Business Analytics LU BBA 7th Semester NEP Notes

Unit 1 [Book]
Overview of Business Research VIEW
Role of Statistical Packages in Research VIEW
Reliability and Validity of data VIEW
Basic Operation of SPSS: Data Import, Data entry, Handling Missing Values VIEW
Data Transformation and Manipulation VIEW
Data sorting and editing VIEW
Exploratory Data Analysis VIEW
Tabulation of data VIEW
Frequency table VIEW
Descriptive Statistics VIEW
Graph and Plot formulation VIEW


Unit 2 [Book]
Basic Module using SPSS VIEW
Cross-tabulation VIEW
Bivariate Correlation VIEW
Simple linear Regression VIEW VIEW
Multiple Regression Analysis VIEW


Unit 3 [Book]
Hypothesis: P value concept VIEW
Hypothesis Formation VIEW
Hypothesis Test VIEW
Z-test VIEW
t-test VIEW
Chi Square Test VIEW
Non parametric testing VIEW
Analyzing Categorical data VIEW


Unit 4 [Book]
Multivariate Analysis: VIEW
Logistic Regression VIEW
Factor Analysis VIEW
Discernment analysis VIEW
Cluster Analysis VIEW
Conjoint Analysis VIEW
Analysis of Covariance VIEW

Project Management LU BBA 7th Semester NEP Notes

Unit 1 [Book]
Project Management, Scope of Project Management VIEW
Definitions and Characteristics of Project VIEW
Types of Projects VIEW
Project Life Cycle VIEW
Project Management Process: Introduction, Tools & Techniques of Project Management VIEW
Generation & Screening of project idea VIEW
Entrepreneurial Skills VIEW
Market & Demand analysis VIEW
Collection of Primary & Secondary information VIEW
Demand forecasting VIEW
Market Planning VIEW


Unit 2 [Book]
Technical Analysis, Manufacturing process / Technology VIEW
Material inputs & Utilities VIEW
Product Mix VIEW
Plant Capacity VIEW
Plant & Site Location VIEW
Machinery & Equipment VIEW
Structures & Civil work VIEW
Environmental Aspects VIEW
Project Charts & Layouts VIEW
Project Time Lines VIEW


Unit 3 [Book]
Project appraisal: VIEW
Cost benefit analysis (Cash flow projections) VIEW
Project Financial evaluation: VIEW
Capital Budgeting Techniques: Discounted and Non-discounted VIEW
Project rating index VIEW
Critical examination of evaluation techniques VIEW
Economic, Commercial, Social cost benefit analysis in public and private sectors VIEW
Investment criteria and Choice of technique VIEW
Treatment of Risk and Uncertainty types VIEW
Risk Measuring Techniques VIEW
Risk Sensitivity analysis VIEW
Probability approach single as well multiple projects VIEW
Allocation of limited capital VIEW
Extra Topic
Cost of projects VIEW
Means of financing VIEW
Estimates of Sales & Production VIEW
Cost of Production VIEW
Working Capital Requirement & Financing VIEW
Projected income statement VIEW
Consideration of alternative sources of finance VIEW


Unit 4 [Book]
Project Implementation VIEW
Forms of project organization VIEW
Project control & Control charts VIEW
Human aspects of project Management VIEW
Prerequisites for a Successful project implementation VIEW
Introduction to project network & Determination of critical path VIEW
Preparation of comprehensive project report VIEW
Project Termination Types and process VIEW

Decision Sciences LU BBA 7th Semester NEP Notes

Unit 1 [Book]
Introduction, Advent & Scope of Operations Research VIEW
Operations Research Techniques their fields of specialized applications along with an overview of Different Techniques VIEW
Linear Programming: Introduction, Formulation VIEW
Graphical Method VIEW
Simplex Method VIEW


Unit 2 [Book]
Game theory Introduction, definitions VIEW
Two-person Zero Sum Game pay off matrix VIEW
Pure Strategies VIEW
Games with Saddle point VIEW
The Rule of Dominance VIEW
Mixed strategies VIEW
Games without saddle point VIEW


Unit 3 [Book]
Transportation problem: Methods for finding initial solution VIEW
North West Corner Method VIEW
Least Cost Method VIEW
Vogel’s Approximation Method VIEW
Optimality Test VIEW
Stepping Stone method VIEW
Modified distribution method (MODI) VIEW


Unit 4 [Book]
Introduction & Mathematical Models for Assignment VIEW
Hungarian method of assignment problem VIEW
Special Cases in Assignment Problems:
Maximization case in assignment problem and prohibited assignment VIEW
Unbalanced assignment problem VIEW

