Unit 1 [Book] | |
Definition, Functions and Types of Retail | VIEW |
Retail ownership: | |
Independent Retailer | VIEW |
Retail Chain Stores | VIEW |
Franchising | VIEW |
Leased Departmental stores | VIEW |
Vertical Marketing system | VIEW |
Consumer Co-operatives | VIEW |
Forms of Retail Business Ownership | VIEW |
Indian Retail Scenario | VIEW |
Factors influencing retail business in India | VIEW |
Ethical Issues in Retailing | VIEW |
International perspective in retail business | VIEW |
FDI in Indian Organized Retail Sector | VIEW |
Extra Topics | |
Retail Theories | VIEW |
Wheel of Retailing | VIEW |
Retail Life cycle | VIEW |
Unit 2 [Book] | |
Buying Decision Process and its Implication on Retailing | VIEW |
Influence of Group and Individual Factors on Retailing | VIEW |
Customer Shopping Behaviour in Retailing | VIEW |
Customer Service | VIEW |
Customer Satisfaction | VIEW |
Retail Planning Process | VIEW |
Factors to Consider in Preparing a Retail Business Plan, Implementation, Risk Analysis | VIEW |
Unit 3 [Book] | ||
Business Models in Retailing | VIEW | |
Classification of Retailing Formats | VIEW | |
Operational Stages in Retailing | VIEW | |
Factors influencing Location of stores | VIEW | |
Stores Designing | VIEW | |
Space Planning | VIEW | |
Inventory Management | VIEW | |
Merchandising Management | VIEW | VIEW |
Selection and optimization of Retail Workforce | VIEW | |
Retail Accounting and Cash Management | VIEW | |
Extra Topic | ||
Market Area Analysis, Trade Area Analysis, Rating Plan method, Site Evaluation | VIEW | |
Stores Layout | VIEW | |
Visual Merchandising | VIEW | |
Category Management | VIEW | |
Unit 4 [Book] | |
Introduction, Product | VIEW |
Decisions related to Selection of Goods (Merchandise Management) | VIEW |
Retail Product Assortment and Display | VIEW |
New product launch | VIEW |
PLC in Retailing | VIEW |
Pricing, influencing factors approaches to pricing price sensitivity | VIEW |
Value pricing | VIEW |
Markdown pricing | VIEW |
Retail Place | VIEW |
Retail Supply Channel | VIEW |
Retail Logistics | VIEW |
Computerized Replenishment System | VIEW |
Corporate Replenishment Policies | VIEW |
Retail Promotion, Setting objectives, Communication effects | VIEW |
Promotional mix. | VIEW |
Retail Distribution: In Store and Online Store | VIEW |
Factors influencing Retail Distribution | VIEW |
Human Resource Management in Retailing | VIEW |
Selection and Optimization of work force in Retailing | VIEW |
Extra Topic | |
Decisions Related to Delivery of Service | VIEW |
Price Sensitivity | VIEW |
SCM Principles | VIEW |
Unit 5 [Book] | |
Non-Store Retailing (E-Retailing) | VIEW |
The Impact of Information Technology in Retailing | VIEW |
Integrated Systems and Networking | VIEW |
Bar Coding | VIEW |
Electronic Article Surveillance and | VIEW |
Electronic Shelf Labels | VIEW |
Customer Database Management System in Retailing | VIEW |
Legal Aspects in Retailing | VIEW |
Social Issues in Retailing | VIEW |
Artificial Intelligence in Retailing | VIEW |
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