skills VIEW
Financial skills VIEW
Analytical and problem-solving skills VIEW VIEW
Strategic thinking and Planning skills VIEW
Technical skills for Entrepreneurial VIEW
Time Management skills VIEW VIEW
Organizational skills VIEW
Branding, Marketing and Networking skills VIEW
Procedure to improve entrepreneurial skills VIEW


Unit 3 Institutional Programs for Entrepreneurship [Book]
Entrepreneurship Development Programme, Problems of EDP VIEW
Need for EDP VIEW
National and State Level Institutions for Entrepreneurship Development Programme: SISI, SIDO, NSIC, EDI, NIESBUD, NAYA, CEDOK, KSWDC, EDC VIEW
Business Plan, Meaning, Importance VIEW
Steps involved in preparing a Business Plan, VIEW
Financial, Marketing, Human Resource Factors VIEW
Technical and Social aspects of the Business Plan VIEW
Common pitfalls to be avoided while preparing a Business Plan VIEW
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Meaning, Definition, Investment limit VIEW
Role played by MSME in the development of Indian Economy, VIEW
Problems faced by MSME and the steps taken to solve the problems. VIEW


Unit 4 Promoting Entrepreneur [Book]
Indian Entrepreneur VIEW
Promoting Entrepreneurs in India VIEW
Startup India VIEW
Funds for Startup:
Angel Investors VIEW
Crowd funding VIEW
Venture C Funding From Business Incubators VIEW
Government Schemes for Startup Funding VIEW
Gramin Banks VIEW
Women Entrepreneur Meaning VIEW
Role played by Women Entrepreneur in the Economic Development VIEW
Problems faced by Women Entrepreneur VIEW
Ways to Overcome the Challenges of Women Entrepreneurs VIEW

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