Entrepreneurship and Family Business-II LU BBA 6th Semester NEP Notes

Unit 1 [Book]

Understanding Women Entrepreneurship: Concept, Evaluation, Importance and Functions of women entrepreneurship VIEW
Topologies and categories of women entrepreneur VIEW
Entrepreneurship as a Career Option VIEW
Entrepreneurial Leadership VIEW
Types of New Ventures VIEW
Tax implications of various forms of Ventures VIEW
Procedures for Setting up a Business in India VIEW
Creativity and Innovation VIEW VIEW
Bottlenecks to Creativity and innovation VIEW
Disruptive Technology and Generating commercial value from Innovation VIEW
Unit 2 [Book]
Entrepreneurship and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR): VIEW
Trademarks VIEW VIEW
Copyrights VIEW VIEW
Business Plan: Purpose and Contents of a Business Plan VIEW
Marketing Plan: VIEW
Need for Marketing Research VIEW VIEW
Industry Analysis VIEW
Competitor Analysis VIEW VIEW
Market Segmentation VIEW VIEW
Target Markets VIEW VIEW
Market Positioning VIEW VIEW
Marketing Mix VIEW VIEW
Marketing Plan VIEW
Market Strategy VIEW
Unit 3 [Book]
Family genogram, Developing Business family genogram VIEW
Using the genogram to identify family scripts and themes VIEW
Circumplex Model of Marriage and Family Systems (understanding Family Cohesion and Family Flexibility) VIEW
Application of Circumplex Model VIEW
Clinical Rating Scale and Developing Circumplex Model VIEW
Unit 4 [Book]
Vrie’s Five Critical phases of Change (Concern, Crisis, Confrontation, Crystallization and Change) VIEW
A model of individual change VIEW
The Process of Change within Family Enterprises VIEW
Understanding the change process in families VIEW

Consumer Behaviour LU BBA 5th Semester NEP Notes

Unit 1 Consumer Behaviour [Book]
Consumer Behaviour Definition, Nature VIEW
Consumer Behaviour Characteristics, Scope, Relevance VIEW
Consumer Behaviour Application VIEW
**Consumer Behaviour Features & Importance VIEW
Importance of Consumer behaviour in Marketing decisions VIEW
Consumer Vs. Industrial Buying Behaviour VIEW
Market Segmentation VIEW VIEW
Bases for Market Segmentation VIEW


Unit 2 [Book]
Determinants of Consumer Behaviour VIEW
Role of Motivation VIEW
Personality VIEW VIEW VIEW
Self-Concept VIEW
Attention and Perception VIEW
Consumer Learning VIEW
Consumer Attitudes VIEW
Consumer Attitudes Formation and Change VIEW
Consumer Values VIEW VIEW
Consumer Lifestyles VIEW VIEW
External Determinants of Consumer Behaviour:
Influence of Culture and Sub Culture VIEW VIEW
Social Class VIEW
Reference Groups VIEW
Family Influences VIEW


Unit 3 [Book]
Consumer Decision Making Process: Problem Recognition, methods of problem solving; Pre-purchase search influences, information search; Alternative evaluation and Selection; Outlet selection and Purchase decision VIEW
Compensatory decision rule, Conjunctive decision rule, Lexicographic rule, affects referral, Disjunctive rule VIEW


Unit 4 [Book]
Post Purchase Behaviour VIEW
Situational Influences VIEW
Cognitive Dissonance VIEW
Diffusion of Innovation, Definition of innovation, Resistance to innovation VIEW
Product characteristics influencing diffusion VIEW
Adoption process VIEW
Consumer Involvement VIEW VIEW
Role of Consumer Involvement VIEW
Customer Satisfaction VIEW VIEW VIEW
Consumer Behaviour in Marketing Strategy VIEW
Technology’s impact on Consumers VIEW VIEW VIEW

Financial Institutions LU BBA 5th Semester NEP Notes

Unit 1 Introduction to Financial Institutions [Book]
Introduction to Financial Institutions VIEW
Financial System VIEW
Classification of Financial Institutions VIEW VIEW
Nature and Role of Financial institutions VIEW
Functions of Financial Institutions VIEW


Unit 2 Regulatory Structure of Financial Institutions [Book]
Regulatory Structure of Financial Institutions VIEW
SEBI Powers, Role and Functions VIEW
RBI Powers, Role and Functions VIEW VIEW


