Business Organization Bangalore University BBA 1st Semester NEP Notes

Last updated on 17/03/2023 1 By indiafreenotes
Unit 1 Introduction to Business {Book}
Business: Meaning, Nature, Scope and Objectives VIEW VIEW
Social responsibility of Business VIEW VIEW
Essentials of Successful business VIEW
Functional Areas of business VIEW
Forms of Business organization: VIEW
Sole proprietorship VIEW VIEW
Partnership VIEW VIEW
Joint Stock Company: Definitions, Features, Merits and Demerits VIEW
Co-operatives: Definitions, Features, Merits and Demerits VIEW
Sources of Business Finance: Sources of Long Term, Medium Term and Short-Term Business Finance VIEW


Unit 2 Public Enterprises {Book}
Departmental Undertaking: Definitions, Features, Merits and Demerits VIEW
Public Corporations: Definitions, Features, Merits and Demerits VIEW
Government Companies Definitions, Features, Merits and Demerits VIEW


Unit 3 Government and Business Interface {Book}
Government and Business interface VIEW VIEW VIEW
Stock exchange in India VIEW VIEW
Business Combination Concept and Causes VIEW VIEW
Chambers of commerce and industries in India VIEW
CII Association VIEW


Unit 4 Emerging Modes of Business {Book}
E-Business Scope and benefits VIEW
Resources required for successful e-business implementation VIEW
Online Transactions VIEW VIEW
Payment Mechanism VIEW VIEW VIEW
Security and Safety of Business Transactions VIEW VIEW
Outsourcing concept VIEW
Need and Scope of BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) VIEW
KPO (Knowledge process outsourcing) VIEW VIEW
Smart cards and ATMs meaning and utility VIEW VIEW


Unit 5 Managing Ethics in Organization {Book}
Ethical Regulation in organization, Corporate standards, Codes of conducts, and other internal documents of the companies VIEW VIEW
Supporting tools to increase the ethical level of organization culture (ethical codes, “Cards of ethics”, and committees on ethics, Social audit, training in ethical behavior, ethical examination, and ethical consultation) VIEW
Corporate culture of the organization VIEW
Ethical climate of the organization VIEW
Control of ethical standards: ombudsman; compliance system; Hot lines VIEW
Whistleblowing VIEW
Ethical and Unethical Practices in Marketing (cases of the companies) VIEW
Ethical and Unethical Practices in Finance (cases of the companies) VIEW