Meeting of Board of Directors

Board meetings are meetings at the highest level, i.e. a meeting where board members or their representatives are present. A company is not an actual entity but a legal one so it cannot take actions and make decisions. The board of directors act as agents through which the company takes actions as well as makes decisions.

The board of directors is the supreme authority in a company and they have the powers to take all major actions and decisions for the company. The board is also responsible for managing the affairs of the whole company.

For the effective functioning and management, it is imperative that board meetings be held at frequent intervals. For this, Section 173 of Companies Act, 2013 provides:

In the case of a Public Limited Company, the first board meeting has to be held within the first 30 days, since the incorporation date. Additionally, a minimum of 4 board meetings must be held in a span of one year. Also, there cannot be a gap of more than 120 days between two meetings.

In the case of small companies or one person company, at least two meetings must be conducted, one in each half of the financial year. Additionally, the gap between the two meetings must be at least 90 days. In a situation where the meeting is held at a short notice, at least one independent director must be attending the meeting.

Notice of Board Meeting

The notice of Board Meeting refers to a document that is sent to all directors of the company. This document informs the members about the venue, date, time, and agenda of the meeting. All types of companies are required to give notice at least 7 days before the actual day of the meeting.

Quorum for the Board Meeting

The quorum for the Board Meeting refers to the minimum number of members of the Board to conduct a valid Board Meeting. According to Section 174 of Companies Act, 2013, the minimum number of members of the board required for a meeting is 1/3rd of a total number of directors.

At any rate, a minimum of two directors must be present. However, in the case of One Person Company, the rules of Section 174, do not apply.

Participation in Board Meeting

All directors are encouraged to actively attend board meetings and in case that’s not possible at least attend the meetings through a video conference. This is so that all directors can take part in the decision-making process.

Requirements for Conducting a Valid Board Meeting

  • Right Convening Authority 

The board meeting must be held under the direction of proper authority. Usually, the company secretary (CS) is there to authorize the board meeting. In case the company secretary is unavailable, the predetermined authorized person shall act as the authority to conduct the board meeting.

  • Adequate Quorum 

The proper requirements of the quorum or the minimum number of Directors required to conduct a Board meeting must be present for it to be considered a valid board meeting.

  • Proper Notice 

Proper notice is one of the major requirements to be fulfilled when planning a board meeting. Formal notice has to be served to all members before conducting a board meeting.

  • Proper Presiding Officer 

The meeting must always be conducted in the presence of a chairman of the board.

  • Proper Agenda

Every board meeting has a set agenda that must be followed. The agenda refers to the topic of discussion of the board meeting. No other business, which is not mentioned in the meeting must be considered.

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