Business Process Improvement

28/08/2021 0 By indiafreenotes

Business process improvement (BPI) is an approach used to identify and evaluate inefficiencies within the organization. It redesigns existing business tasks, improving their effectiveness, enhances the workflows involved, and optimizes performance.

Operational: The most popular tasks repeating every day. Examples: opening accounts, reporting, manufacturing, logistics

Management: Focus on human resource development, budgeting, corporate governance

Supporting: All other tasks not classified into the previous categories, like recruiting, accounting, tech support, and others.

BPI can be attributed to a number of reasons including:

  • Reduce the time required to get work done
  • Eliminate waste & friction in processes
  • Ensure better compliance with rules and regulations

BPI structured initiative and it works in the following way:

  • Analyze processes and identify areas of potential improvement.
  • Identify existing processes within your organization.
  • Run various simulations about any changes you can apply to these processes and their effect on the business.
  • Focus on redesigning and reorganizing processes.
  • Assess and reassess the people behind those processes.