Unit 3 Commercial Banks [Book]
Management of Commercial Banks VIEW
Objectives, Functions of Commercial Banks VIEW
Organizational setup of Commercial Banks VIEW
Management of Deposits of Commercial Banks VIEW
Mobilization of Funds of Commercial Banks VIEW
Management of Cash position & Liquidity VIEW VIEW
Nature & Functions of Primary & Secondary Reserves, Considerations influencing reserves VIEW
Management of loan, Advance & other investments Management of income, Prudential norms VIEW
Asset-Liability Management in Commercial Banks VIEW


Unit 4 Management of Non-Banking Financial Institutions [Book]
Concept, Objectives, Nature, Function NBFI VIEW VIEW
Promotional role of NBFI, Management of fund VIEW
Changing role of NBFI in present environment VIEW
Policies & practices regarding mobilization & Management of funds in NBFCs, their performance VIEW
Types & Functions of Mutual funds, Their Legal & Accounting aspects VIEW
Investment & marketing Strategies of mutual funds VIEW VIEW
Performance review of Mutual funds currently in India VIEW

Business Laws LU BBA 5th Semester NEP Notes

Unit 1 Indian Contract Act 1872 [Book]
The Indian Contract Act 1872: Scope of the Act VIEW
Essential of A Valid Contract, Agreement VIEW
Performance of Contracts VIEW
Breach of Contract VIEW
Remedies of Breach of Contract VIEW
Quasi-Contracts VIEW
Contract of indemnity and Guarantee: Meaning and its Distinction VIEW
Rights and Duties of indemnifier VIEW
Indemnified and Surety, Discharge of surety’s liability VIEW
Bailment and Pledge: meaning and distinction VIEW
Rights and Duties of Bailor and Bailee, Pawnor and Pawnee VIEW
Read More
Offer VIEW
Acceptance VIEW
Communication of offer VIEW
Acceptance & Revocation VIEW
Capacity of contract, Free concert: Coercion, Duress & undue influence, Fraud, Misrepresentation, Mistake VIEW
Legality of object VIEW
Contingent Contract VIEW


Unit 2 Sale of Good Act, 1930 [Book]
The Sale of Good Act, 1930 VIEW
Formation of Contract VIEW
Conditions & Warranties VIEW
Rights of an Unpaid Seller VIEW
Performance of the Contract of Sale, Caveat empetor VIEW
Ownership of goods and transfer VIEW
Buyers right VIEW
Unpaid seller and his rights VIEW


Unit 3 Partnership Act 1932 [Book]
Law of Partnership VIEW
Partnership distinguished from similar organization VIEW
Types of partner, Liability of partner VIEW
Duties of partner VIEW
Dissolution of partnership VIEW
Negotiable Instruments Act 1881 Definition, Features, Assumptions VIEW
Promissory Notes, Bill of Exchange, Cheque VIEW
Payments in new courts VIEW
Conditions when bankers must refuse payments VIEW
Negotiations, indorsement VIEW
Holder-in-Due Course VIEW
Dishonour and Discharge of Negotiable Instrument VIEW
Endorsements VIEW
Kinds of bills: Their expectancies, Presentment, Dishonour, Compensation VIEW
Hundies & their Kinds VIEW


Unit 4 The Companies Act, 1956 [Book]
The Companies Act, 1956 Nature VIEW
Type of Companies VIEW
Formation of Companies VIEW
Memorandum of Association VIEW
Articles of Association VIEW
Prospectus VIEW VIEW
Share capital VIEW VIEW
Membership VIEW
Winding-Up VIEW VIEW

Business Policy & Strategic Management-I LU BBA 5th Semester NEP Notes

Unit 1 Business policy [Book]
Introduction & Concept of Strategy VIEW
Corporate Policy as a field of study VIEW
Nature, Importance of Business policy VIEW
Purpose and Objective of Business policy VIEW
Chief Executive job VIEW VIEW
Roles and responsibilities of board of Directors VIEW
An overview of Strategic management, its Nature VIEW
Strategic management process VIEW
Formulation of strategy VIEW
Environment, environment scanning VIEW VIEW
Environment appraisal VIEW
Identifying Corporate Competence & Resource VIEW


Unit 2 Corporate Strategy [Book]
Corporate Strategy VIEW VIEW
Personal and Ethical Values VIEW VIEW
Business ethics VIEW VIEW
Industry structure VIEW VIEW
Reconciling Divergent values VIEW
Modification of values VIEW
Moral Components of corporate strategy VIEW
Community considerations VIEW
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) VIEW VIEW


