Management Dynamics and Applications Bangalore North University B.Com SEP 2024-25 1st Semester Notes

Unit 1
Management Introduction, Meaning and Definition, Nature, Scope VIEW
Evolution of Management Thoughts: Pre-Scientific Management Era and Modern Management Era VIEW
Characteristics of Management VIEW
Functional Areas of Management VIEW
Management as a Science, Art and Profession VIEW
Management and Administration VIEW
Management Principles: VIEW
FW Taylor VIEW
Henry Fayol VIEW
Unit 2
Planning, Meaning and Definition, Features, Importance VIEW
Planning, Steps, Advantages and Disadvantages of Planning VIEW
Steps in planning Process VIEW
Types of Planning, Types of Plans VIEW
Management by Objective VIEW
Management by exception VIEW
Decision making, Meaning, Characteristics VIEW
Decision making Process VIEW
Types of Decisions VIEW
Organization, Nature, Need and Importance VIEW
Organization Structure VIEW
Types of Organization Structures VIEW
Formal and Informal Organizations VIEW
Unit 3
Staffing, Introduction, Meaning, Definition, Functions VIEW
Staffing Process VIEW
Directing, Meaning and Nature VIEW
Principles of Direction VIEW
Communication Meaning, Definition, Purpose and Process VIEW
Barriers to Communication, Steps to Overcome Communication Barriers VIEW
Types of Communication VIEW
Motivation VIEW
Motivation Theories:
Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory VIEW
Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory, VIEW
Mc. Gregor’s X and Y theory VIEW
Unit 4
Leadership, Meaning, Characteristics VIEW
Leadership Styles:
Autocratic Style Leadership VIEW
Democratic Style Leadership VIEW
Participative Style Leadership VIEW
Laissez Faire VIEW
Transition Style VIEW
Charismatic Leadership Style VIEW
Control, Meaning, Importance, Limitation VIEW
Steps in Controlling VIEW
Principles of effective Control System VIEW
Essentials of Effective Control system VIEW
Techniques of Control VIEW
Co-ordination, Meaning, Importance and Principles of Co-ordination VIEW
Steps in Controlling VIEW
Unit 5
Business Social Responsibility, Meaning, Need and Importance VIEW
Green Management: Meaning, Green Management actions VIEW
Managerial Ethics, Meaning VIEW
Importance of Ethics in Business VIEW
Factors that determine Ethical or Unethical Behaviour VIEW

Bangalore North University B.Com Notes

1st Semester
Financial Accounting (Updated) VIEW
Management Dynamics and Applications (Updated) VIEW
Corporate Administration (Updated) VIEW
Business Decisions and Market Structures (Updated) VIEW
Constitutional and Moral Values (Updated) VIEW
Environmental Studies VIEW
2nd Semester
Advanced Financial Accounting (Updated) VIEW
Human Resource Management (Updated) VIEW
Indian Financial System (Updated) VIEW
Constitutional and Moral Values (Updated) VIEW
Environmental Studies VIEW
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