Unit 3 [Book]
Corporate Portfolio Analysis VIEW
Competitor Analysis VIEW VIEW
SWOT analysis VIEW
Strategic Audit & Choice VIEW VIEW
Strategic plan VIEW
Routes to Sustainable Competitive advantage (SCA) VIEW


Unit 4 [Book]
Strategy Implementation VIEW
Structural Implementation VIEW VIEW
Organisational Design and change VIEW VIEW
Behavioral implementation VIEW VIEW
Leadership VIEW VIEW
Corporate Culture VIEW VIEW
Corporate Politics and use of power VIEW VIEW
Functional Implementation: Financial, Marketing VIEW
Operation Personnel (HR) Policies and their integration VIEW
Strategic Evaluation and Control VIEW

Business Ethics LU BBA 5th Semester NEP Notes

Unit 1 Business Ethics [Book]
Business Ethics: An Overview, Concept, Nature VIEW VIEW
Evolving ethical values VIEW
Arguments against business Ethics VIEW
Ethical theories and approaches: The Teleological approach and the Deontological approach VIEW
Universalism vs. Ethical relativism VIEW
Utilitarianism VIEW
Ethical principles in business VIEW
Ethics and Morality VIEW
Ethical dilemma, Resolving ethical dilemma VIEW
Ethical Decision making VIEW
Ethical competency VIEW
Conflict of interest VIEW


Unit 2 [Book]
Work life in Indian Philosophy VIEW
Indian ethos for work life VIEW
Indian values for the work place VIEW VIEW
Work-life balance VIEW VIEW
Gandhian Philosophy of Wealth Management VIEW
Philosophy of Trusteeship VIEW
Values: Concept & Relevance in Business, Types of values VIEW
Values & ethical behaviour VIEW
Professional values VIEW


Unit 3 [Book]
Application of Business Ethics in the world of business
Intellectual property rights: VIEW VIEW
Trademarks VIEW VIEW
Copyrights VIEW VIEW
Ethics in Marketing (Consumer rights, Advertising, Dumping) VIEW
Ethics in Finance (Financial disclosures, Insider trading, Window dressing) VIEW
Ethics in Information technology and systems usage (Data confidentiality) VIEW
Ethics in Human Resources Management (Whistle blowing, Discrimination) VIEW
Environmental ethics (Carbon trading) VIEW VIEW


Unit 4 [Book]
Corporate Social Responsibility VIEW VIEW
Social Responsibility of business with respect to different stakeholders VIEW
Carroll’s Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility VIEW
CSR and Strategy VIEW VIEW
Shareholder theory of the firm, Voluntary guidelines VIEW VIEW
Regulatory mandates for CSR VIEW VIEW
Corporate Governance Concept, Definition VIEW VIEW
Corporations and their characteristics VIEW VIEW
Global Corporate Governance Practices VIEW


Read More:

Entrepreneurship and Family Business-I LU BBA 5th Semester NEP Notes

Unit 1 Entrepreneurship [Book]
The evolution of the Concept of entrepreneurship VIEW
John Kao’s Model on Entrepreneurship VIEW
Entrepreneurship Meaning VIEW
Entrepreneurship Objective VIEW
Idea Generation VIEW
Identifying opportunities and Evaluation VIEW VIEW
Building the Team / Leadership VIEW VIEW
Strategic planning for business VIEW VIEW


Unit 2 [Book]
Stimulating Creativity VIEW VIEW VIEW
Organisational actions that enhance/Hinder creativity VIEW
Managerial responsibilities VIEW
Creative Teams VIEW VIEW
Sources of Innovation in Business VIEW VIEW
Managing Organizations for Innovation and Positive Creativity VIEW


Unit 3 Social Entrepreneurship [Book]
Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship, Characteristics VIEW VIEW
Role of Social Entrepreneurs VIEW
Innovation and Entrepreneurship in a Social Context VIEW
Start-Up and Early Stage Venture VIEW VIEW
Business Strategies and Scaling up VIEW VIEW


Unit 4 [Book]
The Entrepreneur; Role and personality VIEW VIEW
Family Business Concept, Structure and Kinds of family firms VIEW
Culture and evolution of family firm VIEW
Financing The Entrepreneurial Business VIEW VIEW
Arrangement of funds VIEW
Traditional sources of financing VIEW VIEW
Loan Syndication VIEW
Consortium Finance VIEW
Role played by commercial banks VIEW VIEW
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